
Hit a snag: FAA Class 3 medical clearance

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The DZ I'm doing my AFF at has requested that I get a FAA Class 3 medical clearance in light of the letter I brought them from my doctor. I've made an appt (for friday!) with the local FAA doctor.

So any of you pilots out there - what is a class 3 medical clearance or where can I find information about it?

Thanks for any help!

Arianna Frances

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Disqualifying Conditions: [6] Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker

NOTE: Waivers for many of these conditions may be obtained through application to the FAA Aeromedical Certification Branch in Oklahoma City.

:S There is hope....
Arianna Frances

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Just got off the phone with some district manager...

I have an ICD - automatically disqualified - no questions asked, no waivers given.

great!! Really, I should be laughing at this. Who wrote that rule? 99% of the people that have these are 60+ years old and have a mirade of problems. I'm 24! I just happened to be handed an unlucky ticket and am genetically disposed to a rare condition for which I have this for. I've never used it, nor have I had any need for it. I'm in PERFECT health otherwise. Hell, I run 2 miles EVERY DAY! They won't even look at me - not a chance. My own PERSONAL doctor signed off on this saying "sure, go for it, sounds like fun" - he knows me better than some district person in Oklahoma City, I think that would count for something...

Sorry to vent my frustration to all of you - but this is crap... Don't think there is anything else I can do... What a way to have a dream squashed.

ugh!! I need to find a punching bag, cause I'm about to break my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!
Arianna Frances

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Bummer. I know your pain; I was denied a medical at one point because I was taking Ritalin. Luckily I didn't need the medical to fun jump, just to do tandems (I quit taking the Ritalin and went to a different doctor at a later time; got it no problem then).

Talk with the people at the dz again. Let them know that you tried but were denied because of an FAA rule. If they refuse to let you jump without an FAA medical try a different dz. Keep trying until you've run out of dz's to call.

Don't give up. You have a note from your doctor - who knows your medical history far better than whatever bureaucrat wrote the regs, and better than an FAA flight doctor who has never seen you before. imho that should be enough for a dzo to be comfortable with the idea of you jumping.

But then again, I'm not a dzo...

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The DZ I'm doing my AFF at has requested that I get a FAA Class 3 medical clearance in light of the letter I brought them from my doctor

Hmmmm...odd, not an entirely bad idea, but odd. Tandem Instructors have to have this, but for fun jumping, that's sort of extreme.

Call another DZ or more then one DZ, you'll get to go jumping.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Talk with the people at the dz again. Let them know that you tried but were denied because of an FAA rule. If they refuse to let you jump without an FAA medical try a different dz. Keep trying until you've run out of dz's to call.

Ok... the only thing with this. Being in New ENgland where everything is so close together, and with this being a tight knit sport - wouldn't 'word' get around? I'm not trying to burn bridges here - I just want to jump. I just want to get my license and jump - whats the big deal?? ok, I know what the big deal is, but I've take the appropriate precautions and have that letter....

this just stinks - I have to find another way of doing this. I work with someone who has his B license, and he recommended going to the DZ and jump withoiut telling anyone becuase my Dr. has already said its ok - I don't want to do that becuase I don't want to come off as a liar or 'cheater' in ANY way at all...

I don't want to run out of options - I'm totally pissed off though. I can't believe they don't look at stuff on a case by case basis - oh wait, yes I can >:(
Arianna Frances

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Don't give up.

I was doing this IT rollout thing, and in one persons cubicle I saw this sign that was something like:

"...Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always
will solve the problems of the human race.”
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I'm impressed that you want to do it the "right" way instead of lying about it. The folks at the dz need to know about your pacemaker because it may put you at additional risk, but different dzo's have different ways of running their businesses.

Call around. Be ready to fax a copy of your doc's letter to them. Don't give up yet. :)

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Thanks for the article.

Doesn't help my case.... but then again....


The European Arrythmia Standards are more in my favor:

Preexcitation syndromes. Preexcitation syndromes are considered disqualifying pending medical assessment.
Arianna Frances

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Call other DZs in your area. Don't worry about what might be said, in the end you'll have an A license and $$$ to spend at a DZ. DZO's love seeing $$$ walk in their door.

