
Golden Knights 2006 Tryouts

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Alright folks,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Spc. Justin Smith. I am a Ah-64d Apache Crew Chief assigned to the Charlie Company Ghostriders, 2-101 avn. I just recently returned home from OIF 2 part duex and am getting back into skydiving. Just spent the last week down at Deland getting current again and got my A license while I was down there!!! wahoo!! beer!!! Anyways...my next goal is to reach 150 jumps and possibly attend 06 tryouts for the Gknights. If anyone has any advice, tip....let me know. I have about 43 jumps right now. I know I am a rookie compared to other guys. I just can't think of anything better than to serve my country and skydive!! Thanks!!

PS first post on dropzone.....Beer!!!

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They recruit them from the regular and reserve (on active duty) Army.

Last year (and previous years too I believe) you had to have 150 jumps to apply.

If your packet is good they will invite you to try out. If you do well enough in try outs then your assigned (if that works out with the Army HQ), normally to a demo team.

Normally, it is from the Demo Teams that the next world champions and Tandem Experts are recruited from.

There are several Knights who post here that can give ya a better detailed discription. I have only trained with 'em and been on/run two of the "other" teams.
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how does the GK maintain their talent? Do they grow it, or do they have enough 1000jump studs in the army already?

Talking to them when they were doing Bush's last jump, they were seriously hurting for experienced TI's and they were even half-joking about our head instructor re-inlisting in the Army to be on the demo-team.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It was my dream to be a GK but after breaking my T 12, L 1-2 while in Iraq it would never come true. Spent the last year in rehab and was medically discharge last Monday 23 Jan.

As for the try outs GOOD LUCK it is a month long smoke session. I hope you can do lots of pull-ups and flutter kicks because your going to get very intimate with the both of them. Oh, and bring a polishing rag with you as you will get the privilege to shine up all the GK trophies. Remember the GK are about team work and working well together. Show them you have the skills that are needed as well as the heart. Help encourage others who are having a tuff time and be a leader. Let them know who you are why your there but don't shine to much if you know what I mean. I suggest work on your accuracy and get some tunnel time. I called them and had them send me a couple of there RW block moves and highlight videos. Not a bad DVD if your into 4-way. Wish you the best of luck I hope your dream comes true.

Sgt. Scott Petersen
737th TC Yakima, WA 9/01-1/06
313th MI Ft. Bragg, NC 4/98-9/00

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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Hey Matt!
Quick question. Your on the 101st Demo team right? Is the team still together? or did everyone split due to the deployment. Also I'm trying to find a Dz that I can call home. Where are you jumping out of? I don't know if you remember me. I was out at Outlaw with the last Ft Campbell club class when your guys were out there practicing. Also I was down at Paris when you guys were down there too. I spoke with Justin D right before I left and he asked if I wanted to come tryout for the team, but I told him I had to go to Iraq. I'm thinking about either Green County up in Ky or West Tenn down in memphis. Anyways, let me know what's up. Maybe we can get together and jump!!

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The Team is still together but as a much smaller force[:/].

Come down the School house and we can chat. Just don't do it today as I have been up for 30 hours running the FTX. Come bye Thursday.

I have been jumping in Eloy, Thomaston, Yuma, Lake Wales, Ft. Benning, Laurinburg and Cambden, where ever the TDY takes me.

The Paris, TN scene should be up this spring as the DZO won his plea with the FAA against the Airport.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Not a bad DVD if you're into 4-way.

"Not Bad"? :P

It's the greatest thing in the world for a 4-way team. Simple, easy to search. I'm very grateful to the Knights for doing these and making them so easily available and free through the NSL. We've gotten the last couple and use them in our training frequently. Learned a ton about exits too.

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A packet is just that. A packet of paperwork. To go to schools in the military you have a lot of tape to go through. The packet will usually have a lot of your personal information that is needed when you inprocess at the school you're attending. I'll just take a guess as to what you would probably need to have in the packet- orders sending you to the GK tryouts, your last APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) test score, your free fall log book to include your license rating, enlistment orders saying that you have at least 3 years left in service (GK is a 3 year contract), any physical profiles (what you can't do physically) and maybe latest promotion orders. Not sure what else but I'm willing to bet I have missed a few things.

Hope I answered your question.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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