
I was starting to think...

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I was starting to think I'm just too dam'n stupid to be skydiving... I've had a wonderful instructor with tons of patience but after having to repeat AFF 4 passing 5 first try then hitting a brick wall on level 6 I started having doubts. I went to Orlando, spent some time in the wind tunnel to work on my stability issues, came back yesterday and did my level 6 jump for the second time. Guess what, same problem (severe spin) reared it's evil head, my instructor had it all on video and I could see what the problem was so I spent the rest of the day and part of the night trying to correct it. Went back this morning full of confidence I had it licked, got out the door, good arch... then started spinning again.
After another long talk (which included the TUB speach) I decided to give it ONE more try. My instructor and DZO decided to have me jump with another instructor this time. We sat down and discussed it, he told me what he expected this jump and we went up on the next load. While I still had a couple things to fix this time the jump went great, no more spinning! After landing we talked about it before he went up for a tandem jump while I got manifested for the next load.
Had a good AFF 7 jump, we debriefed after he took up another tandem and both came to the same decision. Next weekend I'll be out there to do my AFF 7 again, not because I have to but to help build up my comfort level.
Ok, it's a bit of a long winded but the moral is if at first you don't succeed try again, if that doesn't work try another instructor. Maybe the one you're jumping with is telling you what you need to do but it isn't clicking and the second instructor might be able to describe or define it in a way you can comprehend....
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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I never thought i was doing what my instructors said
I was doing (I am a thick headed german). The video's
humbled my german ass.

After that, I found it easy to look in the mirror and call
myself an "A" hole... Thank you Guy Wright...

quote from Guy "one more jump like that last one and I
will drive you to the bowling alley"

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I never thought i was doing what my instructors said
I was doing (I am a thick headed german). The video's
humbled my german ass.

After that, I found it easy to look in the mirror and call
myself an "A" hole... Thank you Guy Wright...

quote from Guy "one more jump like that last one and I
will drive you to the bowling alley"

The worst part is... first 3 attempts at level 6 were all on video, I could see what I was doing wrong and I still did it on the next jump; needless to say I was getting very frustrated with it and actually did consider going bowling. After my first jump with the second instructor I felt alot better and more relaxed. Best part of my last jump was the comment that on my slow motion back flip I was had a very stable head down position, at least until I realized I didn't finish the flip (took about 2 seconds for that to sink in... :S)
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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I never thought i was doing what my instructors said
I was doing (I am a thick headed german). The video's
humbled my german ass.

After that, I found it easy to look in the mirror and call
myself an "A" hole... Thank you Guy Wright...

quote from Guy "one more jump like that last one and I
will drive you to the bowling alley"

The worst part is... first 3 attempts at level 6 were all on video, I could see what I was doing wrong and I still did it on the next jump; needless to say I was getting very frustrated with it and actually did consider going bowling. After my first jump with the second instructor I felt alot better and more relaxed. Best part of my last jump was the comment that on my slow motion back flip I was had a very stable head down position, at least until I realized I didn't finish the flip (took about 2 seconds for that to sink in... :S)

I have been bowling. Bowled for serveral years. High game 279, high three game serries 683, bowled the abc nationals two years and countless other tournaments all over the south, quit with a 183 average (I am sure some reading this can beat my stats) Point being: bowling is not what it is craked up to be so I took up skydiving, so am I backwards???

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I never thought i was doing what my instructors said
I was doing (I am a thick headed german). The video's
humbled my german ass.

After that, I found it easy to look in the mirror and call
myself an "A" hole... Thank you Guy Wright...

quote from Guy "one more jump like that last one and I
will drive you to the bowling alley"

The worst part is... first 3 attempts at level 6 were all on video, I could see what I was doing wrong and I still did it on the next jump; needless to say I was getting very frustrated with it and actually did consider going bowling. After my first jump with the second instructor I felt alot better and more relaxed. Best part of my last jump was the comment that on my slow motion back flip I was had a very stable head down position, at least until I realized I didn't finish the flip (took about 2 seconds for that to sink in... :S)

I have been bowling. Bowled for serveral years. High game 279, high three game serries 683, bowled the abc nationals two years and countless other tournaments all over the south, quit with a 183 average (I am sure some reading this can beat my stats) Point being: bowling is not what it is craked up to be so I took up skydiving, so am I backwards???

LOL... I think my high game was 253 (with handicap)... I bowled on leagues for several years before giving it up after getting tired of league politics. If you're backwards so am I... know anyone who wants to buy a couple balls? :D
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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LOL... I think my high game was 253 (with handicap)... I bowled on leagues for several years before giving it up after getting tired of league politics. If you're backwards so am I... know anyone who wants to buy a couple balls?

The numbers I gave were scratch, but I was topped out and not getting any better, got boring at that point. I have atleast four good balls still in my gear bag, with all the extras. The wife just came home an hour ago from her state tournament. She throws a 180ish average and is currently on level 4 AFF, thinks she can do both:S oh well

edit: I went through the spinning thing too, hang in there, it will come

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LOL... I think my high game was 253 (with handicap)... I bowled on leagues for several years before giving it up after getting tired of league politics. If you're backwards so am I... know anyone who wants to buy a couple balls?

