
Ever jump while you're sick?

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Okay, so I'm obsessed and haven't jumped in like a week and I have to get a fix this weekend. But I'm sick. Not deathly ill or anything, just congested and still sorta "coming down" with a cold, ya know? I don't think anything will stop me from getting into that Twin Otter today, but anyone have any experience skydiving with a cold?

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I have jumped with a cold quite a few times. With congested sinus passage it can do a few different things. One thing it can do is push that mocus into the inner ear which could cause an ear infection or damage(I personally never had any problems with this; however there has been a fair amount of pain from the inner ear not popping allowing them to equalize the pressure). I personally found out one obscure side affect to jumping with a cold, I pushed an infection deep into the top part of one my molers in the route and had to have it pulled(I can say that the pain I expereinced in free fall made my face turn numb and made it hard to concentrate on anything). I do not think this has ever happened to anyone else though.
Hope that helps

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Arrrrgh! Now I'm really pissed! I get rained out Labor Day weekend, and then I'm told if I jump with a cold the mucous will back up into my ear and my head will explode! Leave it to me to get addicted to such an unpredictable, dangerous and EXPENSIVE past-time!

Well, thank you all so much for the valuable information! I guess I'll take my friends out on Saturday to jump and keep my sick a*# on the ground!

"Life is a party...dance your way through it!"

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yep. even when you're no longer feeling sick, but you still have a lot of congestion, you can experience sudden and MASSIVE pain in freefall!! It takes the fun out of the skydive. If you're paying 20$ per jump, make sure you're in shape to enjoy it.
Speed Racer

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Everything is ok until you open your parachute, after you pull all the sinus starts kicking in, the adrenaline starts to fade and you start to feel the pain again, you feel so bad that you prefer to die, you can't breath your eyeballs hurt as if they want to come out, you get a intensive headache, your ears want to explode and you have to wait the canopy ride down feeling like that. Well that happened to me when I had a lil cold it was very lil, for me I wasnt sick and I jumped at 9k fts opened at 3k fts.

After that horrible jump I made a hop n pop at 4k fts and it didn't felt that bad but it was still spooky.

If you are still gonna do it no matter what then all I can say as a friend is to get some descongestant, the spray one like afrin so you don't have to drink any pills.


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Remember a time out jumping, had been a little stuffed up and sneezy all week but damnit I wasn't going to let a little runny nose keep me from Jumping.

Was doing some sitflying when all of a sudden I couldn't see, the world was a blur. Thought I got hit by a bug or bird. Tried wiping my goggles clear but it just seemed to get worse. That's when I realized that the wind blowing up my nose had driven all the snot out, and covered my goggles. Went to my belly and got cleaned up enough to see. When I got down, I went to the can, looked in the mirror and.....well, remember the "hair gel" scene in "Something About Mary"?...nuff said.

That's the funny one, now for the scary. A few years ago I jumped after just getting over a bad head-cold. In the middle of freefall I had a "popping" feeling in my head followed by a stabbing pain in my sinus. Felt like someone driving an icepick into my eye. Began to get dizzy. felt like I was spinning, but could see I wasn't. Immediately dumped and had a normal decent, though I had to really think about whether I was really turning or just my vestibular system playing games. That pain and vertigo lasted for 2-3 days. Luckily I didn't do any damage to my sinus or ears, but it could have been worse. Sudden pressure changes with colds, sinus congestion, or clogged eustachian tubes can cause vertigo and severe pain. That can make for some interesting jumps! Does that stop you from getting in the Twin Otter today?? It should.

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I was very close to going to my DZ (in the uk) and jumping this weekend. I have a cold/cough but thought 'oh the weather won't be good for much longer', 'it's only a cold', 'I really want to jump'. In the end i decided not to go, more on the basis that I didn't FEEL 100 percent and that may effect my reaction times in a situation that requires my best, rather than will it actually hurt me during ff?

so, I'm glad i made the right decision at the weekend and read this thread now. There won't be a decision to make in the future.


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Did it yesterday but I always do hop and pops, so it doesn't matter as much. I went to altitude and freefell with a cold more than 5 years ago once (ONLY ONCE!!!). Needless to say I was bleeding by my nose after landing. It was horrible and it was terrible and won't do it again.
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Well, I went out to the dz this weekend to carry first time jumpers out that I had been begging to tag along for a while now. I took 2 Sudafed decongestants and went up anyway...congested and all. I was very nervous after all the horror stories and the warnings I received from the pros in the hanger. But the Sudafed really dried me up and both my nasal passages were clear when I boarded the plane. I had a good jump, but missed a couple of maneuvers because I was so worried about my condition...so I had to repeat my solo level 2 jumps twice! I went home, overdosed on medicine, vitamins & nasonex nasel spray...woke up on Sunday and jumped twice again! I passed on to level 3! So I guess I got lucky with the congestion. Sudafed is my new best friend!
"Life is a party...dance your way through it!"

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with all the respect to our common hunger for flying free i must say it's very likely going to be a waste of jumpticket and risking smth more valuable if you get into plane in bad condition.
life is what you make it to be

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Look at this funny story:
I was doing my AFP leve 2 (tandem) and I was very cold. I adviced my instructor but he just told me to jump anyway (the DZ is a little bit far from the city and it would be a waist of time not jumping). Well I almost had my eardrums perforated and the mucus was all over my face. And of course, my instructor face. The other 4 levels were ok (the mucus was over!!!).

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I jumped while my head was congested once. It was hardly noticeable of a congestion, but when I hit 5000 ft. I literally thought my head was going to explode! The pressure was so bad. It was some of the worst pain ever. I had a severe headache for a week after that. Its not worth the risk. I'm sure it has different effects on different people, but you are better off waiting.

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many times with allergy problems, but I did one show jump when I was so sick I should have been in hospital. I actually couldnt climb out, so just rolled out of the plane....a clear and pull and glad to be on thr ground again where I had to then inflate a hot air balloon.

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Once was pretty congested.
On the way up, I couldn't get my ears to pop until about 8000', and then it sounded like someone was slowly letting the air out of a balloon in the plane, never again.

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