
Is this the oldest tandem passenger EVER? 94 year old lady?!!

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Jim Wallace has taken a 99 year old! I took her boyfriend? (They lived in the same assisted care center) who was 83 making him my oldest passenger. You need perfect conditions for these kind of tandems and they can be a little bit of work!

Did he/you land it as well as the Ti in this video?
Cmmon...be honest ;)

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Both landings were just about like the video. They were both light and we delayed till we had perfect conditions. Also Jim's passenger was making her 8th tandem after jumping on her 90th birthday for the first time. She came out on her birthday every year for a tandem but one year had to cancel after falling going to the car.

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We have a 97 year old woman named Beulah, who did her first tandem with her daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter all on the same load. Her great-great granddaughter was on the ground as a 7 year old....
four generations on the same load. Wonder if that's happened before?

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