
exit on a C182

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I'd like to do a hanging exit on a C182, then right into a back flip. The advice I got from some people at my DZ was while hanging, tilt your head back, kick my legs up hard just as I let go of the strut, and leave my arms extended. I'm hoping that will make a pretty cool exit if its ever caught on video.
Anyone have any other suggestions?

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Take my Opinion with a grain of salt - I am not an instructor nor am i qualified.

The exit you described is not only pretty dang easy, but it does make for a pretty cool video. What you described will do the trick, and the best thing to do is just go up and play with it. I have actually seen it done by students unintentionaly. :)
=========Shaun ==========

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That is one way to pull it off, but watch the arm extension. You don't want to whack the step with your arm.

A better way would be to pull yourself up a bit so your arms aren't fully extended over your head. You can then use them to push yourself away and back to provide you with the initial momentum.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
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if your profile is correct, and you have 6 jumps, you may wanna wait a bit before doing this...

the people at your dz told you correct, however, I think a cooler exit out of a 182 is: crouch on the step, facing the strut, then grab onto your knees, and just roll backwards off the step... it looks really cool on video, and its pretty fun too.
also, once you roll off backwards, if you stay tucked up, you will get spinning pretty fast- also fun.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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His profile isn't up to date. I think he has ~12 jumps now. He went through the pff program and is just working on his solo certificate and IMO has enough experience to try this as he has already done dive exits, and bl, fl, and br in freefall.
Flying Hellfish #470

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Take my Opinion with a grain of salt - I am not an instructor nor am i qualified.

That goes for me as well.

My particular favorite is to hold onto the strut with my left hand and one foot on the strut. Then I let my other arm and leg get into my burble...Then I swing them in as fast as I can to induce a spin and hold that for a while...It looks pretty cool on video as well.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Ben comes to my rescue! Thanks, and I updated my profile, 13 jumps. And check out cool-points.com

To everyone else, thanks for the advice, not having my arms completly straight in front of me is a great idea. Going to give it a try next time I jump.

“- - Sumo is the greatest of sports. It has power, grace, speed and cluture. And most importantly, two fat bastards smacking the shit out of each other. ”

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Well my first Cessna exit was pretty fun and all I did was hold one hand ont he strut and one foot on the step and jump off sideways.......OK fine, it was my first and I was nervous but I wished I could have gone up again. THe little plane was fun to jump out of after only having the big ones....darn ;).

Clint - sure would like to be able to barrel roll like you. SAAAAWEEET!

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I think a cooler exit out of a 182 is: crouch on the step, facing the strut, then grab onto your knees, and just roll backwards off the step... it looks really cool on video, and its pretty fun too.
also, once you roll off backwards, if you stay tucked up, you will get spinning pretty fast

Ya! I have a video jrom an early jump where I did 5 back loops off tthe step. Definitely a fun solo exit from the C-182.

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My favorite exit from a 182 is to get on the step, facing the tail of the plane. Do a 'sitfly' exit, and then roll on back. You can either complete the rotation and do a backloop, while getting a cool look at the plane, upside down and flying away. Or, you can stop the rotation, and go on into a head down.

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