The numbers I gave were scratch, but I was topped out and not getting any better, got boring at that point. I have atleast four good balls still in my gear bag, with all the extras. The wife just came home an hour ago from her state tournament. She throws a 180ish average and is currently on level 4 AFF, thinks she can do both:S oh well

edit: I went through the spinning thing too, hang in there, it will come

Well, I got the spinning thing licked for today anyway... we'll see what next weekend holds in store.. :D
If she's carrying a 180ish average it sounds like she can do both relatively well... at least better than me, my highest average was just under 160. Still got my bowling balls and gear just in case, just wish I didn't get the one drilled... another dumbass story. Bought an Ebonite Skull Ball and had the dam'n thing drilled, now they're worth $500 undrilled... [Homer voice] DOH!!! [/Home voice]
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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What were you doing wrong?

How would you like the list... alphabetically or in order of occurrance? :D

Let's see... de-arching, dropping a knee to start a spin, getting pissed at myself for spinning again, tensing up because I was getting pissed, trying TOO hard to stop the spin and getting more pissed, getting frustrated... not relaxing.
When they changed instructors on me (don't get me wrong, my original instructor was great) I was able to relax more because I didn't feel as pressured as much and was able to actually get it right finally....
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Is it bad that when i read bowling, the picture that came to mind was something like... and i know this is strange, and pobly possible, but i'm too new to know....

A 10 way, in the shape of a triangle. and another jumper, exits after, goes into a cannonball toward the 10way, and as he gets closer, the 10way breaks off like the bowling ball hits the pins. haha. that would be cool to see.
CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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piisfish> do a search for Eule's posts.

Aw, sh-t, they know me by name now...


Keep at it. Out of the people I have talked to, in person or online, who have gone through AFF, the
percentage of people that have gotten through it in the minimum 7 jumps is relatively small. Most
people repeat at least one level. I liked some of the levels so much I did them several times. If I can
do a good exit next time, I'll pass level 7.

I spun a lot, as well. After one good jump, I had the following conversation:
Instructor: "That was a good turn. On your next jump, you'll do a 360 degree turn."
Me: "Hell, I've already done _dozens_ of those!"
Instructor: "Well, it has to be _on purpose_ to count."

I started in June 2005 and in late July I went to the tunnel for 30 minutes. It helped a little, but my
progress was still slow. In January I went to a different tunnel for 30 minutes, and that seems to
have helped a lot. It's expensive, but it's cheaper than the equivalent amount of freefall via jump

Also, in October, I went to a different DZ for a few jumps. This wasn't a "magic cure" and I didn't
expect it to be, but I did learn some things from having different instructors see and comment on
what I was doing.

Story time: I went to the new DZ for the first time and talked to an instructor. He was looking at
my logbook and saw where I had gotten video on one of my jumps and asked if I had the video. I
went to get it out of my car and when I got back, he and three other instructors were looking at
my logbook - I knew right then I was a special problem child. :) (I wasn't mad - I thought it was
funny.) That night there was a party at the DZ and several of the locals introduced themselves to
the new guy. When I explained myself, I got "So _YOU'RE_ that guy!" more than once. The only
thing I could do was laugh about it.

Hang in there.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Aw, sh-t, they know me by name now...


Keep at it. Out of the people I have talked to, in person or online, who have gone through AFF, the
percentage of people that have gotten through it in the minimum 7 jumps is relatively small. Most
people repeat at least one level. I liked some of the levels so much I did them several times. If I can
do a good exit next time, I'll pass level 7.

I spun a lot, as well. After one good jump, I had the following conversation:
Instructor: "That was a good turn. On your next jump, you'll do a 360 degree turn."
Me: "Hell, I've already done _dozens_ of those!"
Instructor: "Well, it has to be _on purpose_ to count."

I started in June 2005 and in late July I went to the tunnel for 30 minutes. It helped a little, but my
progress was still slow. In January I went to a different tunnel for 30 minutes, and that seems to
have helped a lot. It's expensive, but it's cheaper than the equivalent amount of freefall via jump

Also, in October, I went to a different DZ for a few jumps. This wasn't a "magic cure" and I didn't
expect it to be, but I did learn some things from having different instructors see and comment on
what I was doing.

Story time: I went to the new DZ for the first time and talked to an instructor. He was looking at
my logbook and saw where I had gotten video on one of my jumps and asked if I had the video. I
went to get it out of my car and when I got back, he and three other instructors were looking at
my logbook - I knew right then I was a special problem child. :) (I wasn't mad - I thought it was
funny.) That night there was a party at the DZ and several of the locals introduced themselves to
the new guy. When I explained myself, I got "So _YOU'RE_ that guy!" more than once. The only
thing I could do was laugh about it.

Hang in there.


