
Questions About USPA Budget

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No I don't know the hours he put in or what he does, please enlighten me (I'm being serious.)

Go to a board meeting.

***Instructors paying taxes has nothing to do with this discussion so please spin that in another thread.

PS: If somebody is making $100K a year you're getting no sympathy from me, regardless of your job. Even if you are working 80 hour weeks that still is about $24 an hour. Not bad.

Whose asking for sympathy? You all are bashing him for making a living. There are alot of people who make alot more that do alot less. There seems to be alot of bashing going on over alot of assumptions.

Do you have someone in mind that can do his job better cheaper? I'm sure the BOD would be open to suggestions.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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$102k / year for an Executive Director is not excessive. Remember, he doesn't get to jump for a living - he gets to run all the boring, thankless, politics, budgets, and paperwork stuff.

As to whether he does a good job, I'm in no position to say. I'm not a USPA member or a resident of the USA.

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Does the BOD have hire/fire authority over the staff (that’s the real acid test!)?

First, I have never read the USPA constitution.

As I 'understand' it, the Exec Dir gets to hire/fire everyone under him.

The USPA Pres can fire the Exec Dir; I know three that got the axe in my decades of membership.


PS) This is going to be an interesting one to sit back and watch.

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From what i understand the BOD has minimal power behind closed doors to control what Mr. Needles, Bangs and Scott are doing. I here you have to be on the inside with those guys to get anything done. I sense something very fishy with this organization. Seems only those that need to know will and the rest including a large portion of the BOD are in the dark. As for the members Im not sure what to say. Roger Nelson was trying to find out what the staff at headquarters made and was told the only way to find this was to sue them. If that is the case we have a huge problem with the industries leaders and the only way to deal with it is by majority unless an attorney on here is able to obtain those figures!!!

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Goodness . . .

>>Chirtopher Needles, Executive Director, made $102,055 <<

Hey, all you struggling, taco bell eating, Instructors who own 15 year old cars please take note . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

Do you have ANY idea the hours he puts in or EVERYTHING he does.

How many instructors out there pay taxes - all of them?

You think you can do it better and cheaper, then I suggest you send a resume.


No I don't know the hours he put in or what he does, please enlighten me (I'm being serious.)

Instructors paying taxes has nothing to do with this discussion so please spin that in another thread.

PS: If somebody is making $100K a year you're getting no sympathy from me, regardless of your job. Even if you are working 80 hour weeks that still is about $24 an hour. Not bad.

I doubt he asked any sympathy from you. $100k or thereabouts seems pretty reasonable for the exec director of an organization like USPA. I wouldn't do it for that.

Like the lady said, you are free to send in your resume.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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No I don't know the hours he put in or what he does, please enlighten me (I'm being serious.)

Go to a board meeting.

***Instructors paying taxes has nothing to do with this discussion so please spin that in another thread.

PS: If somebody is making $100K a year you're getting no sympathy from me, regardless of your job. Even if you are working 80 hour weeks that still is about $24 an hour. Not bad.

Whose asking for sympathy? You all are bashing him for making a living. There are alot of people who make alot more that do alot less. There seems to be alot of bashing going on over alot of assumptions.

Do you have someone in mind that can do his job better cheaper? I'm sure the BOD would be open to suggestions.


Hey hey ease up J. I leave to go to my 2nd job and get back to this. I don't think I slammed Needles in any of my post. If so please point it out so I can at least respond to it.

I'm merely asking questions. I don't see why people are getting huffy puffy about it. Please explain.

In your response you wrote:
"Do you have someone in mind that can do his job better cheaper? I'm sure the BOD would be open to suggestions. "
So does the BOD have the authority to relieve Mr. Needles of his duties and assign someone new? Because if they don't talking to the BOD wouldn't do any good would it?

I can't say if I know of someone who could do his job better because...well in short I don't know what he does. That's why I'm asking. See I'm new to this whole thing with a little under two years in the sport so I'm just searching for information.

Just because things have always been this way or that way doesn't mean it's the right way.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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$102k / year for an Executive Director is not excessive. Remember, he doesn't get to jump for a living - he gets to run all the boring, thankless, politics, budgets, and paperwork stuff.

Also remember that the number that's in the budget is going to be a lot higher than his salary. We all get benefits deducted from our paychecks, but employers also must pay their share of benefits, never mind payroll taxes.

From what I've seen, the budget line for compensation is about 50% higher than the total of everyones salary.

A good guess is that the salary of the E.D. makes a good 25% less than that number - not a huge number for that kind of job - before you start taking away standard deductions.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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The USPA is LUCKY to have someone like Chris Needels to run the day to day operations. He is the type of person that would have unlimited earning potential in the private business sector.He has got more connections in D.C. than an ATT switch board and those connections have help keep skydivers skydiving our the years.I know he does an excellent job LEADING our association considering he has 22 supervisors

If you ask me the USPA is getting a REAL GOOD DEAL on this one. I personally would not take less than < 325K + bennys for the thankless position.

