
Just starting out...alone.

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I did a tandem with a friend who swore he was gonna do AFF with me... and just backed out.

I really want to do AFF and get my license and all that... but I feel weird about doing it alone! I don't know anyone else who skydives... and my other friends all look at me like "jump out of a plane?! you're freakin nuts!"


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I just recently started skydiving, but I brought out a group of 10 for the first jump course. I thought that then I would be guaranteed to know someone that would be there with me through it all. However, I am the only person from that group that has been back... Im sure that the people at your DZ are awesome, and you will get to know lots of people right away. If they think you are nuts, screw em... they're nuts for not trying :P.
Have fun with it dude, you wont regret it.

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I did a tandem with a friend who swore he was gonna do AFF with me... and just backed out.

I really want to do AFF and get my license and all that... but I feel weird about doing it alone! I don't know anyone else who skydives... and my other friends all look at me like "jump out of a plane?! you're freakin nuts!"


Your in the same boat I was..

I started skyding myself. AFF myself.

Believe me, just do it. If its what you want to do then do it. You will get talking to skydivers from day 1. Most people I have met through skydiving (not many yet as i'm still a newbie!) are some of the best people ive ever met. You wont regret it! Everyone will be more than willing to help, support and generally make you feel welcome!

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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If you are planning to jump at Perris, there are a lot of people from dz.com that jump there.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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its weird...

I wasn't at all afraid as long as I thought my friend was going too... but now that he's backed out, I'm kinda scared.

I'm not sure if its just that I was scared deep down but didn't want to show it to my friend, but now that I'm going alone, I can admit it to myself? I dunno.

I'm still going to do it, but I think its going to be harder when I can't look across the plane and have someone else there for support.

am I making any sense at all??

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I took a friend when I did my tandem. He never came back with me. I did aff alone, and have since met many people that skydive and know quite a few people at my dz.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Hey Kris!

I started jumping alone.... Now all the skydivers are my friends. They'll be yours soon, too and you'll find yourself pulled toward the DZ more and more often. Whuffo friends will grow weary of your skydiving escapades but when you see them you will still tell the stories. Those who stick by you will evenetually accept the 'new' you and might even show up some weekend to watch. A couple of my whuffo friends are now threatening to take an FJC ... it can happen y'know.


(just do it) ;):)

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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I did a tandem with a friend who swore he was gonna do AFF with me... and just backed out.

I really want to do AFF and get my license and all that... but I feel weird about doing it alone! I don't know anyone else who skydives... and my other friends all look at me like "jump out of a plane?! you're freakin nuts!"


You're certainly not alone. We're all with you! ;)


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hoping to start AFF this saturday at Perris

Hey Perris jumpers! First AFF on Saturday - wear your dz.com shirt and Nightingale's buying the beer! >:(;)

Perris is a big dz... I'd been jumping for 6 years when I went there and I was intimidated. You'll get to know people soon though; keep posting here and you can pretty much guarantee that someone who posts here will be at Perris every weekend.

Are you jumping with the Perris school or Jim Wallace's school? They're both excellent, btw, just curious. :)

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I did the same thing. I took AFF all alone. Don't be worried that you dont know anyone. Most of the instructors are really cool. If you have a good attitude you will meet lots of people, dont even stress about it. And it is well worth it. Just have fun with it.

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it helps if youre a girl, but even a guy can find people willing to help and work with them! But like I said it helps if you have boobs. Dressing up in drag would probably be your best bet.

Seriously, you'll find the dropzone (mine at least, and probably yours) is a very friendly environment (most of the time) and welcomes new comers.

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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Dont worry about it, I just started 2 months ago, I ew absolutely no one at my DZ. Since then Ive met a bunch of good people there. Even better than some friends ive had for 20 years.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Its quite common for a group planning to go jump to drop from 20 ppl to just one or none....only the truely determined will go once its crunch time.....On that note...CONGRATS!!!

As far as friends to hang out with.......even at a small DZ you will find new friends , let alone a huge DZ like Perris......couple that with being female and damn cute..... your sure to be bombarded with new "non horney" guy friends...hehe.

Old friends or not...keep at it.....I am sure you will meet ppl that will become your "bestest" buddies as you explore and become a skydiver.

Blue Skies and watch out for guys that swoop B|

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I don't have much different to say then what everyone else has already posted.
Go for it if you really want to skydive. Like some other people said, keep posting here, and you'll meet some people. Don't let your friend backing out spoil your fun. That is unless you really don't want to skydive;)

(that'll get her out there just to prove me wrong.)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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whew, in that case wear a low cut top and hit on as many guys as possible. You'll go far.

[/kidding around]

Again, seriously, be proud of yourself for doing this (skydiving). Don't worry if your friends drop away (theyre chicken!). You rock, sistah!!

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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Hey there, girl...

I did it that way - alone. I didn't even have any friends who'd ever done a tandem, let alone AFF or had their license...and I started with AFF! LOL...

I tell ya, the first person you will meet when you land from your first aff will be your best friend - it will be someone you recognize, but who is bigger, badder, more utterly capable of handling whatever gets thrown at her. She will be you, but you on the other side of fear. You, on the other side of challenge. You, but on the other side of flying. You! You will meet yourself again, not in a mirror, but alive. More alive than you've ever been. You will see things differently, think differently, feel differently...and it will be wonderful. I promise you that.

And you will make friends along the way. But you don't need anyone else with you to do this. You just need you, the best friend you will ever have, and the only one who will be with you all your life...you, girl. You.

Go to it, go fly. Go learn how amazing this world is...and then come back to the ground another person.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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