
Doubling bungies

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I'm obviously not referring to the first four stows, but the ones on the side. Is it safe to double the bungies on the side stows? I've heard lots of conflicting opinions, so I thought I'd just post here and get a few more. ;)
Seriously though, I'd welcome some input from any experienced jumpers/packers/riggers. Can I double the bungies, or should I shorten the bungies by looping them around a couple of times?
Thanks in advance for any knowledgeable input.

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I ALWAYS double wrap rubber bands on Spectra, Vectran, or HMA line.....even on locking stows.. With Spectra or Vectran, I use large bands and double wrap.. With HMA, it seems that small bands, double wrapped, will be necessary on the locking stows..

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If your using rubber bands then it's OK to double them. NOTE: The line groups need it if your using the large/long ones AFTER the cascades. If your worried about that use small/short ones for the ones after the first four stows for the bag flap. If using normal rubber bands you will only be breaking more band by putting 2 wraps on them, but it's alot better than getting line dump.

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I've gotta agree with Kirils here. Get the right sized bands and single loop them. If you need to double them, they're too long....
Anyway Will, with the spaghetti hoops you call stows, you might as well just not bother using bands at all, and just chuck 'em into the container... :D

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It shouldn't be a problem. With an ample supply of packers at the DZ I've been pretty lazy lately, letting them do it. But on the rare occasion that I do pack I double the locking stows and triple everything else. Never had a problem.

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There is one small problem with doubling up the rubberband:
Double stows have more variability when it comes to the force required to pull free and it can affect the fluidity in the line stretch. A single band release is much more consistent.
You can verify this by checking the release force with a riggers hand pull scale.
Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

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Thanks for that Alan, what is your opinion on doubling rubber bands? Is it OK to do it? What are the chances that doubled (or tripled) rubber bands could cause bag lock?

I have never had any problem when doubling rubber bands, although I seldom do it any more because it is just too much extra work. I use the small bands on all but the locking stows, where I use the bigger ones for ease of use. All of my rigs have either Spectra microline or Vectran. If I pack for someone else and they have the big rubberbands, it is usually because the rig has big Dacron lines and then I double the stows. I have never triple stowed anything and have never seen the need to. If they are that loose, then I would replace the bands with smaller ones. The stows are tight enough if you can pick up your d-bag by the lines and they do not slide out of the stows. I think there is very little chance that a double stowed band could cause bag lock, with proper stows. Excessively long loops in your stows have the potential to cause bag lock.

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Alan, where can I pick up some of this lube at?
and what would be there commercial name of it?

Try a hardware store or one of the big home supply places like Fleetfarm, Home Depot, etc.. There are several brands available. The one I have in front of me now is called LPS Heavy-Duty Silicone Lubricant. Manufactured by LPS Laboratories, Inc. Tucker, GA 30085-5052 (1-800-241-8334)

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