
Parachutes de France Ad

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Parachutes de France has taken out a full page ad in the August issue of "Skydiving" magazine, page 9. All its says is "PARACHUTES de FRANCE DOES NOT SELL ITS PRODUCTS IN THE UNITED STATES" with a picture of someone swooping a pond somewhere with what looks like a "SPRINGO" canopy.

What is the point of the ad? I may be wrong, but I don't think many of us in the US are going to hop on a plane to Paris just to buy one of their canopies because they won't sell us one over here. What am I missing here?

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What is the point of the ad? I may be wrong, but I don't think many of us in the US are going to hop on a plane to Paris just to buy one of their canopies because they won't sell us one over here. What am I missing here?

to import anything in the US it is a PITA with all administrative stuff. The reason why it is written that PdF are not sold in the USA is in case anyone is interested to buy their products, they won't find a distributor in the USA.
IT IS NOT A We don't sell in the US and are proud of it advert/attitude.
BUt it is still strange to me cause almost all rings and bucklery on rigs worldwide is french...
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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A decade or more ago, Parachutes de France decided that the best way to avoid ugly, repulsive, loathsome, bottom feeding American lawyers that prey on the misfortunes of others was to avoid selling on the North American market.
Parachutes de France is owned by the Zodiac group, who are in turn partially owned by the French government. Corporations that large are not willing to risk losing mulit-millions euro (or dollar) lawsuits because some American was too stupid to turn away from wires, etc. Furthermore, P. de F. does not believe they own that selfish American an lifetime pension because that American was to cheap to buy medical insurance.
Now Parachutes de France will cheerfully sell any produce to your "cousin" in Mexico or England, they just won't mail to North America.
Yes, I know that Mexico is officially part of North America, but the Mexican legal system functions much differently than its Canadian and American counterparts.

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BUt it is still strange to me cause almost all rings and bucklery on rigs worldwide is french...

Maybe on French rigs but most hardware on rigs made in the US is made in the US. Most likely in Fort Smith Arkansas.
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OOI, a friends Javelin Odyssey has leg strap buckles from PdF - same as my Atom Legend, but they have been reversed so the stamped logo is not visible!

I think Wings uses them as well.

The only reversable quick-fit adapter I know is the the light weight ones used on chect straps. It is rated at 500 lbs. And like I said, most hardware.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Parachutes de France has taken out a full page ad in the August issue of "Skydiving" magazine, page 9. All its says is "PARACHUTES de FRANCE DOES NOT SELL ITS PRODUCTS IN THE UNITED STATES" with a picture of someone swooping a pond somewhere with what looks like a "SPRINGO" canopy.

What is the point of the ad? I may be wrong, but I don't think many of us in the US are going to hop on a plane to Paris just to buy one of their canopies because they won't sell us one over here. What am I missing here?

As another poster pointed out, PDF decided around the time of the Blue Track roll out in the early 90's that the chance of product liablity or spurious lawsuits generated by asshats was not worth the risk of the small amount of profit that could be got from selling in North America. The Zodiac corportaion is massive, and has seriously deep pockets. it just wasn't worth selling here.

Funnily enough, some of the PDF people and designers of that time are now working for Aerodyne, and you can see the design lineage of some of their products such as the Icon pointing back to systems like the PDF Atom.

When I was a European jumper, I used to jump PDF gear a lot. I still have my Blue Track in a box at home. Very well made stuff.

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I don't think they are trying to prevent americans from using their products, they are just saying that if you do happen to get your hand on one and something happens, then its nothing to do with them.

Which is sort of nice of them really, to say it before you buy the product.

Most US companies take that line after you buy it and there's a problem.

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well if anyone wants to buy any Parachute DE FRANCE rig or canopy, i can get anything from them. i just arrived from france. i m gonna live in the states for 10 months. my friend in france can take any order and send it to me cause i m french...

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I heard that pdf didnt sell their gear in the U.S. Its a shame for you guys because the atom ledgend is an awesome container.I live in Brisbane and ordered gear easily through a dealer in perth.
------------------------------------skydiving...the grounds the limit!

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