
CSS anyone 2??

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Apparently nobody has any idea where you live, Joe. Can you give us all directions and a list of what items you need people to bring.

I'll be there tomorrow, but not Sarah. We'll both be out for fondue Friday, though. Speaking of which- we need to get a final list of names together so we know how much food to bring. Sarah will be marinating chicken for it tomorrow, so a fairly accurate number is needed before then.


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OK so there is a cook out at my place tomorrow. all ya'll are invited so please come. Festivities will start around 6ish and please bring something even if it's a beer or a couple beers. I'm poor so there's only so much food I can supply. However, I will have chips and salsa and for all you early people there will be some flank steak and chicken.

My address is:
412 Tall Oaks Dr.
Durham, NC 27713

Directions are as follows. If coming from raleigh area:

I-40 take exit 276 Fayetteville Rd.
At the top of the ramp take a Right onto Fayetteville Rd.
Drive down fayetteville until you come to a sign on your right that says Southwest Elementary and take a left there onto Cook Rd.
Then Take a left onto Tall Oaks Dr.
I'm at 412 Tall Oaks. Don't park on tall oaks park either down the street my house is perpendicular to or across the street from my house on tall oaks(If you do park on tall oaks that is)

For peeps coming from CH:
Directions are the same once you get on fayetteville rd.
Either take 54 to Fayetteville or i-40 e.

Hope to see a lot of you there. Oh. If you want to bring something vegis are always good to bring. I like vegis. :)

The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Dawn as much as I'd love to have you at my place in my own home...wow the thought is getting me all excited....I don't want to steal you from the DZ crowd. But if you do so choose to come I'd LOVE YOU FOREVER. Wait..I already do!!!

The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Oh yeah. List of things needed.

I have about 6-7 large chicken breasts marinating and a 2 lb flank steak going as well. Hamburger meat is good to bring, hot dogs are good, chips, flour tortillas are good to grill, lettuce for the burgers, burger buns, hot dog buns, whatever. I figure there won't be THAT many people showing up. Just a few of my Chapel Hill friends and the FFF friends. This is kinda a mixer of my friends. I want ya'll to meet each other.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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So lets start a fondue list here just so we know everyone's RSVP status. I'm just estimating here based on what has previously been said in the thread and elsewhere.
Definite: Marion, Eric, Casey, Elis, Dawn #3, Ross, Justin...

That leaves Dawn #1 & #2, Floaty Mike, Joe and David. If any of you (or anyone else) are planning on coming post up so we can make sure to have enough grub for everyone :)
As of noon today, the forecast for the weekend is :|:

Friday: 78 degrees, mostly cloudy with some sun. Winds SSW @ 16mph
Saturday: 75 degrees. Scattered T-storms, Winds SSW @ 29mph.
Sunday: 73 degrees, partly cloudy, Winds WNW @ 8mph.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Sarah and I are definitely coming, and we're bringing (at least) marinated chicken and one fondue pot with I believe 8 stabber things. I think we've got another can of fuel for them too, I'll have to check.

To copy from my original fondue thread:


1st course: Cheese dip, with

2nd course: Meat broth

3rd course: Chocolate

Other options for the first course are vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, etc. I'm not a big veggie fan, so we left those out. Other options for the second course are shrimp and any other meat, but we left those out as well since I'm allergic to seafood and the beef was plenty. Pretty much anything can be dipped in the chocolate, but by that point, we were already pretty stuffed, so a large number of items to dip probably won't be needed. I think our meal lasted about two hours or so. Maybe we can get some good skydiving videos to play in the background during the meal.

So, we still need a lot of stuff. Who is bringing what? I know we have some of the things on this list, but I'm not sure what offhand.


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This might help:

Dawn #3
Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken

That leaves Dawn #1 & #2, Joe and David as maybes.

We will definitely need cheese, apples, bread, possibly marinated and chopped beef (chicken might be sufficient, not sure) and the broth stuff to cook it in (I think we can bring the broth stuff- not sure what goes in it, but Sarah knows), chocolate (we used I think two bags of chocolate chips last time, and had extra, but we might need like 4 bags now), marhsmallows, and strawberries.

If you want to bring something, copy the list and add your item next to your name so we know what we're still missing.


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Marion - chocolate and marshmallows
Dawn #3
Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread

That leaves Dawn #1 & #2, Joe and David as maybes.

We will definitely need cheese, apples, bread, possibly marinated and chopped beef (chicken might be sufficient, not sure) and the broth stuff to cook it in (I think we can bring the broth stuff- not sure what goes in it, but Sarah knows), chocolate (we used I think two bags of chocolate chips last time, and had extra, but we might need like 4 bags now), marhsmallows, and strawberries. We'll also need drinks, paper plates, napkins, and cups.


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I've got the apples & strawberries... mmmm :)

Marion - chocolate and marshmallows
Eric - apples and strawberries
Dawn #3
Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread

That leaves Dawn #1 & #2, Joe and David as maybes.

We will definitely need... possibly marinated and chopped beef (chicken might be sufficient, not sure) and the broth stuff to cook it in (I think we can bring the broth stuff- not sure what goes in it, but Sarah knows.) We'll also need drinks, paper plates, napkins, and cups.

Ohh, and for your continued enjoyment. Here's a slideshow of some INSANELY LOW wingsuit pulls from Russia. CLICKY!
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Marion - chocolate and marshmallows and paper plates (already got 'em. they're very marion...)
Eric - apples and strawberries
Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread
Joey- another fondue pot
Dawn #3
Dave (?)
Dawns 1 & 2 (?)

We will definitely need...
-possibly marinated and chopped beef (chicken might be sufficient, not sure)
-the broth stuff to cook it in (I think we can bring the broth stuff- not sure what goes in it, but Sarah knows.)

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^Yhevgeniy, you're right. I stole that link from the wingsuit forums... absolutely insane.

I just talked to the O.G. Dawn. She's officially coming and will be bringing marinated beef, mushrooms & culliflower. :)
Marion - chocolate and marshmallows and paper plates (already got 'em. they're very marion...)
Eric - apples and strawberries
Floaty & Sarah - marinated chicken, cheese, bread
Joey- another fondue pot
Dawn #1 - Marinated beef, mushrooms, culliflower
Dawn #3
Justin - Broth stuff?
Dave (?)
Dawns 2 (?)

We will definitely need...
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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