
Closing pin Jewelry tradition/faux pas

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I'm not a huge fan of necklasses so to show people at the DZ I'm a skydiver I put on my rig and jump out of a plane.;)

Isn't that dangerous? B|
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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DZ on crappy wheather days, now thats dangerous. When skydivers can't jump they get creative!;)

Amen, skydivin' sister. The stuff you see... You would think DZOs would put up padded walls and make the place like a playground at a day care center to insure safety.... Those logs in the parking lot and student training simulators always seem to attract all sorts of creative uses.

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Not wearing something simply cause it is popular seems like a silly idea to me. Much like camelot.


Members Only Jackets....:S

Enough Said......!

Ahh, but see that is different than what I said.

People got those stupid jackets BECAUSE everyone else had them. Even though they sucked. The ones who did not wear them probably did not wear them for 2 reasons:

1) They thought they were ass (correct!) :D

2) Simply because they were popular (ie. they liked them but since everyone else had one, they did not want to own one).

The first reason is good. The second reason is silly. If you like something then you should own it, even if it is popular. And even if the item you buy makes you look like a big douchebag. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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the item you buy makes you look like a big douchebag.


From SNL..."Douchebag..party of two... are the Douchbags here...?" :ph34r:

...Okay, I get your your point.

Which by the way REALLY mades me feel OLD!
(Gee thanks!)

'Back in the ole days..' you wanted to be seen
as an 'individualist'. The less like everyone, the cooler you thought you were!

Today there is more pressure to 'fit in' ...

I remember when everyone was wearing
"Air Jordans" to jump in...as a statement of KOOL.

I got a pair of high top KEDS...
(red ball jets);)
And stenciled "Air Twardo" all over 'em!

I must be a marketing Genius!
even a 'search' on THIS website shows
THOUSANDS of hits!!!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Remember that for some, being a skygod (note lack of capital letters) means being a legend in their own mind. I regularly get to jump with people whom many would call skygods, but the ones that truly are would often be the last to say so. I have a couple such people in mind as I write this.

If a ten-year old loves the sport and wants to wear a closing pin necklace, let him do it.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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Not to get off the topic . . . why not?

Creative on a weather hold one time meant some visitors from another DZ tying a cord to a chest strap of someone with an open canopy as they stood on the side of the runway (private airport, a few years ago). Two others held the open canopy behind him as the truck to which the cord was attached slowly accelerated. After a couple of broken tow line tries, the canopy did become airborn a bit. The first time the guy fell forward, and the next time he tumbled backwards in the grass from a foot or two. As the DZO was thinking of coming out to put an end to this, it began to rain again and the culprits scattered and got their truck off the runway.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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Not to get off the topic . . . why not?

Creative on a weather hold one time meant some visitors from another DZ tying a cord to a chest strap of someone with an open canopy as they stood on the side of the runway (private airport, a few years ago). Two others held the open canopy behind him as the truck to which the cord was attached slowly accelerated. After a couple of broken tow line tries, the canopy did become airborn a bit. The first time the guy fell forward, and the next time he tumbled backwards in the grass from a foot or two. As the DZO was thinking of coming out to put an end to this, it began to rain again and the culprits scattered and got their truck off the runway.

We had a very large (I think 360 sq ft) square at Z-Hills for a while that we towed each other up on. We had 1000ft of rope and a truck. The back runway was the ticket (probably should have gotten one too). I had trouble getting down on that thing being that I only weighed 135lbs back then (1974)... it was a blast. There was a guy staying at Z-Hills from Canada (Steve something) that was experimenting with cutting holes in squares to make them fly better and it was his. Eventually, he cut it up and ended our fun.

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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I do have to say that is an awkward moment when you start talking skydiving to a whuffo who has done one jump. By this I mean someone who has done one jump and then clearly has no interest in it after that, it was just a tick in the box. This happened to me recently. I was not pissed off he wore the T-shirt but did find it amusing.

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I do have to say that is an awkward moment when you start talking skydiving to a whuffo who has done one jump. By this I mean someone who has done one jump and then clearly has no interest in it after that, it was just a tick in the box. This happened to me recently. I was not pissed off he wore the T-shirt but did find it amusing.

You know, I do lighting for concerts and theatre and trade show booths, et al.

So often, I get people who say, "I did that in high school", as if that makes them an experienced professional... After all, a lot of people have participated in community theatre at their church, at a kid's school event, or somewhere... That makes them, in their mind, at my level.

My reply has been, "What do you do now for your job?" When they tell me that they are a stock broker or doctor or lawyer, I always reply, "Well I did that in high school too,:S but I decided to go to school to have a rewarding career in something else."

But to me, anyone who has skydived, even as a tandem, is part of our small community. That is when I tell them about what challenging new things I am learning, they realize for themselves they have not really skydived in the more complicated and rewarding sense. And that goes for me too. I don't even know everything I don't know.

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I started wearing one after made first reserve ride as a reminder of how things can go to shit real quick and to be prepared for anything.

Danielle, I am sorry someone said that to Nicole. She's is as much a part of our DZ as anyone that jumps. She's always willing to help Becky with Brina, make chow runs, crack a joke and always tells the best Seville Sister stories. :)
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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