
reserve-pop in the door

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2 weeks ago an experienced cameraflier at my club (+2000 jumps)had his reserve coming out when he got out of the door (in cameraposition.)
Somehow his D-ring got caught behind something when he was climbing out. His reserve passed below the tail (Cessna 207 soloy) and pulled him of.
He hit the tail with one foot, causing no injury, made a 12500ft reserve ride and landed safely.
There was quite some damage to the tail, which is being repaired now.

3 other jumpers were still inside the plane, they noticed a bump, and knew that they lost the cameraflier, then got out and executed the jump as planned.

The aircraft landed safely.
It is needless to say that everyone was EXTREMELY lucky, and that this situation could have been a catastrophy.

If this reserve would have entangled with the plane's tail, it would have propably resulted in 5 fatalities.

I definitely noticed that this got lots of jumpers at my club thinking about less obvious dangers when stepping inside our aircraft, just to be able to jump out of it at 12500ft for fun.
"Don't make me come down there" - God.

My site:http://www.skystudio.nl/video.html
Some of my vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/TomSkyStudio

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Somehow his D-ring got caught behind something when he was climbing out. His reserve passed below the tail (Cessna 207 soloy) and pulled him off.

Not sure what you mean. What is a D-ring?
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Ray Cottingham had a similar problem on a formation load this weekend. Fortunately he was jumping from the skyvan. (If you're going to have a premature reserve opening, have it in a tailgate!) He was doing camera and hanging from a floater strap; it was unclear how he snagged his handle.

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I'm with the Hook on this one, but soft pillows vs silver rings has been discussed before.....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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it almost sounds like what took Ralph Hatley's plane down in Estacada, OR a couple a weeks ago. The one on the home page article.

Actually it's different. This was a reserve and the other was reported as a main canopy coming out. This one deployed because of a reserve handle being snagged (it seems) and the other was a main falling out of the container and wrapping around the wheel strut of a 182. The Oregon one seems to be an out of sequence deployment where the canopy did not have a chance to cleanly deploy while this second one would have been a better deployment (all be it closer to the horizontal stabilizer) than the 182 crash.

They were both premature deployments but looking at some details they seem to be very different issues as to cause of the deployment.

Chris Schindler

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The pilot wasn't using flaps, in the case of the 207 soloy you want to keep a good airspeed because this is one of these aircraft that stalls easy on low airspeed with a few jumpers in the door (aft of the aircrafts CG)
Our pilots always wear bailout rigs (legally obliged)

The cameraflier has gotten his new rig yesterday, again with a D-ring, but he's going to have it replaced on both his rigs.
I'm having mine replaced by a second pillow as well when I have my next repack (in 2 weeks)

Skydiving is too dangerous not to cancel out all possible risks that can be controlled.
"Don't make me come down there" - God.

My site:http://www.skystudio.nl/video.html
Some of my vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/TomSkyStudio

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That would suck, but I wouldn't think that much would happen. Sure the canopy bag would fall out and roll on the floor, but there isn't a whole lot of air circulation to open the canopy. Maybe if you were in the last seat then you would have some problems. Cut away and/or GET OUT!

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If you were near the door and the PC got out, while still belted in.......=BAD. I watched someone stand up that had routed the buckle (large end) of his seat belt through his reserve handle. He had dis-connected it, but failed to pull the buckle back through the handle. He was standing there one second and the next, he was gone.


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If you were near the door and the PC got out, while still belted in.......=BAD. I watched someone stand up that had routed the buckle (large end) of his seat belt through his reserve handle. He had dis-connected it, but failed to pull the buckle back through the handle. He was standing there one second and the next, he was gone.


And what was his explanation for routing a seatbelt through his reserve handle in the first place?


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Ever tried to dump a load of balloons out of a C-182? Open the door for spotting and they're all gone. As if a big vacuum cleaner was mounted outside the door...

Recently, a copilot in a PC-6 (Pilatus Porter) wearing a student rig had his student CYPRES fire due to inadequate descent rate - reserve deployed out of the still open door - although he was buckled into his seat - copilot dead, airframe damaged, pilot dead...

Never underestimate that big vaccum cleaner out there...

As a side note - I guess you won't believe me - I had a similar experience tomthe start of the threat myself: TD-video in a PC-6. Climb-out. My foot sliped on the step. While climbing back up, something pulled on my shoulders. Shiiit! Premature deployment! Curl Up. See the plane on level and my reserve handle floating away. OMG, where am I going to get a repack - and a new freebag, I wanted to go the Herc-Boogie tomorrow... Maybe I can chase the freebag - I've got 4000m to play. WAIT a minute - you just went OVER the stabilizer, you're still alive and the plane's still flying - what are you worrying about... Where's the landing area?

Now I have a cushion reserve handle but I still watch out for the outer door handle of the PC-6 and yes, it's on video, so it did happen!

Always expect the unexpected!
My Logbook

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I was in the plane on that jump (Ray C's). Actually it was out of the Casa but nevertheless, thankfully it was a tailgate aircraft. The only damage done was a heckuva lot of scared/surprised skydivers when they emerged face to face with a deploying canopy at 12,500 feet on a 3 plane formation load. Oh yeah, and a very long decent under his reserve. Never did find out exactly what happened but the general story is that it got caught on something or one of the rear floaters somehow grabbed it on exit. Attached is a frame grab of the deployment as seen from one of the trail planes.

Blue skies


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