
AFF and tipping {Newbie question}

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I have never seen an AFF instructor tipped, ever. That's a lie; I just graduated a guy to Cat F two weeks ago and he wanted to tip us for his AFF instruction. I declined the tip and told him to buy a case of beer for passing the AFF levels. I have seen a few tandem tips from very happy customers, but never, ever expect them for any instruction. I have been to a LOT of dropzones and have only seen a few examples of places expecting tips (even one with a sign saying "tips are appreciated.") I have never really understood that concept when applied to skydiving instruction or parachtue packing. Both are instances where you had BETTER give proper instruction and service, less you cause serious injury or death with your negligence.


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How much should you tip a wonderful AFF instructor?

Tipping for AFF is much less common than for tandem, but that said, I received two tips from AFF students this last weekend. It is a wonderful feeling to be recognized, and tipping has that effect. i got a $20 from one student, and $10 from another.

But even though I've done more than 50 students so far this year, those were only the second and third tips I've received since January. Your AFF instructor doesn't expect it -- which is one reason why it's so lovely when it happens.


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... I have never really understood that concept when applied to skydiving instruction or parachtue packing. Both are instances where you had BETTER give proper instruction and service, less you cause serious injury or death with your negligence.


While I don't know about tipping your instructors, I do know that there are times when tipping your packer is appropriate.

Take the Big Way Camp a couple of weeks ago at Perris. Hot, hot temperatures, people coming down in waves of 40 or more needing quick repacks (I believe a majority of us used packers), and yet my packer still managed to get my rig packed in time for the next jump, and gave me a nice on heading opening almost every time. I know he and all the other packers were busting their arses keeping us packed for our next jumps.

Repeat this scene 20 times in the space of four days, and you can see where they deserved a little something extra for their efforts.

Naturally, of course, this weekend I forgot to pay him before I left this Sunday and will have to get him back this weekend [:/]


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Surely students pay enough for AFF courses etc that there should be no need to tip.

By all means buy the beer when you pass but I don't think tipping is expected.
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That is my point exactly. Also, it must be noted that all packjobs while in student status come included, obvious to most, in the price of traning jumps. Sometime during their training, like on a weather day or before jumping commences, I teach them to pack; no charge of course, as I consider that a part of the first jump course.


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I teach them to pack; no charge of course, as I consider that a part of the first jump course.

The guy who taught me to pack had almost 3 000 jumps at the time (2 gold medals at world champs), he asked for a cup of tea and a chocolate as payment. Spent over an hour showing me step by step, then watched me pack twice. Unfortunately, Chuck, the people like him and yourself seem to be in the distinct minority.

Can't really see any of the money-whores "wasting" their time teaching a newbie to pack. But people do notice who the money-whores are and who the ones are who are genuinely trying to help others progress in the sport.

As a wise man once said to me when we were discussing money-whores : "Fuck 'em, let 'em eat fish heads and starve!" B|

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While tipping is not needed in any situation is true. But it is not a fact of giving some one some money or beer. It is saying thank you for your time. So don't just say %20 or whatever. Pay the person what you think it was worth to you. If they give you crappy service don't give them any money and don't bye any beer. If you think they gave you grate service bye 2 cases or whatever. It is not what they desurve but what it was worth to you.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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well my friend, i figured that with all the $$ I was paying for each AFF, what was another $10-20?? Watch your AFF videos again, we were like babies learning to crawl and our jumpmasters like mom and dad encouraging us with big smiles and thumbs up....And we both took AFF together...

And the packers! All I can say is "THANKS FOR SAVING MY LIFE AGAIN" and they always get remembered, especially on busy days and holidays...

But then again, I am blowing my unborn kids' inheritance on skydiving....:$

"The reason angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." --GK Chesterton

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I've got 1200 AFF dives. I've declined a few tips. The smiles make it worth it for me.

I sometimes tip my packer. When I'm working hard he backs me up, so when my weekend is good, so it his.

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You AFF instructors are an odd lot. You have to deal with insaely dangerous students doing dangerous things and generally being out of control.

