
Do you think my wing-loading is too high? Plz?

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:SSounds to me like you could use some really good canopy ckill coaching no matter what you decide to jump in the future.
Most people can make adjustments in flair timing and basic canopy skills even under really fast canopys .
If you survive the first 4 or 5.LOL
Sounds to me like you are having problems with the whole concept of flairing.

Get you advice from Advanced canopy pilots . Not 100 jump wonders.
Good luck. you may need it.
There is a guy with 700 jumps at my old DZ who couldnt land his new Pilot 168 loaded about the same so he sold ot to a kid with 30 jumps who has the nicest landings on it.
Some people just dont have it.
Hope you do and hope you figure it out.


Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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*** There are to many people talking new jumpers into high wing loadings. Fortunately, things are changing.

great answer, I also asked around and most said
1:1 some said you can go a little smaller. I went with
the manufacters suggestion..1:1 and I still crash and
burn some of my landings at 20mph rather than 40 mph. I wont downsize until I get 25 consecutive
stand ups, if not so be it I'll stick to my 190 so I can jump tomorrow.

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Don't just be satisfied with a simple stand up. Be able to do it with a fair amount of accuracy as well.

billvon has a list of stuff you should be able to do before downsizing and that's not too bad of an idea.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I have little skydiving experience and i too jump a highly loaded canopy. at 1.4 on a sabre 150. However i have had the benifit of getting coaching from some very experienced jumpers at numerous DZ,s around Australia at various weather conditions, altitudes and heat. By no means am i an experienced pilot but it is me that is flying it and it only responds to the inputs i make. So i only have myself to blame if i get hurt.

"Your car that you drive is capable of unsafe speeds, but it will not do this unless press down on the accelrator hard"

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>"Your car that you drive is capable of unsafe speeds, but it will not do
>this unless press down on the accelrator hard"

And if you use the brakes you can slow down as much as you want. You can't do this with a small canopy. Jumping a canopy that's too small is like trying to drive through a parking lot with a car that can't do less than 25mph. It may be doable, but the chances that you will hurt yourself (and more to the point hurt someone else) are quite high - at least until you get the training you need.

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I've met a ton of yahoos who tell people that their first canopy should be small and fast so that they don't get board. That is poor advice.

Agreed. [:/] I recently heard a great reply to the "I'll get bored with a bigger canopy" argument for downsizing.

Guy in a gear shop speaking to very experienced skydiver and gear dealer, tells that dealer he has to buy a smaller canopy or he'll be bored under canopy.

Gear dealer's reply: "I've never, ever been bored under canopy. If you think you're going to be bored under canopy it's you who is boring not the canopy."

I liked that! ;)


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I've met a ton of yahoos who tell people that their first canopy should be small and fast so that they don't get board. That is poor advice.

Tell them they'll get plenty bored when they are laying in the hospital all busted up, eating dinner thru a straw. There are worse thngs than being "bored" under canopy.;)

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I have little skydiving experience and i too jump a highly loaded canopy. at 1.4 on a sabre 150. However i have had the benifit of getting coaching from some very experienced jumpers at numerous DZ,s around Australia at various weather conditions, altitudes and heat. By no means am i an experienced pilot but it is me that is flying it and it only responds to the inputs i make. So i only have myself to blame if i get hurt.

"Your car that you drive is capable of unsafe speeds, but it will not do this unless press down on the accelrator hard"

And it will be your friends that will have to load you into the ambulance. Let's hope you're still in good health in another 200 jumps. There's a lot of stuff out there you still haven't seen. I still say 1.4 is an expert wingloading.

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