
Helping low jump number skydivers

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you know, i was just thinking about my weekend, i did a couple of jumps with this really cool guy named chris, he's got about 30 jumps, and whenever i'm not jumping with anybody or if i see him going up alone i'll ask him if he wants to do a jump together. Now, i know i only have like 100 jumps, but i still remember coming right off student status like it was yesterday.. well it practically was :D but anyway, it was hard to find people to jump with because i was scared to ask anybody and then fuck up a jump and waste their time and money. So i decided that when i got all growed up :S:D i was going to do everything i can to jump with low timers to try to teach them whatever i can and try to make skydiving as fun as possible for them. There's alot of lame ass people out there that only want to jump with people as "bad ass" as them or, they will only jump with them if the low timer pays for them. I dont think thats what this sport should be about. It should be about making friends and having fun in the air. It shouldnt be about reputations and being bad ass or making money, unless you're a dz bum and have nothing else. *shrugs* just felt like talking about it a little, it made me feel good when he came up to me at the end of the day and said thanks for being so friendly, he said that me and a few other people were the only people that had really been friendly to him and made efforts to jump with him. Although i know thats life, wouldnt it be cool if everybody would just jump with everybody, screw the standards, screw being cool, just have fun and be safe. :)

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here's alot of lame ass people out there that only want to jump with people as "bad ass" as them or, they will only jump with them if the low timer pays for them.

I *beep*ing HATE that attitude. I may not have as much to share with someone as someone on a 4-way team about RW or some hot shot FF team member about FFing, but I can share what knowledge I do have.

That's more of a "smaller" DZ attitude, from what I've seen, you have jumpers pulling low timers "under their wings" to help them grow. That's what Doc Stewart (at Eagle Flight Skydiving) did for me (and still does) and since the beginning I've thought it was a great way to be.

That's also the heart and spirit of SCRs.B|
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As a low-timer - thanks! I did my first 2-way with a non-instructor this past weekend - it was great to be invited to jump with someone far more experienced.

The Ranch, where I jump, has a mentor program which encourages experienced jumpers to jump with low-timers by giving them free jumps. Might be something for other DZs to adopt.

Blue Skies
30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006

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has a mentor program which encourages experienced jumpers to jump with low-timers by giving them free jumps. Might be something for other DZs to adopt.

Thats cool, but I wish others would take the attitude of wanting to do it, to give back to the sport with out any thought of any kind of return.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Thats cool, but I wish others would take the attitude of wanting to do it, to give back to the sport with out any thought of any kind of return.

Good point. Actually, in my case, the jumper didn't even know about the freebie until after he'd invited me to jump. But I like the fact that they're actively encouraging more interaction between the students & experienced jumpers.

Blue Skies
30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006

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EXACTLY. some people say well if you want to get good in this sport you have to pay for coaching and thats just how it is in this sport. Bullshit. thats not the way i think it should be. but like what i think means anything .:D but regardless, i'm going to continue to jump with low timers, i actually told my friends that if i ever get big headed, to pop my bubble because thats not the way i want to be. I spent WAY more money then i should have this past weekend, and to be honest with you, i cannot afford it. but i do it because i want to, and because i really enjoy feeling like i made a difference.

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EXACTLY. some people say well if you want to get good in this sport you have to pay for coaching and thats just how it is in this sport. Bullshit.

Not really, just reality. I said what I did because thats the way it is in general. I don't enjoy you calling people like me 'big headed' and all sorts of other things I have run across in your posts, just please keep that in mind.

Its like any other thing Don. You want to learn to golf well, you can teach yourself or find a coach. It would be nice to help my friends at my own expense, but many times its simply not feasible. For me, and others just trying to make a living. Most skydivers are all too willing to help out young uns. I do my best to give back to the sport in any way possible. If I have to decline a fun jump with a friend with 20 jumps or do a coaching jump so I can eat McDonald's instead of Ramen, sorry buddy, I'm going to do a coaching jump.


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Brits, I read TT's post a tad differently. I saw it more as a "bad asser" will jump (for free) with his/her friends of equal experience, and charge young jumpers to jump with them. (Just thought I'd mention I saw his post differently...)

As for me, check out the Respect post I made in this forum. That's what I'm talking about...those folks who would, without remuneration, take time to help me (the newbie) come along and learn things. But for me it's more than learning in the air - it's the learning during weather holds, or afterwards having dinner. It's the teasing and the poking fun. It's the whole experience...

