
SkyFest 05 IS ON!

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so does that mean I'm excluded from the little ceremony after dark? Just wondering.

Nope...not at all! :P

It is usually a pre-declared 8-way (or larger) with intensions of buildling the round / star to get your SCR. After completed, we will have a form that you fill out with the others names, etc on it so that you send it off and receive your patch, award, and number.

Just do it and don't biotch. :D

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Have a quick question. I'll be filming some of the SCR's right

Speaking of this SCR thing, it says it's for doing you first 8 way or something. Well I have already done 8 and well beyond that already so does that mean I'm excluded from the little ceremony after dark? Just wondering.

No you do not have to do the jump, while you are welcome to assist with the others getting theirs. I can always use someone with experience.

But it sounds like you are not familiar with the ceremony, so to make it official you must become a maggot, that way you can poor in the future..So grab a cheap case of beer and come join us.

Hows that???

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So he can just take the form and fill out the names from a previous jump? If I had to get poured, I would definately want my cool sticker and patch that I received!!! I wasn't doing that for nuttin! :P:D

You got it girl!!

We will have some forms for everyone.

I have a surprise for the newbies getting their SCR's at the event. Not going to tell them yet though..
Need to confirm one more thing...

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...well since we have all these jumps going on - maybe we can get a Manufacturers load happening? I am sure we could set a record or at least set the bench mark for the future with the amounts of representatives present:P
Guess we will have to let the games begin:o

"Start doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you're doing the impossible!"

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...well since we have all these jumps going on - maybe we can get a Manufacturers load happening? I am sure we could set a record or at least set the bench mark for the future with the amounts of representatives present:P
Guess we will have to let the games begin:o

We did one last year with a couple of Airspeed members. We took Kathy Spillers Todd's wife on her second Tandem which got her SCR. They own Aggie land SD. They shut down for SF. Hell yes it will be a record with the MFRS.

HEY EGON you are not from the south...That means YOU have NOT done Your SCR ceremony...shall i add you to the list???

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No-one has showed up yet:D:D:D We're just post whores

Good point. So good in fact, I'm going to overlook the irony of who made it.:P

Hey! On that note, let's start a pool on who's going to be the first one to flake:S!!

....Kidding. In fact, let's start a trend on this thread:

To All Post Whores:
If it comes to your attention that you will be somehow unable to make this boogie,
Surely EVERYONE is anxiously waiting to see YOU above all others. But publicizing your flakeitude is a DRAG on the thread. if you are that well loved, someone will eventually notice that you are not there. Don't f*ck with the list.

PS: I'm ready for my SCS. I practiced on the OrFun dive at Dublin.

P.P.S. Alanuh, I'm on E-Bay shopping for a brand new cocktail shaker right now.:)
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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No-one has showed up yet:D:D:D We're just post whores

Good point. So good in fact, I'm going to overlook the irony of who made it.:P

Hey! On that note, let's start a pool on who's going to be the first one to flake:S!!

....Kidding. In fact, let's start a trend on this thread:

To All Post Whores:
If it comes to your attention that you will be somehow unable to make this boogie,
Surely EVERYONE is anxiously waiting to see YOU above all others. But publicizing your flakeitude is a DRAG on the thread. if you are that well loved, someone will eventually notice that you are not there. Don't f*ck with the list.

PS: I'm ready for my SCS. I practiced on the OrFun dive at Dublin.

P.P.S. Alanuh, I'm on E-Bay shopping for a brand new cocktail shaker right now.:)

yeah what he said!!

BTW forget the weather forcast..ignore it.
Last year it said rain WED to Sun. It rained for 1 hour on Sunday. that was it.
Besides we fly a Garrison flag that was given to us at the first SF the Jerry Schrimsher Memorial boogie. It flew over the white house for an hour. Now it only flies once a year at SF. I believe dad keeps the clouds away for us.;)

Sign up on the website for your SCS so I can log you. Thanks a bunch

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...what you mean I am not from the South? Hell, you get much further south than Cape Town, South Africa:P

That aint TeXXas Buddy, doesnt count..

BTW we have a dunk tank that we are dunking the mfrs..in.. Its a fund raiser so you cant say no. Well I can cause I am organizing this dam thing. So that makes me exempt..right:S

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...hey now! You never told me about no dunking when you were trying to get me to come to Texas!!! If its for a good cause I am always game... bring it on;) I want to see you catch Derek:oand dunk him!

"Start doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you're doing the impossible!"

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hey you sexi south african i want to demo a skyhook!!!!!

sorry if this topic has already been covered in the last 700 posts but is there going to be a boogie dvd!?!?! if so who's doing it?


~boogie ho!!
pull before impact!
L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA

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...what you mean I am not from the South? Hell, you get much further south than Cape Town, South Africa:P

That aint TeXXas Buddy, doesnt count..

BTW we have a dunk tank that we are dunking the mfrs..in.. Its a fund raiser so you cant say no. Well I can cause I am organizing this dam thing. So that makes me exempt..right:S

I'll make the same deal I did in Dublin.$500 to get me in the Dunk Tank.I think it only took 20 min. for them to raise the money.

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...what you mean I am not from the South? Hell, you get much further south than Cape Town, South Africa:P

That aint TeXXas Buddy, doesnt count..

BTW we have a dunk tank that we are dunking the mfrs..in.. Its a fund raiser so you cant say no. Well I can cause I am organizing this dam thing. So that makes me exempt..right:S

I'll make the same deal I did in Dublin.$500 to get me in the Dunk Tank.I think it only took 20 min. for them to raise the money.

You da man!! Kolla from PD says we wont get her in there..I think we may have found a way!!

Hmm who else can we get.

How bout Steve Boyd!!!

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