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LMAO but feeling your pain. Let us know how it goes.

Did you get videos? That could help.

LoL...Sorry, dude, that really sucks!B| Just talk to your JMs and see about video. Plus, you might want to get a larger more permanent log book...(Oh, my God, its like the equivalent of your dog eating your homework in skydiving...:D
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Yep, you're screwed sure 'nuff. Turn in your equipment and never go to the DZ again.:ph34r:

Really, there should be a record of your jumps in the DZ master training logs and if nothing else, your instructors will have them in their personal logbooks.

Hell, I once lost logbooks with over 1000 jumps in them right before I was due to get my gold wings and still got them anyway. You'll be OK, chill.
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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Sorry to say I'm laughing my arse off.:o:ph34r::ph34r:

Ditto. Sorry man:D How small is the log that you can put it into the washer and not see it?

Recalling a few episodes from my "early childhood";), I'd lost a few postage stamps from my collection (ok, from my "collection" :)) in that fashion, but that was about it.

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Oh, my God, its like the equivalent of your dog eating your homework in skydiving...:D


well, I'd figure at most dropzones they'd at least keep track of your numbers, and if you've been filling out your a-license proficiency card as you go along (you have haven't you?) you can just pick up a beefier log book and start on jump #whatever and do a memorial jump for all the comments you lost ;)

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i put my freakin student logbook in the washer/dryer!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH i'm freakin out its in a billion little wadded up pieces. FUCK FUCK!! am i screwed?

Hey man, you'll never attain Skygod status pulling stunts like that;)
You do realize that incidents such as that go on your "permanent record" don't you?
"And when the prophet shall arise who appeareth as a bird then the time of the Lord draweth nigh and the flock shall rule the earth."

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Re-soak the book and place it under something heavy for a day to flatten out the pages... then, open it up and let it air out to dry.

Redo as much of the book as you can in another OR, start a new book leaving off from your last jump. Take the new book and the old book to an S&TA to endorse the first log of the new book as verified jumps. Keep the old one in case you need to go for a rating of some type.

It happens and as long as you have the old and the new, most instructional Course Directors have known something like that to happen.

You may want to develop a better story than the washer/dryer thing...make it more melodramatic. "No shit, there I was..." ;)

In all seriousness... it happens. The most common resolution is to have the S&TA endorse the new book and if your DZ can create a report on you... that helps as supporting documentation.

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no this was like a little student paper log book, it looked like a little booklet thing. lol. its not that big of a deal, i guess, i remember the JMs writing a copy of each jump for the manifest, and now i know why :S:S:D The ink is all smeared and blurry now, its almost impossible to read what was written. hmmm... forget the washer.. no shit there i was, coming in on final bearing down on a large boulder smack dab in the middle of the Colorado River on a Class five rapid, i just barely missed that dang thing and began to flare and............... ;)B|

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This is a fear of mine (losing, not washing). What do you experienced folks do to protect against it? Shucks, in addition to my doing something stupid, there are always fires, sacrifices to the moving gods and all sorts of other dumb things that can go wrong. What to do?

By the way, Don, chicks don't dig the jigsaw puzzle variety log books...

Blue skies and happy landings!

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Hey, while your'e at it, buy a real freak'n log book. Something your instructor actually has room to write in. Those little paper books are 100% worthless.

Yeah, I hear they give those things away with Happy Meals. (Sales pitch - "And with your first jump, you get a REAL SKYDIVER'S LOGBOOK" oh yay :S)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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As few jumps as I have--I'd be catatonic for a week if that happened to me. Fortunately, I've put the first 19 on my website, but I would've lost the last 6--some pretty amazing jumps.

I hope you can remember them and hook up w/ your instructors to fill in the blanks on your next REAL (big, fat and hard to put in the wash) logbook :(
“Keep your elbow up!"

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This is a fear of mine (losing, not washing). What do you experienced folks do to protect against it?

My logbook lives in my locker at the DZ, along with my previous 2 logbooks. Before I started keeping a locker, they lived in my gear bag. You wouldn't loose your rig would you...so a gear bag is a good place.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I scanned my logbook, copied it to my second hard drive, and it's about to be uploaded to a Mac server probably in Cupertino CA.

Of course, with only five jumps this wasn't a big task.

Even if a nuclear bomb hit NYC my logbook would survive. Of course I wouldn't.
Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Ohh unlucky!! Is it not worth drying it out or is it just a bit like a pulp?! Hmmmm, dont know what Id do!!!!
Good luck!

"This isn't flying...it's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

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