To be welcomed into a group of jumpers who have seen most if not all of it, who have done most if not all of it, and for them to take time to play with me, teach me, laugh with me: that's the cool thing in this sport. I've tried to pay for their J/T, but that just wasn't happening...I was not allowed. They are willing to spend the money on their own ticket just to see a bit of improvement from me, my smile, or hear my hooting when things go well. And they are just as eager to cajole me out of my "I'm a shitty skydiver" frame of mind when I screw it all up.

And yes, these guys are doing their best to get me my SCR. I seem to be doing my unintentional best to foil the plot, but I suspect that we will get it sometime.

I was lucky enough to take someone on their airginity jump - and we had a great time. I know that look - I know it from inside. This guy can now fly circles around me, and I had absolutely nothing to do with that...except be with him on his first licensed jump.

Those who take the time to spread their wings and teach us fledgelings a thing or two - that's what is wonderful in this sport...


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EXACTLY. some people say well if you
Not really, just reality. I said what I did because thats the way it is in general. I don't enjoy you calling people like me 'big headed' and all sorts of other things I have run across in your posts, just please keep that in mind.

Its like any other thing Don. You want to learn to golf well, you can teach yourself or find a coach. It would be nice to help my friends at my own expense, but many times its simply not feasible. For me, and others just trying to make a living. Most skydivers are all too willing to help out young uns. I do my best to give back to the sport in any way possible. If I have to decline a fun jump with a friend with 20 jumps or do a coaching jump so I can eat McDonald's instead of Ramen, sorry buddy, I'm going to do a coaching jump.


My goodness....you must really be a good skydiver to value your services so highly.
I hope , someday, to be as good.


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My goodness....you must really be a good skydiver to value your services so highly.
I hope , someday, to be as good.


lol, nah, it's hardly a service :D i was just trying to make a point.


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Your reply was uncalled for. Brits17 in no way was acting inappropriately with her response. I have yet to meet her in person (this may change in Twin Falls in less than a month), but she has always acted well and said good things here on DZ.COM and you slamming her was just wrong.

Geez maybe one day we can all be as good as you. :P

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Geez maybe one day we can all be as good as you

I would dearly hope so. He's one of the guys who's spending lots of time teaching the new kids for nothing. A whole lot like Sparky, and like a lot of the others who post here.

Brits is a sweetie. She made a point.

I wouldn't call Bozo a sweetie (he'd kill me). He made a point as well.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I've become pretty good friends with someone at the dz who is happy to jump with me straight off AFF, which I am really looking forward to because he's a friend now, and jumping with a friend is going to be so much fun! Luckily, he also has his instructor rating, so we wont run into any problems with the DZO jumping together.
Hes also going to jump with me on my next AFF stage and film it, for free which will also be awesome since I couldnt afford to have any other cameraman there. I told him he needs to stay away from me in freefall though, in case I do weird shit, his response was "I'll be outta your way before you even know where you're heading!". Good. :S
I know a lot of people wont want to jump with someone straight off AFF or even with 30 jumps, but it is definately good when someone comes forward and says they'de be happy to jump with you regardless of experience. More jumpers should be like that! (But I can understand why a lot aren't too!)
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Your reply was uncalled for. Brits17 in no way was acting inappropriately with her response. I have yet to meet her in person (this may change in Twin Falls in less than a month), but she has always acted well and said good things here on DZ.COM and you slamming her was just wrong.

Geez maybe one day we can all be as good as you. :P

Who you trying to convince...me...or you ?


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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woah woah. this thread is NOT about brittany at all, she's a bad ass skydiver, AND a bad ass person to boot. anybody that has ever met her knows this. Yes, me and her have discussed this and she sees things a lil' differently, but thats all. I in no way was trying to slam her or anybody else in particular. like i said, if your only source of income is from skydiving, thats different. then its a job. but if you have a regular job and can actually afford to skydive, why not help others. THAT's what i was trying to say. sorry if it came out sounding otherwise. B|

all i was trying to say was that maybe as we advance in this sport, we shouldnt lose sight of where we started, and how we felt at that point. i personally hope i never lose sight of that, and that people will always feel like they can come to me if they cant afford to pay for a coach jump. i might not be great or anything, but if nothing else i'll go out there and laugh at you. :P:D i'm there to have fun, and i do my best to make it fun for everybody in the air with me. :D and i do a pretty damn good job i think :S:D:$

