
Is it possible?

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to jump out of a plane with a tandem harness and have a instructor attach it in free fall.. there would be another jumper helping to keep us stable

possible - yes
dangerous - yes
will you ever jump again - most likely no.

i think everyone involved in such a thing would get grounded for life.
atleast if i would decide.

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possible but ??? think I'll just watch this one

one of the bigger issues would be the difference in initial fallrates, the TI with 50 lbs of gear vs. the harness wearer (HW)

it would be very difficult to find a "helper" that could maintain fallrate once the HW was underneath the TI, probalby can't launch the drogue until the shoulder snaps are connected

assuming that fallrate was resolved, then it is just a matter of the intial RW 2-way, then the TI has to get on top of the HW and make the shoulder connections, the hips would be last but not critical
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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:D:D:D:D:DThe voice of experienced wisdom speaks.:D:D:D:D

I never said I was gonna stand on tandem with 94 jumps or any number of jumps for that matter...

I just expressed my opinion about people who do that... :P
"Dream as you'll live forever, live as you'll die today." James Dean

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thats where I got my idea...

Then you know the answer to the question of whether it's possible, so what are you asking?

it was not done with a tandem harness

I'm pretty sure it was. Or some facsimile of one. See http://expn.go.com/expn/story?id=3055619. And, in the youtube video, you can see the diver on top of him pull something out of Pastrana's shorts at around 0:37.

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i think your missing a main point of skydiving....being able to do another one.

OP asked if it was possible. The answer is (quite obviously) yes.

If what OP wanted to know was whether it was possible to do again, he should have (and could have) asked that. And the answer would again be yes.

However, as many others more experienced than I have pointed out, it's not a good idea. In fact, common sense should tell you it's not a good idea. I mean, normally I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy. And I think it's up to each person to decide what sort of risks they want to take. But you jump at Elsinore. Which means your decisions affect my ability to jump. So please don't. ;)


The more you love skydiving, the safer you are.

Being that you're from my dropzone, I'm going to assume you're kidding on this one, because I can't imagine the people who taught me (and who I assume taught you) leaving a student with an idea that he's safer 'cause he loves what he's doing.

You're safer 'cause you do gear checks, pay attention to what's going on in the air and on the ground, and you've had training. You're safer 'cause you're constantly on the lookout for things, because you've got people checking things for you (like misrouted chest straps), and because you have an attitude of "teach me". But I'd be willing to bet quite a lot of money that most of the incidents we've had this year were from people who really loved skydiving.

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OP asked if it was possible. The answer is (quite obviously)

Of course it is, but so is landing a wing suit. Possible yes...worth it? To many..no.

But i do understand where you are coming from.


Being that you're from my dropzone, I'm going to assume you're kidding on this one, because I can't imagine the people who taught me (and who I assume taught you) leaving a student with an idea that he's safer 'cause he loves what he's doing.

Good catch, i didn't literally mean that just because you love skydiving means you are going to be safer...but at least TRY to be safer might have been a better verbiage? I think its more the complacency than anything else.
Hi, my names Jon, and I love to skydive.

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What's with all the young, low time jumpers wanting to do retarded shit?[:/]

It goes hand in hand with the threads started by 16 yr olds wanting to jump.

Actually, nothing has changed at all --- the old gnarled, leathery Sky gods The ones that survived, that is) were young and reckless once too.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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