
Downsizing question

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I was just thinking about this and I decided to see what the masses think.

I currently fly a Triathlon 175 I'm loaded at about 1.32 with 83 jumps under my belt.

What do you think about me trading that up for a Stiletto 150? I would be loaded at about 1.5

Thoughts? opinions?

According to the Stiletto wing loading chart on the PD website, if you were to jump a 150 at your current weight that would put you in the expert category.

I have a feeling you knew the answer before you posted and are just trolling.

To an extent, yes I was, but by asking a dumb question I've learned a few things. Some of the answers I knew, but some other things never occurred to me.

One thing to add though. I ended up buying a 175 because while in the renting stage my DZ had a Sabre 2 210 and 170, the 190 was being ordered. so after a few jumps on the 210 I switched to the 170 (I weighed less then btw). I got used to it and when going to buy my rig, I found a complete package with a 175.

The container is tight tho, so up-sizing would call for a new container. I don't have the coin to swap out all of my gear, so I think I'm kinda stuck with what I've got...

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Wow. I have 350 jumps and don't have that wingload or planform...


No way this guy is for real...... please tell me he isn't. [:/]
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The container is tight tho, so up-sizing would call for a new container. I don't have the coin to swap out all of my gear, so I think I'm kinda stuck with what I've got...

If you want to upsize and stay with your current container, try either a PD Pulse or Aerodyne canopy made out of zpX. Both canopies use a fabric that packs smaller in a given size.

Regarding canopy sizing, I have never heard someone say that when the fit hits the shan, they wish they had a smaller canopy. A little extra fabric over your head is a good thing.
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>Is it better to downsize on a semi-elliptical then switch to an elliptical,
>or would it be better to switch to a bigger elliptical, then downsize on it?

Either way. The safest way would be to switch to a bigger elliptical and downsize on it - but transitioning to a same-sized elliptical and spending a bunch of jumps on that isn't too bad of an option. In _general_ you don't get much of an increase in speed, so the time you have to set up for landing and generally keep your brain one step ahead of the canopy is the same. However, mistakes become more costly, so you do need to be pretty well practiced on the lower performance canopy before switching.

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1.32 is an aggressive wing loading but not armageddon even at 83 jumps. Stick with the 1.3 for awhile. It can be done safely depending on the pilot/attitude. I did it with a safire 159 sub 100 jumps and it worked out well. I got advice and was 'conservative' with it. Your definition of the word may vary.

Stop even thinking about the stiletto for now.

The fact that you are asking says you aren't ready.

I don't know of many places you would be allowed to jump a Stiletto at 83 jumps. Take that into consideration.
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The container is tight tho, so up-sizing would call for a new container. I don't have the coin to swap out all of my gear, so I think I'm kinda stuck with what I've got...

If you want to upsize and stay with your current container, try either a PD Pulse or Aerodyne canopy made out of zpX. Both canopies use a fabric that packs smaller in a given size.

Regarding canopy sizing, I have never heard someone say that when the fit hits the shan, they wish they had a smaller canopy. A little extra fabric over your head is a good thing.

Yes... what monkey said about the new ZpX materials. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me if you are switching sizes you're only going up. You should seriously be upsizing right now regardless. And I really don't mean this in a bitchy way, but if I were working manifest at your dropzone I would not let you jump that gear with your experience. It's is seriously the begining of a wet spot story that could end in your untimely death. Being out a little extra coin is not worth your life-- trust me!!! Sell the container you have, rent for a few jumps here or there to get you through in between, and then get gear that is right for your experience.

I'm loaded about 1:1 right now and I couldn't imagine loading something any higher let alone loading a stilletto higher!!
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Regarding canopy sizing, I have never heard someone say that when the fit hits the shan, they wish they had a smaller canopy. A little extra fabric over your head is a good thing.

I have heard and used variations of this statement for years. And it has not lost its validity.

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I'm loaded about 1:1 right now and I couldn't imagine loading something any higher let alone loading a Stiletto higher!!

In his defence, there is a difference between a 135 loaded 1:1 and a 175 loaded 1:1.

This does *not* mean a [email protected] is a good idea at under a 100 jumps ..

Small girls have different problems than big boys do. Both can make problems for themselves though.
I am. I think.

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In his defence, there is a difference between a 135 loaded 1:1 and a 175 loaded 1:1.

This does *not* mean a [email protected] is a good idea at under a 100 jumps ..

Small girls have different problems than big boys do. Both can make problems for themselves though.

So true, a lot of people told me my first canopy I should be 1:1... I dont think they realized that would put me on a 120...

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I'm loaded about 1:1 right now and I couldn't imagine loading something any higher let alone loading a Stiletto higher!!

In his defence, there is a difference between a 135 loaded 1:1 and a 175 loaded 1:1.

This does *not* mean a [email protected] is a good idea at under a 100 jumps ..

Small girls have different problems than big boys do. Both can make problems for themselves though.

VERY true.... very very true, but at the time I made that transition at the particular dropzone that was my home at the time made the 1:1 loading on a 135 lesser of an evil than getting pushed back in high winds (which were often on this coastal DZ) on a 170, or even a 150. It was a tough call that was talked about with many of instructors and thought about for a very long time. I will be on this canopy for a VERY long time. (edited to add: all of this is also the reason why I choose a very square canopy.)
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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another downsizing thread? Why couldnt you just do a search for and read the other 10,000 threads on the same subject and draw your own conclusions?

More importantly.. ask the instructors at your DZ, not a bunch of people you likely don't know from the internet. All kinds of poor information can be dispensed here.

Personally, it's my life, I'm the one flying the canopy, I wouldnt take advice that could possibly get me killed from someone I know nothing about.
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