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I last saw Joey about 10 years ago and he was living in Lakewood still. He had gotten married and very religious. He used to advertise in Parachutist as Delta Parachute Rigging but I have not seen his ad in a while. Dick Spates was in Florida last I heard. His ex, Theresha Thames runs a gear business known as Unfeathered and I just saw her at the PIA Convention last month. Charlie Cantalupe was working as a locksmith in Belmar NJ last time I saw him. I have no idea where Bob Young went after Lakewood closed.

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From my first day flying a still camera....



One of my favorites... ever. Perhaps because it is my own, but I like it.

It's all fun and until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

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Yep, I'm still scarin' em at the DZ. Not quite as much as I used to but enough to keep the love of life flowin' in my veins. I got a couple of teenagers now that are the love of my life and a lot better looking than me, luckily for them.

MJ's still around also, he's had a gig going at SDC for some time now and a beautiful family. I don't have his contact info with me at the moment but will try to get something to you.

I look forward to the day we get to hug and share some time, till then be safe...
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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