
just wanna make sure....

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I just bid on this rig on Ebay
Mirage G3 staff rig
I am a bit leary b/c a pawn shop has, its obvious they dont no anything about it, and I just want to make sure that its legit, in case I am the winner. Imnot questioning the pawn shop, they have a good rating, I just want to make sure its not a stolen set-up that was sold the pawn shop by someone else....

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i just had a look at the rig.
i can not understand why you are bidding on it.
do you know what size main it is? do you know what size harness it is? do you know what size reserve it is? do you know how many jumps the reserve has? do you know if the lines of the main are ok?
if you do know any of this which seems very important to know before even considering to purchase it, you need to ask for the serial number and in dropzone.com you could do a check on it.
If you do not know any of this and are buying it for yourself, i can not understand why. First you need to know if it is the right size harness for you and then if it is the right size main and reserve for you.
I think your seafest bet is buying on dropzone.com from a jumper or a rigger considering this way you will know exactly what you are buying, the description on ebay for this says to me that the seller has not opened the container, and has not got one single little bit of idea what he is selling.
I am not a rigger but i think anyone will tell you the same.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Bigway has given you some good advise. Your life may depend on the gear. Would you really trust something you know very little about?

I would buy gear on-line only from a gear store, manufacturer, or other jumper who could give me the gear details, describe the wear and tear, etc.

Blue skies,


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Stay faaar away from this one. Comes with a PD vengeance owners manual. Probably means it has a vengeance of an unknown size inside. You'd never want to buy any canopy of unknown size, but that's a high performance canopy that you couldn't jump in any size for a long time. Then again, if the price stays where it is, might be able to resell it at a nice profit. But don't buy it to jump it!


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well I retracted my bid, I wasnt going to get it for me, just maybe something to resale, I would never jump anything without my rigger completely inspecting it anyway. Yes it does look big, but at the moment all I saw was CHEAP...and I wanted to bring it to attention here in case it is in fact stolen gear.[:/]

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I dunno guys,

if she's just looking for something to resell, it's obvious the seller knows absolutely nothing about parachutes or rigs......

pawn shop?
and if the numbers check out...

and if she does indeed have the money to just throw in to an extra rig to resell....or even trade w/ a jumper that's looking to downsize?

Just a thought.

p.s. b.t.w. if that gear is legit and that auction still has 6 days on it, a lot of people are going to have the same idea and the price will skyrocket


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we use to play luck dips at children birthday parties....not with skydiving
it does not say what the gear is, the guy has no clue, there is no way to check it. If anything find out the serial number to find if it is stolen, the reason i say this is because what skydiver will pawn there gear, and if a jumper does pawn their rig they are not going to pawan their frap hat and when they do pawn it they will also write down on the pawn sheet what type of main it is and size so they get what they left. The only person who will pawn this gear and not know the information to leave with the pawn broker would either be a whuffo who stole a gear bag with everything inside or a angry ex wife or something. so stay away, full stop!. If you want to buy cheap gear look in the classifieds of this site because their is plenty there.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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what skydiver will pawn there gear, and if a jumper does pawn their rig they are not going to pawan their frap hat and when they do pawn it they will also write down on the pawn sheet what type of main it is and size so they get what they left.


Actually I HAVE seen some decent gear
in pawn shops...

And you don't necessarily have to write down
the main / reserve type...
it wouldn't mean anything to the pawn shop guy...

That being said,
you're right Bigway, in that I wouldn't think you
would pawn the helmet, hook knives and
altimeter too...

wouldn't bring anymore money to speak of...

and if it were truly pawned by someone hurting
on cash with the thought of claiming it
back at a later time..

you wouldn't give up your 'personal'
stuff like that either....[:/]

It 'smells' hot to me....
to bad someone can't contact the seller for numbers...

I'm betting a Denver area jumper
is looking for it......

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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we use to play luck dips at children birthday parties....not with skydiving
it does not say what the gear is, the guy has no clue, there is no way to check it. If anything find out the serial number to find if it is stolen, the reason i say this is because what skydiver will pawn there gear, and if a jumper does pawn their rig they are not going to pawan their frap hat and when they do pawn it they will also write down on the pawn sheet what type of main it is and size so they get what they left. The only person who will pawn this gear and not know the information to leave with the pawn broker would either be a whuffo who stole a gear bag with everything inside or a angry ex wife or something. so stay away, full stop!. If you want to buy cheap gear look in the classifieds of this site because their is plenty there.

I dunno, it's hard to call just by the pics. Seems to me though that the only way that a complete set of get like this would end up in one lot is if:
(a). The pawn shop guy just assembled them from different sales in to one auction (a frap cap and a full face helmet, maybe)
(b). Someone is quitting the sport for some reason and sold off all their gear (the visor on the helmet is damaged, maybe accident)
(c). Stolen gear bag or angry ex

However, how many people carry around manuals for the main, reserve and container in a gear bag. Just my 2 cents.

As others have said, the only way to be sure is to ask the seller for the serial # and check it out before bidding.

Edit to add: FWIW the exterior of the rig looks in decent condition (few stains and 3-ring assemble looks clean), and I notice that the reserve handle looks to be wrapped in a hazzard tape motif. Someone was proud of this rig.

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too right. if this person did jump who pawned it would have individualy noted each item that was pawned. Maybe everyone could make a note of this gear and put it up at there dz.
You do not just let a mirage go to ebay through a pawn shop. Worst case scenario you tell a fellow jumper that you can not get it back from the pawn shop so your mate can go and buy it for what you owe on it.
someone who is a memeber of ebay should contact the seller and ask for the serial number.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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worse case scenario:

rig sitting in basement/closets somewhere in parents/wife's/g/f's house,

Jumper dies in car accident or plane crash or other non-skydiving related incident?

owner of the house has no idea how much it's worth but decides they want to get rid of it, (elderly person might go straight to a pawn shop?


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I just sent this to the seller...lets see if we can get a serial number to compare to the stolen gear database.


Howdy, I'm interested in your auction: 7109624277 and had a question. The "rig" looks like it might be great for me and I really want to start bidding on it; however, I'm not sure about the fit of the straps. On a Mirage G3 there are pockets on the underside of the shoulder straps and there will be a folded piece of paper in one of them. Listed on the piece of paper is the serial number for the container as well as a few other things. If I had the serial number for the container then I could look up the size of the person that had the rig made with Mirage to find out if it would fit me or not. Thanks.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I guess I'm one of those strange people who carried all my manuals for the cypres, main, reserve and rig in my gear bag. I generally won't need this info at home because the gear stays in the gear closet, but I will need it at the DZ if I have a question.

Before I get my full face that I liked I also had a frap hat in there too.

Skydivers carry lots of crazy things in their gear bags. :S

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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holy shit, there are some dumb fucks out there. without even knowing what is inside this and considering that there was never a main or a reserve advertised....could just be sheets in there, the rig is now got people bidding at $1,175.00.
holy sh@t.
I am sure i could find one hell of a cool system in the classifieds here for that price. And there is still 5 days left on this auction.
They do not even know what size the harness is, what year it is, the main, the reserve?
Who would be this stupid? i see nothing there that even makes me think the rig would be worth that price.
I wish i could see the expresion on the winners face when they see they have a maveric with a 1000 jumps on it and a reserve that has been used to many times, and the container be far too big.
Some people in our sport just do not have a clue.:S

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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However, how many people carry around manuals for the main, reserve and container in a gear bag. Just my 2 cents.

I do, especially while travelling. You never know when you may need a repack and at a smaller DZ you may find a rigger who hasn't seen your particular gear before.
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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