
How addicted are you ?

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It's absolutely ridiculous how obsessed I am with skydiving. Really, ask my girlfriend. I can't sit there for more than a minute without talking about it. I try to practice my hd neutral (for muscle memory) when standing in long lines at fast food places. I only listen to music that makes me think about skydiving. I get up, I go to work, I come home, and I spend the rest of the night studying skydiving videos, watching them hundreds of times, studying body positions, and thats pretty much every night. I just got done watching one to be honest. I put my hand outside a moving car window and fly it on the relative wind. I spend every waking moment at work on this site. I try to keep my weight and body type (keep the gut off) the same to keep my flying, wing loading, and fall rates constant. I go to the gym very seldomly, and the few times I go, it's only to work out on the butterfly machine to make my legs stronger to fly on my head. I stretch every morning for the sake of being flexible for skydiving. Sometimes I won't eat except for cereal all week so I'll have cash for one more jump. 90% of my clothing is skydiving, the rest is stuff from before I started jumping or clothes for work. In my bedroom I have 4 poster frames of skydive pics, a skydiving calendar, and I have a shelf reserved only for spaceballs, licenses, and other achievements. My computer is always playing random skydive vids so they're already playing when I get home. If I'm not obsessed, I don't know what obsession is. B|B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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I only listen to music that makes me think about skydiving.

LOL, search for Perfect Blue Sky by Junkie XL. Also As the Rush Comes by Motorcycle is a good one and a less obvious choice than Extreme Ways by Moby.

You reminded me that my music tastes have sorta of changed towards tunes that would go well with a skydiving video. I guess I'm more addicted than I thought.

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Wrong way.... you're so doomed. I suggest you cutaway while you're young.
Harness the passion and fly with it. You know you'll never be happy unless you are doing Mach 2, head down, with your hair on fire.
To chop or not to chop... that is the question.

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maybe you need better sex?

I think every man could use better sex. or at least more than he's getting. I don't let skydiving get in the way of my thoughts of sex. There are enough hours in the day for both , but that is about it. Sex and skydiving,... so.... at least i have a two track mind.

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So at 305 votes it looks like 47 % (dominate thoughts+ more than sex voters) of us are pretty much certifiable. (insane) What i want to know is wtf is wrong wth the rest of you people who say you can turn it off or concentrate on other things easily.Kidding, just jealous. Must do a more scientific poll someday.

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ok im so addicted that since i havent jumped since monday that i really cant stop thinking about it and took off work today(friday) to go.; :) also, i was looking up stuff for mothers day and i saw this link that said "poems", i swear i thought it said "perris" so i clicked on the link expecting skydiving greeting cards....or just something. but to my dismay there was only these gay poems. hehe :D

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