
TI's: Do you brief your vidiot?

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i had some time on hand and read some of the last tandem-incidents where video was involved

that left me with some questions

• Do you brief your vidiot?
• What do you tell him/her?
• Has your briefing changed over the years?
• what are your nono's for vidiots?

edit to add: when i did video i alway insisted on a briefing from the TI so i knew what procedures he was going to do and what to look out for
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dudeist skydiver # 666

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It all depends on the video flier. If its one that I know and have been jumping with for the past couple hundred tandems, then I might if I want to do something different, otherwise the "briefing" is the joking and random chatter we have on the way to altitude and typically has nothing to do with the skydive.

If its someone who's a very experienced camera flier (2000+ camera jumps) I will typically ask what they do. I'll only suggest we change something if its extremely unusual or unsafe.

Well, there's a lot of variables in your question, for instance, do you know the video person or is it someone the DZ has and just put with you? How much experience does the video person have? Typically a "briefing" is no big deal and basically nothing more then a "hey, I do XYZ, cool?" If its a low time video guy that hasn't been shooting tandem videos very long, then it will be a little more involved, just so we're both on the same page.
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I have flown camera for years, but turned full time camera flyer just last year.

Being a new DZ to me and working with new dance partners I made sure we sat down and talked about what was expected and how we both like to fly so everything was black and white from the get go.

If I wanted to try something new like back flying I would always ask first.

Basic rules are making sure your not directly above or below the tandem, if your having trouble with your slot back off.

Communication is the key to every ones safety and a hell of a good time!

two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.

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assuming it is a video person that you have not jumped with much or recently:

- find out how they plan to exit, our folks use 3 different exits (Twin Otter) and my exit is slightly different to match theirs
- find out what they plan to do - stay in front to film or fly around to get different angles, nothing looks more stupid than a TM that is spinning around chasing the camera
- let them know what you do at pull time, most of our folks go sit and film the opening - a little warning makes a better video

- as for no no's, I don't like them near the drogue, holding my hands, or above me at opening
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Being both a vidiot, and now a TI, I agree with everything that everyone has had to say. Seems like we are all on the same page. At our DZ, we have a consistent staff of vidiots and instructors, and we all have pretty much the same routine, so we all know what to expect from each other. If someone wants to come out of the plane with us, and work on their camera skills, we always make sure that we have a talk with them about the typical do's and don'ts. And of course, if we want to try something different, even if it is an instructor/camera flyer that we work with regularly, we always communicate with each other prior to the jump. Communication is the key to making sure that everyone is on the same page, and the jump goes as planned and as safe as possible for everyone involved.

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Since I am the senior TI at Pitt Meadows, vidiots need my blessing before they are allowed to video any tandems.
The length of the briefing depends upon that vidiot's experience. If this is his first time chasing tandems, we have a long chat about does and don'ts.
If he has plenty of experience at other DZs, then a give him a quick briefing on how our DZ differs from other DZs (i.e. wait until the green light before opening the door, then start climbing out).
Then I do a couple of jumps with the new vidiot and - if he/she does not scare me - then approve him/her to jump with other TIs.

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Many, many dropzones have a "script" that all video guys must follow and in those instances there isn't much need to coordinate with the guy prior to the jump other than telling him where you intend to land. At places where that is not the case, I will talk through exit positioning (front or rear), my type of exit (poised forward or front-looping to the rear), when to expect my drogue throw, when I am going to pull and what signal I will give, and finally, where I am going to land.


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being a newish TM with just over 400 tandems in the last 6 months, I have seen it all .. and am sure I am to see alot more.

If your working with a TM and want to try something new, exit, fly-in, dock etc ... give the TM a run down of whats gonna happen, l;ast thing I want out the door is a surprise.

I knwo TM's who dont allow docking, want a cmaera flyer to surf the exit, or some TM;s do a specific exit, and know the best way to get the shot ...

While in Cali @ SkyDance I worked with a few amazing camera flyers, kieran, Pete Galli, Kerby, Kim, Nick etc ... all of whom worked with me, and kept me in the loop as to their plan.

Other than that go have fun, watch out for the drouge ;-)

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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I've recently come on to the rotation at my DZ and Karlm (post above) is just one of the TM's that i've flown with. I make sure to have a chat with whoever is the TM on the jump and make sure that we have a plan for the jump, the same way we'd brief any other skydive.

I like to exit off the strut of the Porter and back fly under them on exit, i always discuss this first, then go on to find out wht else the TM likes to do. Does he want to do flips and spins and then dock? Or is he happy just to let the student geek the camera?

Either way we have a plan before we get in the aircraft.

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