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I am a new kid on the block (not a "skydiver" yet)
and have had e few problems.... small line twist due to unstable deployment, landed off a couple times.
Currently I am @ level 8 AFF. Once I get stable I feel like the Pepsi Goose but when I get out I feel like a "dead Chicken" and look like one too. It is the initial exit that seems to be the stumble. Is it
normal after 15 jumps to still have a flock of geese
in my stomach (butterflies are past tense now).
All my jumps have been from an otter but now (this weekend I will be jumping a cessna 208) therefore I dont think I should be doing that leap "shoot me method" as to avoid that dent in the back of my head from the rear stabilizer. Maybe I will just sit on the floor and fall out.

All kidding aside, it's always great to hear some input from the talented people in this sport.

(learned that statement the hard way)

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don't worry about that tail, i just got through jumping the same aircraft, it simply wasn't a problem. if this jumpship is outfitted with rw steps which i'm sure it is, i just put one foot on the step and pushed off of it presenting my chest to the prop blast, don't sweat it, it's cool! they are a blast to jump! as far as landing off, check your wind direction, plan a landing pattern, 1000'-500' then be 250' on your final and land into the wind, it will come easy.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I am a new kid on the block (not a "skydiver" yet)
and have had e few problems.... small line twist due to unstable deployment, landed off a couple times.
Currently I am @ level 8 AFF.

Sounds to me like you ARE a skydiver!


Once I get stable I feel like the Pepsi Goose but when I get out I feel like a "dead Chicken" and look like one too. It is the initial exit that seems to be the stumble.

It's like riding a bike...once you get the idea...you
won't be able to understand why you couldn't do it before.

Is it
normal after 15 jumps to still have a flock of geese
in my stomach (butterflies are past tense now).


All my jumps have been from an otter but now (this weekend I will be jumping a cessna 208) therefore I dont think I should be doing that leap "shoot me method" as to avoid that dent in the back of my head from the rear stabilizer. Maybe I will just sit on the floor and fall out.

Maybe your instructor will let you try a different exit
for stability or just something new for fun!

All kidding aside, it's always great to hear some input from the talented people in this sport.

Ah...they will be along in a bit.
have fun...mikeB|
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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You'll conquer this in a couple easy steps.

1. Talk to your instructor about the exit and your dive.

2. RELAX! This is supposed to be fun, remember? So breathe, smile, relax and enjoy it.B|

You'll do fine, I'm sure of it.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Don't worry about the stomach thing. It will get better once you start getting the "Routine" down. It took me almost 150 jumps just to feel comfortable sitting by the door. And even now, I have a little knot in my stomach until we reach 1500 or so. Relax and have fun. We all have been there. :)
Blue Skies, No Wind
Feet and Knees Together

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if this jumpship is outfitted with rw steps which i'm sure it is, i

What is an RW step? The only step I've seen on a Cessna 208 (more commonly known as the Cessna Caravan) is the camera step.

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thanks for that reply, it gives me a great sense of confidence to know that the people who have hundreds of jumps didnt come out of the womb with
a PD on their back. hehe just kidding> I like the fact
that you all treat me the one of the gang, I will become a good skydiver because I am getting good advise from ppl who have been there and done that.
Again thanx thighman

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I am very new too and by no means talented but here is couple of tricks that I found helpful.

1) They say you are supposed to relax, so start relaxing after plane passes 2000' on the way up. After 2000' you can relax until pull time, so think that you are already in the air before you actually leave the plane (you will jump anyway will ya?). You should really try to relax in "advance" because there is not way you can do it instantly several seconds before the exit. It is also very important to understand that the scary parts of skydive are takeoff and deployment, not the exit at 13K when you have 60 seconds before you will have to think about saving your life :)))
2) Knowing how to present your body to relative wind on particular exit from particular aircraft is not going to cure you from funneling if you do not visualize. Visualization is a key to successful dive and you should visualize your exit as much as the freefall part no matter what you do on that skydive.

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RELAX! This is supposed to be fun, remember? So breathe, smile, relax and enjoy it.

My JM at Z-hills used to tell me exactly this after evey jump (he was my JM on my first 6 skydives). Dave, thanks for reminding me how close I am to being ale to jumping again (long story).

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