
Eloy doesn't have team rooms?

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I am sorry folks but...Eloy has what it has and it really is as simple as that.
The bid was awarded in July of last year and teams started booking shortly thereafter, knowing that rooms of all sorts would fill up quickly.

Ok Betsy, thats enough. You have ..according to Linestretch.....way more posts than jumps and that makes anything you have to say invalid. Sorry

Now me , on the otherhand.............

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Is the meet director "Mr Burke" also the complaint dept for the USPA nationals at SDA


BTW if Perrris has a DC-9 how come SDA doesn't have one........ yet

Oh ummm because we bought a ocuple of "other" toys instead? More shall be revealed;)

Sorry slug but the lettuce is turnin' brown. Gotta go...
X'a and O's

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I am sorry folks but...Eloy has what it has and it really is as simple as that.
The bid was awarded in July of last year and teams started booking shortly thereafter, knowing that rooms of all sorts would fill up quickly.

Ok Betsy, thats enough. You have ..according to Linestretch.....way more posts than jumps and that makes anything you have to say invalid. Sorry

Now me , on the otherhand.............

She's only here because unnecessary comment removed by slotperfect ....but oops, I shouldn't post. I don't have enough jumps....:o

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Guys here is just a couple of things for you to think about.
First off the meet was bid Mondial style, this means all events run at the same time and on our time frame should complete in 7 days.(yes that's a lot of people) But not so different than when it was held here last.
Lake Wales bid theirs similarly and completed in 11 days.
Chicago was about the same.
Perris bid theirs over 21 days with CF,Style and Accuracy finishing prior to the arrival of RW and AE.
Isn't the Nationals suppose to be about ALL the competitors?
Isn't it an opportunity to have all the disciplines together?
And shouldn't it be as efficient as possible?
The bid was granted on the facilities in place at the time of the bid and we have done our best to address everyones requests. If we have fallen short, please know that we have done what we can.
I would like to add one more thing. If as competitors you are unhappy with the selection process then its your responsibility to make yourselves heard.
I have been at the last 3 BOD meetings and the competition committee had no new business brought forth by the competitors other than the consideration for VRW.
I guess what I am trying to say is that if competitors want change then they need to make themselves heard. Contact your RDs and contact your BOD.
One can either be pro-active or reactive.
I can say this as one who has competed, and who has expressed concerns.
My question to competitors is....have you?
Your USPA Nationals will be whatever you choose to make it. It can be a great experience or it can be one filled with negativity. It really is up to you.:)
edited to add: I really should update my jump numbers but I don't think that is relative to the subject..so...naaaah!;)

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She said there is as many rooms as Perris had last year but without bringing any in how can that be?

"We can not bring in any more due to the city code. "

I think if you go back and read the thread you will find that she did not say "without bringing any in".[:/]
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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it's a figure of speach, i'm sure you're old enough to get that. Leave the useless non subject relating crap to the bonfire

YOU brought it up! Now that you are called on it you cry about it?!?!?!?! Admit you put your foot in your mouth and move on.

1. You came and made a complaint....BB answered it. They are not Perris CA, they are in Eloy, AZ. and they have different rules they must follow.

2. You came up with a really stupid requirement that you had to have more jumps than posts to comment.....Sheesh, then you bitch when people called you on it.

YOU failed to plan, not SDA. You think they would not get more rooms if they could fill them? You think they like the idea of people not spending extra money just to have them "hang around"? You think they became one of the largest DZ's by having that bad of a business plan?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hi Ron how ya doin' (put arm around Rons shoulder and steers him to the bar), lets get a beer and talk about some thing irrelevant, so how about them Cowboys?:P

Love ya Ron, you always through wisdom in an Emotional conflict.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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what would this place be like without ron at someones throat?:)

People usually get piss when the obvious is pointed out to them. Practically when the obvious is not what they want to hear.

I have never seen Ron at anyone’s throat, but I have seen pointing many times.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I just discovered all of the garbage in this thread. Rather than take the time to sort through the wheat field and sweep out the chaff, I'm locking it up.

People are going to post if they want to - there is no number of jumps vs. number of posts restriction. Many people here have more posts than jumps (including me). If you don't trust their input - don't read it.

The question was asked and answered. The thread is done.
Arrive Safely


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