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woah woah. this thread is NOT about brittany at all, she's a bad ass skydiver, AND a bad ass person to boot. anybody that has ever met her knows this. Yes, me and her have discussed this and she sees things a lil' differently, but thats all. I in no way was trying to slam her or anybody else in particular. like i said, if your only source of income is from skydiving, thats different. then its a job. but if you have a regular job and can actually afford to skydive, why not help others. THAT's what i was trying to say. sorry if it came out sounding otherwise. B|

all i was trying to say was that maybe as we advance in this sport, we shouldnt lose sight of where we started, and how we felt at that point. i personally hope i never lose sight of that, and that people will always feel like they can come to me if they cant afford to pay for a coach jump. i might not be great or anything, but if nothing else i'll go out there and laugh at you. :P:D i'm there to have fun, and i do my best to make it fun for everybody in the air with me. :D and i do a pretty damn good job i think :S:D:$

This sport is so many things to so many people. But it is one thing to all. That is, you will only get out of it what you are will the but back into it. Many years ago there were several jumpers, some who helped invent what we do, who took the time to work with me. I had a national champion in accuracy teach me a little about flying a canopy, I had a couple of World champion 10 way speed star jumpers help me understand how to go fast. I had SCR 007 organize my SCR load, and got sit fly lessons from SCS-1 himself. I would feel as though I let these, and many more, down if I did not give of my time and what knowledge I have to those coming up.
I have been on world records, done BASE jumps and CREW. I have flown in jumpsuits that had more material then my Hobby Cat sail. I have gone through 1000 feet with a main entanglement and been involved in testing for many years. But nothing can beat the look on a jumpers face the first time they do something new or are involved in some different form of skydiving. All jumper have been there and know what it feels like to be left out. It doesn't cost me a thing, I am going to jump any way, to make a jump with someone and watch their face light and see them smile that smile that won't go away all day. And you know what, it make me feel pretty good also.
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woah woah. this thread is NOT about brittany at all

Then please do not take my quotes out of context and post them on a public forum.


like i said, if your only source of income is from skydiving, thats different. then its a job. but if you have a regular job and can actually afford to skydive, why not help others.

You have not once expressed that until now.


We may see things a lil differently...
all i was trying to say was that maybe as we advance in this sport, we shouldnt lose sight of where we started, and how we felt at that point.

Where's the disagreement?


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It doesn't cost me a thing, I am going to jump any way, to make a jump with someone and watch their face light and see them smile that smile that won't go away all day. And you know what, it make me feel pretty good also.

Well said, Sparky.

(But all this time, I thought it was because you liked me. LOLOL!!! I thought I was special, and not in the short bus kinda way....!!!)

Know what, though? Thanks for what you (and others like you) do for those like me. This skydiving thing is hard, especially for those like me who get performance anxiety, or get lost in the sky (ahem!), and think we're no good and that we are wasting your time and ticket.

Again, thanks to you, and those like you, who will take the time to teach a newbie without remuneration. You guys just rock!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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come jump with me :)
seriously... right now i don't want aniyone jumping with me because of what you said about messing up and wasting their time.

i did have a guy ask me to jump with him. i said ok...but keep your distance, i didn't want to screw up and put him in danger.
honestly it was really cool, when i turned around and saw him in my "airspace" somehow it was different than with a JM hanging out.
i was happy he had asked my.

kudos to you for your attitude towards us low number jumpers :)

earthbound misfit

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;)Good for you! I feel exactly the same way... I am the exact same way. I have around 500 jumps, but I love going out with people who are low # jumpers, & show them how mcuh fun this sport really is. I agree with what you said, about all the Skygods who will only jump with people that are as "good" as them or better! I love jumping with people who don't have very many jumps, and when we land, the smile on their faces & the excitement in their voices. You know, we all have been there, & the way I look at, is if we don't encourage these jumpers, what will happen to the future of this wonderful, awesome sport. TWO THUMBS UP TO YOU! Blue Skies.....

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Sometimes you do jumps with low timers for free, sometimes you get paid as a coach. I've done it both ways, and will continue to do it both ways. When you take a low timer on a fun jump, it's just fun, and you design the dive to fit their skills. They should learn a few new things, but plan of the dive is fun for me, too. On a paid coach jump, I find out what skills they are working on and design the dive accordingly. Since it's their $$, I try to make it 100% about them developing and improving their skills, with no "fun" stuff for me. I also strap on the camera to catch it all on video. Included, too, is as extensive of a debrief as they want. So it's cool if all the "good" jumpers will take a nebie on loads out of the goodness of their hearts, but if that's not happening, a coach is a good way to go.

Now that I'm freeflying I'm back on the other side of the fence, getting tips and help from other jumpers all the time. I haven't hired a coach yet, but it sure wouldn't hurt. I'm not really learning as fast as I could.:$:D

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