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DB Cooper

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Here is an in depth explanation and definition of eye colors.


WARNING: I spent several seconds getting this from the internet. People need to dash to their vehicles and begin an intensive drive across several county, if not state lines and interview people who have eye color. This information won’t come from sitting at a computer and must come from ‘living witnesses’; sorry, the dead witnesses used so thoroughly in the past won’t suffice anymore. This thread is about quality and nothing less will do.


When you ask a question and get no response that means one of two things on the thread.

1. Someone does not have something to say on the subject matter (note: I have never seen this to be the case, no matter the subject (DNA analysis, computer viruses, Kennedy assassins, Bigfoots, battery reutilization techniques), not once, ever.

Sooooo…… ummm…. that kinda leaves….. Number 2,

2. Someone had previously screwed the pooch on that very subject and by ignoring it, avoiding any mea culpa and praying for the next thread page to arrive before discovery, they can dodge another bullet by not having to explain a previous story they told that had some dookie in it.

Like Kenny lying about his height by making himself 4 inches…… shorter. Ummm…. yeah…. gosh…. that would be a global first for a man. Chicks lie about being more dainty but not beefy, manly, man, men who tread the planet in a full time act of overcompensation. Ever sat in a Ferrari? You won’t have a chance if you are over 5’ 7 “. I rest my case.

That’s all I got.

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understood, was only making the point that nobody responded, then I read the outlined comments where it was already done, I'm the new guy so I have alot of cathing up to do and realize not every post will be answered.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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He was dressed in a black suit and had a badge, representing himself as an agent.

I know you want to make it sound as if that means something, but wasn't DB Cooper also wearing a black suit? Point is, "black suit" is meaningless.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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the statement I read was as follows "Several days later a mysterious, intimidating man in a dark business suit knocked on her door and asked for her by name. Janet said the man, who did not identify himself as an FBI agent or police officer, told her the letter had been received and ordered her to "shut the fxxx up" about it."

she never said anything about a badge?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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understood, was only making the point that nobody responded, then I read the outlined comments where it was already done, I'm the new guy so I have alot of cathing up to do and realize not every post will be answered.

I gotta question~ in that pic...what's on his FEET?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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from that pic? all I see what appears to me is something black,I don't see any part of the shoe itself.

that you can make out.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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He was dressed in a black suit and had a badge, representing himself as an agent.

I know you want to make it sound as if that means something, but wasn't DB Cooper also wearing a black suit? Point is, "black suit" is meaningless.

Janet claimed he wore a black suit. Mac said he wore a black suit. I believe he wore a black suit. Doesn't mean anything except stories match. No 'men in black' references, no buggiemen, no bugs! Gee, I had a black suit too. That was kinda the style back then, with narrow black ties. FBI guys were known for their gray suits. I think, weren't they?

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the statement I read was as follows "Several days later a mysterious, intimidating man in a dark business suit knocked on her door and asked for her by name. Janet said the man, who did not identify himself as an FBI agent or police officer, told her the letter had been received and ordered her to "shut the fxxx up" about it."

she never said anything about a badge?

Close enough for 40 years ago. I try not to read too much printed matter as it can alter my memory worse than time does. I wrote everything down years ago, but rarely review it. You get the overall concept. I'm not conducting a trial here, just discussing what I think is relative to what really happened that can eventually be exposed by others still living. I don't pass out copies of my notes. My attorney has read them but returned them, and Bill had a copy and asked me to destroy them. Yes, Mac had a badge they gave him. He used that to get Duane Weber out of the Missouri prison, too, for his early release, assigned to McCoy.

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I was 9 when this happened and to be honest I don't remember it until later in school perhaps, I have followed it off and on over the years and became more involved with as the Internet came about and then really dove into this once the story with Marla came out, I am probably like many others seeking some sort of truth and conclusion to all this but it seems it's a never ending story!

This story is one of my top stories I have been intrigued with along with flight 401 which is also very close to my home and the ever popular escape from Alcatraz.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I posted a similar thing several days ago asking if anyone tried to get his height that way plus showed a picture with several issues I had commenting on the left side of the photo. never got any response.

Looking at the picture and the location of the door knob and strike-plate, I believe the information on his driver's license is the actual height of K.C.

I measured my front door and the doorknob is center at 33 1/2" (measuring from the threshold). I stood next to the strike plate and it lines up with the the center of my hip. I am 5'11".

Looking at the picture it seems that the strike-plate on the door is well above the center of K.C.'s hip and almost in line with his elbows or waist. So I have come to the conclusion K.C. is 3-4 inches shorter than I am or I have very long legs (that last part was for Farflung ;))

Well that was fun. I am sure it also was a complete waste of time and energy as the doors in Washington will be of a different size.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I did the samething measuring wear my strike plate was and it's at 36" this is a new door so who knows if they were all the same in that time period but it make one wonder?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I was 9 when this happened and to be honest I don't remember it until later in school perhaps, I have followed it off and on over the years and became more involved with as the Internet came about and then really dove into this once the story with Marla came out, I am probably like many others seeking some sort of truth and conclusion to all this but it seems it's a never ending story!

