
Why do Tandem Instructors complain all day?

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For every cutie I take, I probably get 4-5 guys. I really don't mind, but some TM's are notorious for swooping every babe and never taking a big guy. You'll have to be fast.:P

It's nice to not be greedy, but share with your coworkers.

I have a strong impression that in Texas the girls to guys ratio is about 2:1 ;)

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Not harder on their body than packing the same tandem rigs all day w/o the break of a ride to altitude.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Not harder on their body than packing the same tandem rigs all day w/o the break of a ride to altitude.

Said from the man with no tandem rating.

I was a packer before a TI, although I love being a TI and I really didn't enjoy being a packer, being a TI is harder on your body.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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:D:DI bet that gets their attention.

The line I actually use is "If your feet are down when we land, we'll trip, and I'll get to use you for a pillow. Works great for me but not so good for you."

I got some table muscle on me, so they usually comply.

Ok ... I have to admin that my statistics is not exactly unbiased since I usually do not pay a lot of attention to guys :D

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We don't chose our passengers and work on a fair rotating system for both handcam and jumps depending on what staff numbers are at the dz on a particular day.

Most of the time "luck of the draw" sees a 50/50 ratio in getting the nicer passengers.

We also get paid extra for those in the "overweight" department and not forced to take them either.

In whining or anything similar I just have to remember what it was like to have a "real" job and smile when I think of what I have now and what things USED to be like!!

BSBD! -Mark.

"A Scar is just a Tattoo with a story!!!"

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If your tandem masters are complaining all day long then they should find a new job.!! Rember all those people are paying a lot of money to have fun so its part of a tandem masters job to make it fun for them all of them guys, girls, tall ones, fat ones ,short ones ,pukers, the bad ones ,and the good ones............. I think there all fun B|

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Rember all those people are paying a lot of money to have fun so its part of a tandem masters job to make it fun for them all of them guys, girls, tall ones, fat ones ,short ones ,pukers, the bad ones ,and the good ones............. I think there all fun B|

I hope no TM is complaining in front of the passengers. I meet them all with a smile on my face, because it's a very important day to them, and you don't want to ruin it.

I've heard of DZ's that pay TM's extra for big passengers. That's a great idea. I could probably retire by now on all that extra money I'd have, but our DZ doesn't do that.[:/]

As far as what's harder, jumping or packing? Our TM's do their own packing after every jump. I know which is more tedious.:D

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Good points.

Though I have found that the squeaky wheel gets the hot chicks, but the quiet professionals get the big paychecks.

More than a decade ago, manifestors learned that if you give the big/fat/stupid/etc. students to Rob, he "sucks it up" and shows them a good time.
Ergo, I got on every load.
TIs who whine unless they get the cute chicks sit on the ground more than me.
I also noticed that videographers tend to "spec" the cute chicks with big boobs. These chicks have such great boobs that they are not in the habit of paying for anything.
Meanwhile I do lots of tandems with big guys who have big wallets and buy lots of handy-cam footage.

At the end of the day, my boss grumbles about writer's cramp from filling out my fat paychecks!
Revenge is SWEET!

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