"So YOU'RE that guy!" ohhhhh how I know that... all 3 videos taken of my AFF 6 were seen by everyone at the dz by the time I got to the ground, picked up my canopy and walked back to the hangar... :D
I don't think there was a single person at the dz this weekend who didn't know about my problems... every one of them had the exact same advice... relax they said... but it's dam'n hard to relax when you're getting frustrated, especially when this is a recurring problem. I had this problem with AFF 4, got rid of it only to have it come right back again for AFF 6, even after 15 minutes in the tunnel (which turned out great).
I think the biggest contribution to me finally passing AFF 6 was the change of instructors, I was able to get a different perspective and didn't feel like I was under any pressure, after redoing the same level 3 times with the same instructor I was putting pressure on myself to prove to him I could do it. With a different instructor I didn't feel like I HAD to do it THIS time so I was more relaxed. We also changed the dive flow somewhat, not introducing anything I hadn't done. That jump went great and afterwards I got a well deserved kick in the ass from both instructors :D
My last jump today was my level 7, again we slightly changed the dive flow and added a couple conditions to it, I felt comfortable with it and had a blast. Afterwards we debriefed and we were both happy with my jump and we both agreed (hell if he hadn't suggested it I was going to) that next week I'll redo my AFF 7 just to make sure I'm in my comfort zone before progressing to AFF 8. Then I went back to my original instructor and told him I thought he was a great instructor and that I would be happy to jump with him again.
My exits are actually pretty good (I've done enough of them :D) and as long as I remember to have fun instead of trying too hard I shouldn't have any more problems....
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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"So YOU'RE that guy!" ohhhhh how I know that... all 3 videos taken of my AFF 6 were seen by everyone at the dz by the time I got to the ground, picked up my canopy and walked back to the hangar... :D
I don't think there was a single person at the dz this weekend who didn't know about my problems...

Sounds like a good place to jump. They wouldn't all be looking at your video if they didn't care.
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Finding people you "connect" with as instructors is a great thing. I don't know if I would have gotten through some of my early struggles if I hadn't had a few instructors who really took me under their wing and became quite determined to help me get through it. Took me 37 jumps to get my A license, and I know of people who took a lot longer. Stick with it.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Nice one for sticking with it till you sorted out the problem. I was having a lot of trouble starting to spin on my 10 second delays. I'd spend the whole time thinking about how to relax and not turn, get out the plane, start turning and then start thinking "Oh, s*$@, it's happened again, please stop turning", tense up etc. get back up there and do the same thing again.

Switching instructors can definitely help sometimes - I changed DZ, instructor and switched to AFF and suddenly it all seemed easy - I was like "why couldn't I just do this before!" :D.

Now you've got past something like that, it'll all seem easy!


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"but it's dam'n hard to relax when you're getting frustrated, especially when this is a recurring problem."

I can surely relate to that! I have just recently completed AFF and it took 15 jumps. I, too, went for tunnel time due to a turning problem.

"With a different instructor I didn't feel like I HAD to do it THIS time so I was more relaxed. We also changed the dive flow somewhat, not introducing anything I hadn't done."

I had 5 different instructors, all of them were great! However, there were 2 that made me feel a bit rushed. The others did not mind if we declined to get on a load due to time needed to prepare me for the jump. I'm a bit older and slower than some, I'm sure. They also realized that I did not mind going slowly, therefore I did not feel so pressured to get everything done the first time. The debriefings were less like being in the principal's office. They encouraged me to relax and have fun! And I did!! I still am!!
Isn't this just the most incredible thing you have ever done?!!

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"but it's dam'n hard to relax when you're getting frustrated, especially when this is a recurring problem."

I can surely relate to that! I have just recently completed AFF and it took 15 jumps. I, too, went for tunnel time due to a turning problem.

"With a different instructor I didn't feel like I HAD to do it THIS time so I was more relaxed. We also changed the dive flow somewhat, not introducing anything I hadn't done."

I had 5 different instructors, all of them were great! However, there were 2 that made me feel a bit rushed. The others did not mind if we declined to get on a load due to time needed to prepare me for the jump. I'm a bit older and slower than some, I'm sure. They also realized that I did not mind going slowly, therefore I did not feel so pressured to get everything done the first time. The debriefings were less like being in the principal's office. They encouraged me to relax and have fun! And I did!! I still am!!
Isn't this just the most incredible thing you have ever done?!!

The most incredible thing I've ever done? That's putting it mildly! My last jump went mostly according to the dive flow we cooked up just before getting on the plane, by the time I was on the ground I was pumped, not sure if it was because of I didn't spin or because of the slow motion back flip... :D
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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So here we are a month after I originally started this thread and rather than start a new one I figured I'd just update this one....

Today I finally finished my AFF jumps! That's right people, only 15 jumps to finish AFF... :D
What was really funny was doing my hop-n-pop, exiting the door, looking up at the plane and seeing the door filled with the faces of the instructors I had jumped with... :)
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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