
When was your first reserve ride?

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jump #75 my dad and i were gonna do CRW my second attempt at it and he had had quite a few CRW jumps but when he came in to pin me he went below me then being stupid he grabbed rear risers and tried to pop up behind me but instead went in front of me and through my canopy at 6000 feet and we wrapped i cut away and he landed with my canopy wrapped around him and to top that i was jumping borrowed gear and i had to hold the toggle on one side down about shoulder level the flare was a little bit funky but i still stood up the landing

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Well, 1 reserve was used only because I was too low to open the main..

but then I didnt count the 2 reserve openings on the chuteless jumps.

I think I counted a reserve opening in practive for the lst chuteless, but it blew to a thousand pieces, so I had to use my main.


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Jump #35. Transition from Ripcord to Handdeploy. Did the practice touches as advised in high altitude. Still could not find the handdeploy when it was time to pull :$[:/]B|

I was soooo embarassed. Did not want to talk to anyone for hours.

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(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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My first reserve ride was on jump #20... line-over malfunction on a rental rig with a PD230 in it. The container was a Vector2, but I'd have to go find my initial log book to tell you what the reserve was.

I've only had two total reserve rides to date... ... my second one so far was some where around jump 1800ish... it was a SBOS (Spinning Ball of Sh*t) mal on a Sabre170 that was badly in need of a line kit. The container was my 94Talon with a RavenII reserve... and yes, I still have that Sabre170, but it was in the mail to PD for a line kit the Monday morning after I chopped it.


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First reserve ride was totally my fault. My first jump at Skydive Hawaii, jump 160. I was open just fine, as I got closer to the DZ from the spot I decided I'd 'have a little' fun. I was flying a Stiletto 150 loaded at about 1.3. I jerked my left toggle down so hard that I was above my canopy at a very acute angle, all of the tension on my lines were gone, I freaked out and let the toggle back up very quickly. I sunk back down under the canopy, but the canopy decided it wasn't done turning. It just rotated above me like a helicopter. Twist after twist after twist. I knew I was a little over 1500ft and my first thought was:
"If I start into a dive..."
Just then, I started to spin into a death spiral on my back. I got about one revolution before I grabbed my cutaway handle and yanked like there was no tomorrow. Then I recall thinking:
"I hafta be on my belly!"
So I flipped over, watched the banana trees get bigger and then I pulled my reserve ring. I was under the saddle at about 1000'. I was wearing sandals and when I landed I stepped kind of funny on my left foot and broke my little toe. I suppose I deserved something for my foolishness.

Let this be a lesson, you can induce a line twist on a perfectly functional canopy! Just because your canopy opened fine, doesn't mean you can't screw it up :>

I've had two more reserve rides after that, about 1 for each 100 jumps for various reasons. I believe the statistic is that you have one reserve ride for every 300-1000 jumps, forgot where I heard/saw that. I am definitely a statistical abnormality :>

Fly safe, pack well, check your gear.


You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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