
CSS anyone 2??

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Hey everybody-

Everybody who wants to be part of the fondue festivities needs to RSVP to Floaty Mike (MWGemini) or me by Wednesday. That way, we'll know how many fondue pots and how much food to bring.

For everyone who wasn't there this weekend, which means just about everyone...We have a new freak to play with. Hi Ryan! :)

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We can talk about this issue over the weekend, just this past weekend I told a couple of fun jumpers to stay away from the runway and one in particular landed right on the runway, there is enough room in our DZ to avoid the runway , if you are a good skydiver you should plan your pattern before your jump and find alternatives if your initial plan does not work out, but again we should gather this weekend and talk about it..... in details

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Hehe- Hate to do this to you, Marion, but I might not be there. We're having some problems with the financing for the house right now (DAMN BANKS!). We should know more tonight or tomorrow.


So you're gonna be financing your house Friday night at 8 pm???

Ok, I guess everybody should rsvp to me since Mike might not make it to his own party. :P

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No, but I might not be able to afford all the food. Apparently my credit score changed in the last month since they ran the last credit check, so now for some reason they can't do the VA loan, which means we have to go just off Sarah's income, and that makes our interest rate a lot higher, which changes our monthly payments to an amount that is stretching the limits of what we can afford.

We should know by tomorrow what we're going to do, though.


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Ok, I guess everybody should rsvp to me since Mike might not make it to his own party. :P

I'll be there; I promise. NO booty call and Lyman can keep the dogs company ;).

Speaking of John, guess what he brought me from Southport? That's right:

A roasted chicken.

Pam, give Randy a hug from me.


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Mike- you don't need to buy the food! Everybody who's coming can either bring a little money or something to fondue. I just made "fondue" a verb- can I do that? Good luck with the house buying stuff. Sounds like a pain. Maybe you should live in a trailer instead. :P

Hey Dawn- If you ditch us half way through the fondue thing, WE WILL find your house this time. If you need to go "check on the dogs" *wink*wink* we'll understand as long as you make it quick and come back to the party. Everybody needs to check on the dogs every now and then. It's nothing to be ashamed of. :D

I just heard from Joey that he's going to be around on Friday, so everybody should come out early, get some jumps in, and stay for fondue.

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Elis, well put. From my observations, the pilots usually choose whichever pattern keeps them opposite the LZ, entering on a base leg to a short final... but this depends somewhat on the pilot.

Mike... good luck getting financing... you can borrow the Vistalite for a little while if it falls through.

Dawn's, Marion, Joey & others, I'll see ya friday ;)

Ohh... and can I be the official Fondue Friday photographer?
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Marion--Dude I wanna see the video on Friday if that's cool
And I am RSVPing

Eric--If you have time can I get that video from you on Friday as well Please? Gracias

Alex: Glad you finally admitted the booty call thing, it's always a good idea to get things off your chest like that. lol

Dawn 2 and Marion: You drive and I'll be fearless leader but watch out for mail boxes, they come out of nowhere sometimes.
--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

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Ohh... and can I be the official Fondue Friday photographer?

Only if you wear your Optik Illusion while eating fondue. Or would that mess up your tongue switch again?

Casey- Consider yourself RSVPed. See ya Friday, fearless leader!

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Sorry I'm HOPING to be on the road to Xkeys Fri. I guess since noone replied noone else is heading that way. :(

And didn't you KNOW Mike would back out... AGAIN!! :P

WHY would you still want to go to NJ when the weather here is supposed to be mid-70s and partly sunny all weekend, we have fondue going on Friday night, we'll have all the kickass CSS women around (can't speak for myself but some can really skydive!) + a slew of stodgy belly fliers who have grippers on their jumpsuits and everything (you'd fit right in) AND we'll have planes going up continuously for a tandemonium fundraiser?? Come play with us instead.

Don't want to be un-PC about the fund raising event. Let's just say I plan to follow Dawn #2 around, duct tape at the ready to slap across her mouth, if needed.

I have a strong premonition for a great weekend at CSS.

Eric - please video/photo fondue! Your images are artful, well-crafted and flattering. (Unlike Nick's on his new camera phone, which tend to be gratuitous and unflattering ...)

Tess - what up, yo. Still very proud of your fine, detailed craft clay artwork. We shoulda saved that cherry - it was beautiful.


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WHY would you still want to go to NJ when the weather here is supposed to be mid-70s and partly sunny all weekend, we have fondue going on Friday night, we'll have all the kickass CSS women around (can't speak for myself but some can really skydive!) + a slew of stodgy belly fliers who have grippers on their jumpsuits and everything (you'd fit right in) AND we'll have planes going up continuously for a tandemonium fundraiser?? Come play with us instead.

You KNOW I LOVE all you guys wether at the DZ or out listening to Joe's band (which has a GREAT sound) and if ANYTHING else is ever going on let me know and I'll try to make it. BUT I've never been there and am still trying to expand my social horizons. And I'll be back to jump as well.

As for "kick ass CSS women" you know you are at the TOP! Or bottom. ;)

~How do you know where the line is
if you never crossed it?~ unk.

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Don't want to be un-PC about the fund raising event. Let's just say I plan to follow Dawn #2 around, duct tape at the ready to slap across her mouth, if needed.

Can I tie her up while you duct tape her mouth shut? >:( Or would that get in the way of your not wanting to be un-PC? :D

Guido- We'll miss you this weekend! Have fun at XKeys.

Eric- I think there must be pictures of Casey's beautiful cherry somewhere.

So who else is eating fondue Friday night? So far I just have Casey and me. Oh- if anybody has a fondue pot or a fondue food they want to bring, let me know. :)

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Ya'll all know about the cookout at my house on thursday night by now I hope. If I haven't told you some one should have told you. So the deal is be here earlyish like 6. Bring a dish or drinks and just prepare to just chill. Nothing special just some grilling out. If you need directions just email me or call me 9192604703. Please contact everyone who doesn't post on DZ.com for me as well because I know I'll forget.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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