
wind tunnel question

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I'm a fairly new jumper (70 jumps) and I want to use the wind tunnel to develop some solid basic skills. So this spring I'm planning to head down to the wind tunnel in Orlando. With the help of a coach and about two hours I'm hoping to come back a better flyer.
My question; Is it physically possible to do a full hour in the tunnel in a day? I plan on one hour a day for two days. It's been suggested that I split up the time with other people but if I'm going to travel all the way to the SE then I want to get as much time in as possible.

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I did half an hour in one day and I was very tired by the end of it and extremely sore the next day.

If you do an hour in one day and are not ultra-fit, you may find your last 10 or so 'jumps' are not very beneficial as you are so tired you can barely hold your position.

nothing to see here

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I just got back from the tunnel and while I can do 7-10 jumps in a day and not feel it, I really felt my 15 minutes in the tunnel the next day. 30 minutes spread through the entire day might be a better option then doing 30 minutes flying out of an hour or something. It takes a lot of conditioning to fly for more then a few minutes at a time.

PM Arlo. She works there and can get you the details.
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I agree. I did three 30min blocks over three days. Usually we (coach and myself) were in the tunnel doing 10 min blocks in rotation w/ other groups. Depending on the air temp, sometimes I came out of my 2.5 minute rotation sweating. By the end of the third day I had learned a lot but I was also pretty tired.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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I have spent nearly five hours in the cone in a single day working with people at the Fort Bragg tunnel and yes I was tired, but I spent a lot of time in there for a few years (250 hours). An hour in the cone is not that big a deal if you are in any kind of limber shape. What typically happens after your body gets spent is that you lose your ability to arch. I would typically bring extra lead in for my sessions and would just add more as I got tired. If you are splitting your time with other people, generally you are not going to be spending more than about 3-5 minutes at a time before you get out and debrief.


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If you are coming to Orlando in the spring, maybe you'd want to do the Team Synchronicity tunnel camp. March 13-14. That's the USA womens skydiving team coaching all weekend.
Contact [email protected]

Whoa, that sounds VERY interesting! I love flying with women. Can you PM me a link or something with some more info? :)

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Both Alysse and I will be going. How sensual can you get, sharing a 125mph wind blast and the constant vibrating and roar of the fans all weekend, with some of the best (and most beautiful;)) skydivers in the world!

All I can say is "Relax and use those knees!"B|


PS tomorrow we will be in the tunnel with Sally Hathaway, so I will ask for more details to post here. They have a new design to their team site:
www.teamsynchronicity.com Check it out!!

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It also depends on how you intend to fly for an hour. Do you mean one hour total over the course of en entire day or one hour of straight flying? Generally you go in for a two minute session and then rotate with another person (or people.) The most that people usually will fly out of a one hour block is 30 minutes (2 minutes in, two minutes out for the whole hour.) This is pretty tiring even if you've been in the tunnel before. To fly for a full hour straight would probably be very detrimental to you as you would be too tired to do anything and you may even hurt yourself.

I'd say for your first time down there take it easy. If you want two hours of flying time then split it up. I would recommend flying no more than 20 minutes out of an hour for your first time in there. Enjoy! :)
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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I was new to the tunnel too, but I did 2 hours in 2 days over the xmas holiday. I am in really great shape and it ripped me in two.
I was able to split it up with a lot of people and never did more than 15 minutes in any given hour, and the day was 8 hours long (first session at 07:30, last around 16:00).

But I'm with Ari on this one, if you do this much time, you may waste the last few sessions just trying to stay stable with your fatigue.

Oh, and the first day was all belly, the second was all freefly. You use totally different muscles for the 2 disciplines.

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I've been to Skyventure at Orlando twice, did 30 minutes in one afternoon then 30 minutes on another evening. I was on vacation in the USA at the time .. so was relaxed and well rested ..

I can't say that I was really tired after each session - I wasn't, in fact I am pretty sure I could have done an hour each day and it would have been fine. I wasn't tired during or the following day and didn't have any aches or pains afterwards.

However, I went to the Aerokart tunnel in Paris with a group of people a couple of months ago - and was exhausted. I did 8 x 2.5 minutes sessions in the tunnel and on sessions 6, 7 and 8 I came over very tired and found it increasingly difficult to keep a good body position. However - the day before I'd been at work until late, drove to the Airport to catch a plane to Paris, had about 3 hours sleep, had eaten rich food late at night and had just a little bit too much to drink. Bad move.

So, I would guess, it is physically >>possible<< to do an hour in the tunnel in one day - but you'd have to take it seriously. Make sure you're fit and very well rested, because if not .. you'll quickly tire and become frustrated with yourself and all in all it wouldn't be worth the money. To get the most of it and to have the most fun, make sure you are not bleary eyed and yawning before going there!

Last point: Like any physical activity - the fitter you are the better, if you know you're not really that fit .. and break in to a wheeze running up the stairs at home .. then you need to be realistic with yourself about how much time in the tunnel you can probably cope with.


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If you want to fly for an hour/day then I'd definitely recommend splitting it up over at least 3 hours and breaking up the hour sessions as well so you're not in the chamber area for three hours straight. Also keep in mind that doing it this way qould require you (or a coach) to have 6+ hours booked for the time that you're in Florida. The tunnel in Orlando is very heavily booked through April right now so if you don't have your times booked get them fast!
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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I just got back from a camp, we had 2 hours total. We did 30 minuets the first day ( two 15 minuet sessions) and then 45 the following 2 days. Its well worth the trip and money, I learned so much I don't even know where to start. The coaches are amazing!

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I got some more details about the Team Synchronicity Tunnel Camp March 13+14 at Skyventure Orlando.

Team Synchronicity is the current United States Women's 4-way Formation Skydiving team and is currently training to compete in the 2004 World Championships in Croatia.

Help support the team and get coached by the best!

The price is so incredibly reasonable that I will let them announce it in the Events Forum, but I can say that compared to similar tunnel camps prices, this one, even with airfare to Orlando and hotel you will have cash left over for jump tixs!

I plan on doing some coach jumps with them to practice what I learn in the tunnel camp!

Details from Sally Hathaway:
Team Synchronicity Tunnel Camp
Sat 13th and Sun 14th of March.
One hour of tunnel flying, all coached, with video debriefs.

The first day we are done at 7pm and the next day at 5.30pm. Some people might be done a little earlier depending on how the schedule works out.

Besides one on one coaching, we might also do some 2 on 1 or 4 way in the tunnel depending on people's different skill levels on the second day.

Lunch will be provided both days, drinks and snacks.
$100 deposit from people to hold their slot on the camp.
contact [email protected]

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