This story is one of my top stories I have been intrigued with along with flight 401 which is also very close to my home and the ever popular escape from Alcatraz.

Due to the extensive evidence tampering and data misrepresentation (Hemmelsbach is accurate) by retire agents and the Cooper Crew, the political background of Watergate-esk Projects, J. Edgar Hoover tactics, etc., Larry Carr told me (that if I were telling him the truth) this case could NEVER be solved. So it boils down to a wee-wee contest of professional storytellers trying to get a foothold on prosperity. It is an albatrose around my neck, but I feel obligated to fight back for the hand they dealt me. It was not legal, it was not right and it was not fair what they did to me, and I don't like it one little bit.

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well how about this question? did the cigarettes disappear about the same time DNA testing came out? just another thought?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mac had a badge they gave him. He used that to get Duane Weber out of the Missouri prison, too, for his early release, assigned to McCoy.


And the proof of that would be? :)

Picture of the badge Mac used in Missouri. All the paperwork has mysteriously disapeared, especially the pages with McCoy's signature.

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I did the samething measuring wear my strike plate was and it's at 36" this is a new door so who knows if they were all the same in that time period but it make one wonder?

The deadbolt and the strike-plate on my door is at 36" and the lock-set is at 33 1/2" (that was all for fun anyway). I believe his D.L. had K.C.'s correct height.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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yea it was just a thought since most people just say,I guess I'm 5' 8" and they put it on your DL :ph34r:

my DL pic is from the late 90's and I have been renewing online so they still have not told me to come in for a new pic or eye test!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mac had a badge they gave him. He used that to get Duane Weber out of the Missouri prison, too, for his early release, assigned to McCoy.


And the proof of that would be? :)

Picture of the badge Mac used in Missouri. All the paperwork has mysteriously disapeared, especially the pages with McCoy's signature.

So...as far as actual proof, there isn't any ...is what you're sayin.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Knoss: Why post all these wild claims. All your actually doing is mocking everyones story, you believe that dropzone and everyone on it is stupid for even discussing this case.Guess what all you have accomplished is that nothing you say in real life or on this thread can be taken seriously.You've done nothing more than embarras your self. Guess what Bob? Operation Idiot shield is over. Find a new quest. Jerry

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well how about this question? did the cigarettes disappear about the same time DNA testing came out? just another thought?

Nobody knows! Poof! The glasses, the butts, the BY pin, must have been rats in the evidence room. I think I know, but I can't say because he'll get really mad at me again. Poor old guy could have a heart attack. Had to be a friend of Mac's to return the BYU pin. Maybe the guy that faux shot him? Makes the most sense.

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Mac had a badge they gave him. He used that to get Duane Weber out of the Missouri prison, too, for his early release, assigned to McCoy.


And the proof of that would be? :)

Picture of the badge Mac used in Missouri. All the paperwork has mysteriously disapeared, especially the pages with McCoy's signature.

So...as far as actual proof, there isn't any ...is what you're sayin.

Yes, there is plenty of testimony that is not being presented by the real important community leaders who I mentioned more than once. So it is what nobody is sayin'. Physical evidence has been eliminated piece by piece down to little tiny details. The internet has been scrubbed, records at the insurance company, the Pentagon, Flying Cloud, Missouri prison, Pa. prison, everywhere. Try and find anything anywhere. Zippo. Nadda. What is available is cow tootie, or a blend thereof. Like Blevins' creations. You are not dealing with amateurs. It takes tons of hours to do what has been done. Somebody thinks it is important, but they won't tell ME why. I dunno. The FBI just says they have "a different point of view." Go figure. Gotta agree, it's different.

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Knoss: Why post all these wild claims. All your actually doing is mocking everyones story, you believe that dropzone and everyone on it is stupid for even discussing this case.Guess what all you have accomplished is that nothing you say in real life or on this thread can be taken seriously.You've done nothing more than embarras your self. Guess what Bob? Operation Idiot shield is over. Find a new quest. Jerry

Not quite right, Jerry. I stand by my information because it was part of my life. Not speculation. Anyone can disbelieve it or consider it, or just question the theories professed by others. The people involved here are anything except idiots. There are a few very stubborn individuals who will not consider the possibility of a conspiracy no matter what. I'd be on that list had I not experienced it first hand. Too weird to be real. But it was as I have told it. Bill has a different perspective, but the basics are the same. Ease up, Boss.

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Knoss: If someone would call you a Asinine debauchie, How close to the truth would that be? Just saying or simple question. Jerry

HUH? You funny guy, bud can't undersland whad you do trin to ass, bubdy!

"Feats asinine make clear how low we've sunk! “Survivors” feast on rodents fried in grease ... It thrills the voyeurs and the debauchee ..."

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