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    BASE Jumping
  1. Hi Jason, If your looking for a new suit look no further. Deepseed make some kick ass gear at great prices and you don't have to wait for three months to get it. All of there gear is made in Taupo, New Zealand. Check out there site and flick them an email Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  2. I would give deepseed a call/email if your looking for a different angle. I was dealing with Dave who makes the gloves. I have dealt with them in the past and they have allways accommodated my needs. Their gloves are custom made and not pulled off a shelf so my guess is you can have what you want. As for the Cameye, that was positioned where I wanted it. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  3. Hi Guys, I wanted to thank the Team at Deepseed for whipping me up my handcam glove. I was impressed with their service and making it within a week. Its a great fit and I'm now ready to rock and roll. For all those instructors looking at handcam, deepseed is worth a look. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  4. The L plate leaves access to the shutter release and it doesn't interfare with the mounting. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  5. Hi Guys, I got my new mounts today from RRS. I ended up buying the B2 Pro/L screaw knob clamp due it it offering a little more clamp force. I also have the 20d L plate, after checking this stuff out in person I am impressed. Check out some pics Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  6. Thanks for your reply Scott. I had a closer look at your setup. The lever is tucked away in a nice place. I'm still unsure but am sold on the product. Thanks for your help Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  7. Hi Guys, I have been looking at the RRS clamps and L plate for my setup. I had decided on buying the B2-Pro/L screw knob clamp because it offers more clamping force, But now I'm not sure because a few of you are using the lever clamps. What made you decide on the lever? Cheers Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  8. My biggest guy was 6'8 220p, as soon as I read his name off the list and saw the group I knew Tex would have to be the big guy. I pointed out the slight hight diff to him (I'm 5'8 165p) and asked him to give me a nice arch and the jump went great. Since then I have taken a 6'5 245p guy and have had a great time. I have to agree those small girls are the ones to watch for. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  9. I took my wife on her second tandem last friday. She did her first tandem three years ago then I proposed to her after the jump. It was a great experiance and reminds me why I'm in the sport and how much I love the wifey. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  10. And Jamie probably misses using Kiwi and his accent as girl bait
  11. Thanks Guys, You could always come jump at Sussex, little more action here than C-burg. Take Care Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  12. Thanks bro, Has been a long time, I hear you guys are doing great. Say hey to the little lady for me. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  13. Did the one that cried end up enjoying it? She was glad she did it but I think she prefers to be on the ground. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  14. Hi Guys, I wanted to share my first three weeks as a TI with all you guys. In the three weeks I have done 82 paid Tandems which has blown me away. On my first weekend I did 15 on Saturday, after the 5th tandem I was feeling ok but not really mentally prepared to handle that kind of work load, the day rolled on and before I new it the sun had set and I was holding a beer, it gets blurry from there. -I have taken a naked tandem (didnt do anything for me but hey whatever she wanted), - I have been Puked on under canopy (opps, gotta watch those spirals) -Taken for a bit of a ride from a 90p girl (not a big deal but supprised me) -Landed a mile off the dropzone, being blown backwards with a 100p girl -Had a lady cry all the way up in the plane, all the way down in freefall and you guessed it all the way under canopy. -And last but not least taken a reporter from the New Jersey Herald for a skydive last Monday and got my ugly mug on the front page of the sports section. The team at Sussex NJ have been great welcoming a brand new Instructor to the team (thanks guys) I have found the New Tandem I posts helpful and will continue to learn on my quest to become a great instructor. Taking people for there first skydive gives me a real buzz and I hope I can continue for a long time to come. Thanks for reading Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.
  15. That really sucks. Have you talked to the shipping company to see if they will stop the delivery and return to sender if it has not yet been delivered. Dale two time New Zealand gumboot throwing champ.