You have to go through briefings and debriefings, going over stuff that's trivial to you and that you have done n times. Answer same questions. Yet remain positive and optimistic, always be in a good mood and motivate scared students.

And all you want in return is beer. You do it for the smiles? Heh, am glad you do and I'm definitely buying beer for my AFF instructors who have to endure and cope with me :)

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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Believe me, When you're sitting in a Porter with 8 other jumpers, and the L4 student askes if he'll be OK... and you say, "Ask him." and he does, and finds out the other 7 jumpers are all former students of yours - That feels good. Or when you're doing Tandem and a former student is doing camera for you - and doing it well. I recon 2 years from now I'll have former students who are AFF I's, and the requirements for AFF here are 1000 dives.

I see your point, although it's never mundane. We're lucky to be paid to skydive, and later to learn from our students. One of my former AFF students briefed me for my 1st Birdman jump - several are freefly coaches at our DZ.

It's the year of the Pig.

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You AFF instructors are an odd lot. You have to deal with insaely dangerous students doing dangerous things and generally being out of control.

You have to go through briefings and debriefings, going over stuff that's trivial to you and that you have done n times. Answer same questions. Yet remain positive and optimistic, always be in a good mood and motivate scared students.

And all you want in return is beer. You do it for the smiles? Heh, am glad you do and I'm definitely buying beer for my AFF instructors who have to endure and cope with me :)

Well said! B|

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I made one of my AFF insrustors take a tip- but only once. I was making a lot of money back then and he always tried to give me back the envelope (his pay)...Since he always tried to do my AFF for free, I kicked and screamed until he took it. At that time, I had the money to burn and I knew he didn't. It's a personal choice.

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I have been offered tips for instruction and I am honored to get one. I tell the student that I don't personally accept tips, but will accept it for the beer fund. That being said, any amount will do! And please stay until the evening if you can to enjoy it with us.

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Funny little story, well, kinda...

This came from a AFF/TM instructor that should have quit the sport about 6 years ago. Anyways...There was a group of brits that came over to the states for about 2 weeks for AFF, consol jumps and a lot of drinking. There was a buddy of theirs that just came to hangout with them on the DZ that was on the borderline for doing a tandem weightwise. They ended up taking him one day...He had a blast!!! He wanted to go again at one point and the instructor told him "no way, well, if you would have tipped me better the first time maybe I would be more inclined to take you again. You brits, need to learn the value of tipping to get good service." I was horrified. One, I believe that he should find a new occupation anyways, but...if he is going to stay in this job, then maybe he should provide a better service in the first place...then maybe he would get more tips (if that is what he is in this job for).

Anyways, Tipping an AFF instructor does not happen often, but if there is one specific one that went out of his/her way and maybe helped you get through the program while other instructors failed you in one way or another then maybe a 6 pack of their favorite beer would be appreciated. Its just as good as money, but has a better flavor and personality to it!!!:)

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I would NEVER expect to be tipped by a student but I have to say when I have been tipped, it was way cool. I feel a little guilty accepting tips but at the same time I am like okay ... if they want to give me money because they appreciate my time and effort, cool. It is a great feeling. I have received tips anywhere from $20-$60. All I can say is one of the best feelings or "electricity" I ever got was from a group of AFF L-1s (6 of them). I taught their First Jump Course and then jumped with many of them. Even cooler than any amount of money to be given was when one of my students Ben came up to me at the end of the day ... I ended up shooting video of his Level 1 out of the 206; he walked up to me, took my hands, looked me in the eye with a giant smile and said Jen, You Rock!!! I had to laugh because it was apparent to me that this man had just experienced one of the most incredible things ever in his life and I was there to experience it with him.
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It's just occured to me - I do get tipped! I've had a pair of students ask me what I thought was a good freefly helmet - and did a little research and told them a Bonehead Mindwarp. They bought themselves 2, and me one as well. My Pro Dytter was a gift from an AFF student, as was my Alti 2 Altimeter. And I got a jumpsuit back in 1996, and after taking a junior team of former AFF students to nationals (and getting a bronze) in 1997, I got a Cypress. Another made me mini CD digital business cards. Cash in hand means nothing compared to that. I feel the love!

It's the year of the Pig.

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