
Suicide at the DZ (was: fatality in scotland)

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"One posting on the skydiving website www.dropzone.com said: 'This is the type of incident nobody wants to see. Don't disrespect our sport people. If you want to kill yourself, go find some other way.'"


At least they didn't quote the "idiot" comment.


Wow never in my wildest dreams did I think that some UK newspaper would quote me on something which I said here on DZ.COM and without a doubt, sometimes I have said the wrong thing here. I am human and am capable of making mistakes.

Now I am sorry that Alastair felt that he needed to take his life. And if I was one of his friends, I would still attend his funeral. So it's unfortunate that people are talking this way. But I still feel that he disrespected the sport by taking his life in this manner. Obviously there are people on these boards who personally knew Alastair and are offended by what was said. But am I an "idiot" as you state for saying this? I'm sorry to not sugar coat things, but Alastair did not help the image of our sport. So why am I the "idiot"?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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But am I an "idiot" as you state for saying this?

No, Steve, you're not the idiot. There was a comment made elsewhere by someone else that used the term idiot.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I agree with your sentiments Canuck, and for the many people involved in the sport who work their arse off for it....such an action, misguided or not, is nothing less than a giant slap in the face.......

That kind of comment is certainly not "worthless", sometimes things just need to be said, and inevitably some feelings might be hurt.........and for the sake of the people who have to deal with the consequences, bounces ARE the stuff of nightmares.......something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy......so if it makes even one person think twice about their actions......its well worth it.....

Asking people to respect their sport is a very valid sentiment........

A boycott of the funeral though, if true, is a shameful thing..............its a time for respect and peace.....not bitterness and condemnation............
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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Steve I agree with your statement and you are far from an "idiot", you stated what needed to be said. Suicide is wrong in all fashions, but dont blemish the thing that has given you so much.

If I knew the person who did this I would attend his funeral to support his family. His wife, children, and other skydivers, especially the camera man. Suicide in general is an extremely selfish act. He didnt once think about his ex-wife or children and what they must have been going through. The new GF and how she must feel at this moment. How about his "best friend" who flew camera for him? This man is now stunned for life. He watch his friend kill himself and he could do nothing. NOT once did the person think of those things, but I guess if one wishes to take their own life they must not be thinking straight to begin with.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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a large number of allys friends and family turned up to see him off at his funeral, both skydivers and non skydivers.

And that is good. Very good.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Although I broadly agree with your view that using skydiving as a means for suicide is something none of us want to see, I also think there is something that is being missed here..... Someone who's state of mind is at the point of taking their own life is probably not too concerned with the impact it may have on the sport.

Condolences to the family and friends.
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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I find this whole thread a little sicofantic (sp?). A man was distressed enough to take his own life. That is surely of more concern than a perceived image of the sport. This is after all ONLY A SPORT. I can't believe people are writting and calling the guy selfish for taking his own life in their playground. If I ever felt depressed enough to end my own life you can better believe that the opinion of a few wuffos on whether skydivers are nuts or not would rank pretty low down on my list of priorities. It doesn't rank anywhere near the value of a life. Get of the high horse people.

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Good post. It seems everyone's concern over the perception of our sport is selfish in itself. Severe depression is not something people who have not experienced it can understand.

Condolences to all who have been affected.

Blue skies.

Yet knowing how way leads to way...
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

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I couldn't agree more. I felt sick reading some of the things that have been written by members of our comunity. Condolences to all of Ali's friends and family. I hope he found the peace he was looking for.

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I did not write that he was selfish for taking his life in "our" playground. I wrote he was selfish to acting how he did. Anyone who is willing to take their own lifeis not thinking straight to begin with. They dont think about the adverse affects on the people closest to him. Did he think of his kids? No. Did he think of his friends? No. That is why I strongly agree suicide in itself is a selfish and the easy way out.

I myself have been at that point before. The world was horrible, my life was ending, and I wanted to end it. Its an incredibly lonely place to be. I never want to be back there again. Would I kill myself? No

Do I feel sorry for this fellow? Yes. Do I have compassion for his decission? No.

I send my condolences to his family and friends, and I was never on a high horse.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I always thought skydiving was a pretty good way of getting a positive outlook on things......in other words, if you are feeling a bit down, a skydive is a pretty good way to get you feeling good about yourself.....

If this guy was rational enough to plan his exit from the planet so deliberatly and carefully, it makes me wonder why his thought processes didn't include a bit of thinking about the consequences of his actions for others.....depressed or not, as an experienced jumper he would have been fully aware of the aftermath. And depressed or not, you can't tell me that he would not have been intelligent enough to know that there are agencies to provide help for people with problems.....

His desire to go out in this way seems to me to be a definite case of wanting to put on a big show.....whether to give everyone a big guilt trip, or a desire to "pay them all back".....

Equates with extreme selfishness to me....
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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I think a point to be made here might be that this has nothing to do with you.

Your entire previous post shows that his actions have made you think about the act of suicide and it's consequences and I think that's appropriate. A bit of introspection is called for and healthy in these situations.

But somehow you've managed to turn all of your thoughts on the subject into judgments of someone you don't know who was obviously in alot of pain.

Perhaps your anger is understandable - it's hurts all of us (as humans) to know that someone is in so much pain that they don't see any other way out. Maybe it scares us - wondering if we could ever feel that kind of hopelessness.

Either way, the results of suicide are regrettable enough without adding blame and anger. [:/]

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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Much as I do not always agree with skydivejersey, in this case I am 100% with him...

For any person to contemplate suicide they have to be at the lowest ebb possible, and I did six years at one of the 'agencies' so I do know a little about it.

Rational thought, once the decision has been made, can be as clear as crystal on the actions you take, but the consequences of your actions cease to exist.

We should never be here to sit in judgement, we should understand only that we could not put ourselves inside his mind and are therefore not capable of guessing or trying to discover what he was thinking.

We should also be sad to see the end of any life, however it may occur, and send our thoughts and sympathies to those who are left behind.

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Another voice of reason! Thanks Bella!

Here are some beautiful words I stole from another post:

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I'm not there, I do not sleep.
I am the essence of a clear blue sky.
I am the yearning to climb very high.
I am the breeze you feel as you spot.
I am the rapture of flying your slot.
I am the rustle of a canopy in flight.
I am the flicker of camp fire light.
When you pass through the door into open air,
I know you're smiling, I am the wind in your hair.
So do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.
[unknown author]

Peace Ali...........

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