Chris Welker
Hearse&Limo Salesman

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Just like I told J, I'm not saying Mr. Needles does a bad job, then again I'm not going to say he does a good job either. I don't know what he does.

If you can answer any of the questions I've asked in my previous posts, excellent. If not thank you for your input.

PS: I've got to ask, are you really a hearse and limo salesman because that's pretty cool, and no I'm not joking.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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I agree with Chris.

I have spoken and e-mailed Mr. Neeleds several times (some of our topics have even been mentioned in his editorials).

He is looking out for the sport and its longevity. It is bound to upset a few folks and that is normal in any group, even one as SMALL as the US skydiver.

He also had no trouble telling me personally when I asked about his duties and pay, as well as others of the staff. I think the staff is not payed as well as at other organizations for the same job. I can't imagine dealing with me when I am pissed and not listening.

Yeah I have called up there a few times and been in the wrong but didn't say "sorry", till way later.[:/]

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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He also had no trouble telling me personally when I asked about his duties and pay, as well as others of the staff.

Matt would you mind sharing with us what he does, since you've already spoke with him?

Also I noticed in another thread Clicky you wrote "And now some want to attack and question the Exec. Dir. for what he does and how much he is paid? I submit he is not paid enough since he has to act on our behalf and do what we refuse to do, stand up for our sport." Is that statement in part due to this post? If so I still can't find where anyone attacks Mr. Needles or says he doesn't do enough. I would think that someone questioning the way the executive process is done at USPA would be applauded because it shows an interest in the workings of OUR organization. Then again I could be wrong.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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As long as the person who is asking for what Mr. Needles does on a daily basis is a person who also VOTED in the USPA elections.

Mr. Needles fields numerous calls and E-mails a day from the membership, mostly Us complaining about USPA. He also gets plenty of calls about DZO's from DZO's. In essence he gets to be "Dad" for all our petty BS.

Meets with the FAA and other GOV ORGS daily (in person and in phone conferences).

Is working with GOV ORGS to increase the awareness of USPA in the US and increase the membership.

And that is on top of running and Organizations daily office work with a relatively small staff.

I used to be like a bulk of our membership and complain LOUDLY about the USPA Office ineptness. Now I have talked to the various staff and understand the day they have much better, I do not believe the Office to be inept any more.

The BOD, is where I think we need to work.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Hi Matt,


As long as the person who is asking for what Mr. Needles does on a daily basis is a person who also VOTED in the USPA elections.

With over 40 yrs membership in PCA/USPA, I could not agree less with this statement.

Does a GI get to complain/not complain because he/she did/did not for for Pres. Bush?

All members are of equal standing.

And I have voted everytime without fail,


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I should have clarified a few of my points.
Attack was probably a bit harsh, and the view I hold is after I talked to Mr. Needles 4 to 6 months ago on the phone and via e-mail.

In our private organization I think before one complains about what the organization does he or she should be doing there part too (voting, writing the BOD, writing the regional Director) complaining here or at rec.skydiving does not really get your point across to any one at USPA except for a few, and as it is not formal, it can just as easily be ignored. Kudos to those BOD members here who address these complaints even when they don't have too.

I am very disappointed in the majority of US Skydivers who just take USPA for granted. It is more than us just sending in our membership dues to make this work.

If you DID NOT vote your just as much at fault and the ones you complain about. (not directed at you Jerry I see you have voted, now to answer your question, if the GI voted, either way, sure complain, if he didn't vote at all, he should take half the blame.)

But it is just my Opinion after all, and you know what they say about opinions;).

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Goodness . . .

>>Chirtopher Needles, Executive Director, made $102,055 <<

Hey, all you struggling, taco bell eating, Instructors who own 15 year old cars please take note . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

Wait, I've done enough 990 tax returns, this amount isn't what Chris took home. This is the cost to employ Chris, it will include thousands for healthcare, taxes, retiement contributions, an amount which could be 20k easily.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Isn't there another ~9k for benefits on top of the compensation of 102? (I'm not bashing, just asking being a detail nerd.)

I'm new, so I'm not very familiar with Mr.Needles, his responsibilities, or what he does on daily basis. I can only say that if he's doing a good job, kudos for him, he deserves more than that.
But again, I don't feel privileged to comment :S
I'm here to absorb :D

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in reply to ".. would you mind sharing with us what he does, since you've already spoke with him? "


From the horses mouth (or it's trainer/owner) might be a better bet than second hand .

It would seem like part of his job should be to prove that you all need him in the first place.

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first, I did vote for the bod. second, yeah, i have no room to talk, and I am not caring too much, but i will admit, this has defidently gotten my attention, due to the fact that it seems everyone who is in the know, beats around the bush about the original questions. I don't understand why it is so hard to say, "Mr. Needles does ... ... .. " rather, it is responses of, "well, I know, but, i won't tell you! you should find out on your own" which is obviously what the guy is trying to do.
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