If you're still worried about other people knowing...well, you posted your question to the largest skydiving site in the world, they've most like already heard about it. So, FIDO (f*** it drive on) and go skydive! B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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If you're still worried about other people knowing...well, you posted your question to the largest skydiving site in the world, they've most like already heard about it. So, FIDO (f*** it drive on) and go skydive!

Arianna Frances

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Seriously, who cares? It doesn't matter.

If people at a DZ get worked up over something like this, are those the people that you would have wanted to hang out with and jump with every weekend?

There are plenty of DZs with plenty of people, each one is different, so try some out, see how it goes, you'll find your skydiving home and family.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Here is a thought. If you have $$ you could take a vacation to the states get you A and then return back and jump at another DZ. I understand their hesitence in taking the risk that you might have a problem but once you have your A I'm sure most places won't even ask for a medical. This is just a thought. Plus you would get a great vacation.
Some one must go to the edge for others to be able to find it. But if you go be sure you can make it back.

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Here is a thought. If you have $$ you could take a vacation to the states get you A and then return back and jump at another DZ. I understand their hesitence in taking the risk that you might have a problem but once you have your A I'm sure most places won't even ask for a medical. This is just a thought. Plus you would get a great vacation.

:ph34r: hehe... She is from Rhode Island. Its in the US.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Ok... this is a thought.

Once I get my A - I would like to be able to travel to other DZs. But if I have to go through this crap with each one - well, thats not worth it.

Maybe it would just be worth it to go through all this FAA crap - try to force a waiver (which I can do but may take MONTHS or YEARS). In the mean time I could jump at the zone I get my license at (and anyone that won't give me a hard time with the dr. letter) and worry about traveling after/if I get the FAA clearance.

Whatcha think?

Arianna Frances

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Here's what I would do if I were in your place:

1) Change my hair color from red to blue. ;)

2) Go to a different DZ.

3) Forget to mention that I have an electronic gizmo in my chest.

4) Jump like hell.

Obviously you and your doctor are comfortable with it. You are the one that has the last responsibility for your life. Use it.


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1) Change my hair color from red to blue. ;)

LOL! I wish I could color my hair anycolor - my hair is BLACK and unless I bleach it it colors nasty! My icon is the beautiful Jen Garner from ALIAS (my fav show!)


2) Go to a different DZ.

Plan on it - I'll make some calls tomorrow - after I speak with the DZO at the zone I wanted to go to.


3) Forget to mention that I have an electronic gizmo in my chest.

This has been recommended to me a few times - not by anyone on this site though. The reason I don't want to do this is:

1. Out of harm to myself, if something should happen I want them to be aware of my device.

2. I want them to make an educated decision about my jumping there - they have regulations, and image and a business to run, and I don't want to be responsible for the closing or slowing down of business at a DZ (rare, but suppose it could happen) becuase I lied. This sport is about much more than any one person and I don't want to hold all that on my head. Only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch, so to speak.

3. I'm a bad liar :P


4) Jump like hell.

Thats what I'm trying to do ;)

Thanks for the advice!

Arianna Frances

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Its important for the DZ to know about conditions like this. They have your medical waiver on file and if something would happen they would need to get the info to the hospital. If you don't tell them of something who knows what the hospital can screw up if they don't know what your medical conditions are.

Now as for not allowing you to jump, thats something that you need to talk to the DZO about and make sure you are agreeable on the situation. DZO's are'nt exactly happy to know that they might be taking on jumpers that have a higher then normal chance of needing medical attention, but then again after getting educated the DZO might see that there is no real risk to you and would'nt care about you jumping.
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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All DZ waivers I've seen in many years have that section where you are asked about any medical conditions. If I were convinced that skydiving was not significantly more hazardous, to me or to anyone else, because of the ICD, I would just sign the section saying that I had no health problems. If something happens, it will come out that you actually had the device and lied about it. Since you said "Out of harm to myself, if something should happen I want them to be aware of my device," you don't seem to be fully convinced that your condition is a non-issue.

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