
Economy continues to . . . not fail

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On 3/20/2024 at 2:24 PM, JoeWeber said:

And an even larger share of Republicans think greedy free market capitalism dominated by pseudo monopolies that aren’t restrained from raising prices or putting fewer chips in the bag has zero to do with inflation.

Joe, “greedy free market capitalism dominated by pseudo monopolies that aren’t restrained from raising prices” existed long before the inflation we are experiencing today.  The variable is the giant money party the Ds threw via the American Rescue Plan and the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act. 

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1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

Joe, “greedy free market capitalism dominated by pseudo monopolies that aren’t restrained from raising prices” existed long before the inflation we are experiencing today.  The variable is the giant money party the Ds threw via the American Rescue Plan and the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act. 

Many paradigms existed before today, including direct barter economies. Surely the effects the huge capital injection are still playing out. But as a nation vs. other nations who also made huge capital injections our methodology appears to be the more successful.  

In Europe, (correct me here skydekker-no offense will be taken) pretty much, they paid companies to keep workers on the job and we paid workers to stay home but still spend to keep the economy chugging along. We made infrastructure investments, companies had discounted money to upgrade, and like it or not, we had the ability it add to the workforce to greater degree. Interest rates are up which is a good thing if you are out of risky investments or on fixed income and inflation is again lower than those returns. The Fed is already talking about rate reductions with the single limitation that they can not see why now. 

One thing we should be doing to help, and yes this will twist panties, is producing more oil, lot's more oil. Otherwise, Fox News to the contrary, it looks like the imaginary, never to happen soft landing is underway.



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On 3/22/2024 at 6:56 AM, brenthutch said:

Joe, “greedy free market capitalism dominated by pseudo monopolies that aren’t restrained from raising prices” existed long before the inflation we are experiencing today.  The variable is the giant money party the Ds threw via the American Rescue Plan and the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act. 

Brent, Brent! Why do you insist upon using FOX ideas to guide your thinking? Change in Total U.S. Debt by President  trump= 33.1% change in the amount of $6.7 trillion and President Biden= 8.8% change and $2.5 trillion. President Biden will actually have infrastructure to show for that spending. trump nothing but some jet exhaust from the engines of billionaires.

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18 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

Brent, Brent! Why do you insist upon using FOX ideas to guide your thinking? Change in Total U.S. Debt by President  trump= 33.1% change in the amount of $6.7 trillion and President Biden= 8.8% change and $2.5 trillion. President Biden will actually have infrastructure to show for that spending. trump nothing but some jet exhaust from the engines of billionaires.

Of the presidents during my lifetime, St. Ronald looks like the most profligate in % terms. GWB's legacy doesn't look so good either, given that his successor inherited the costs of Bush's wars.

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44 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

Brent, Brent! Why do you insist upon using FOX ideas to guide your thinking? Change in Total U.S. Debt by President  trump= 33.1% change in the amount of $6.7 trillion and President Biden= 8.8% change and $2.5 trillion. President Biden will actually have infrastructure to show for that spending. trump nothing but some jet exhaust from the engines of billionaires.

Who mentioned debt?  I just shared that most Americans believe the economy was better under Trump. Folks don’t feel, GDP or national debt, they feel inflation and when food and rent inflation far outpaces wage gains they really feel it and many are racking up credit card debt to make ends meet.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/americans-credit-card-debt-hits-record-113-trillion/story?id=106990807#:~:text=Americans' credit card balances climbed,jump from the previous quarter.

(no mention of FOX anywhere)

Edited by brenthutch

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2 hours ago, brenthutch said:

Who mentioned debt?  I just shared that most Americans believe the economy was better under Trump. Folks don’t feel, GDP or national debt, they feel inflation and when food and rent inflation far outpaces wage gains they really feel it and many are racking up credit card debt to make ends meet.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/americans-credit-card-debt-hits-record-113-trillion/story?id=106990807#:~:text=Americans' credit card balances climbed,jump from the previous quarter.

(no mention of FOX anywhere)

Sure the economy was "better" the self admitted "King of Debt" piled up $23,500 in additional debt for every man, woman and child in America during his presidency. With nothing to show for it..

As to your story about personal debt. For someone who rails against President Biden's federal spending. Which is used for the benefit all of America. Personal credit card debt are personal purchasing decisions by individuals freely made. Like when you buy a new AR-15 for your kids on your Chase rewards card. Or when trump pays for "entertainment" at his local "Big Titties R-US" strip club. In this example you'll have something to show for your spending. trump, well he'll never change his stripes.

Well not until:


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You can complain all you want about Trump, but the electorate feels differently 


“When it comes to the economy, Donald Trump enjoys a clear edge over Biden. According to a CBS News poll released in early March, 65% of voters rate the economy as good during Trump’s presidency, compared to 38% under Biden. Only 17% believe that Biden’s policies will make prices go down, compared to 44% for Trump. Consistent with these findings, 55% think that Trump would do a better job of dealing with the economy, compared to 33% who think that Biden would”


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Biden does indeed have a perception problem. And many Americans do indeed seem to say I don't care if a man rapes a woman, just as long as I think I can make some more money.


Not sure that is really the flex you want it to be though.....

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5 hours ago, SkyDekker said:

Biden does indeed have a perception problem. And many Americans do indeed seem to say I don't care if a man rapes a woman, just as long as I think I can make some more money.


Not sure that is really the flex you want it to be though.....

It’s not the flex I want, unfortunately it is the flex that we have.

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On 3/28/2024 at 6:31 PM, brenthutch said:

It’s not the flex I want, unfortunately it is the flex that we have.

it is the fle3x you want, cause I certainly haven't seen any posts from you making it very clear you could never support a rapist and would do anything to prevent him from becoming your president. Actually you keep posting quite the opposite.

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On 3/28/2024 at 5:37 PM, brenthutch said:

You can complain all you want about Trump, but the electorate feels differently 

So? What’s your point?

”People think it’s bad”

”It’s really not”

”Yeah but they think it is”

… Ok. And? Where do you want to go with that thought?

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1 hour ago, jakee said:

So? What’s your point?

”People think it’s bad”

”It’s really not”

”Yeah but they think it is”

… Ok. And? Where do you want to go with that thought?

Trump supporters are idiots?

They care more about their 'feels' than reality?

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5 hours ago, SkyDekker said:

I’m not arguing the state of the economy, I am just sharing what the PERCEPTION of the economy is to a large segment of the electorate.  BTW few folks care about GDP when inflation is out pacing their income. 

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12 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

I’m not arguing the state of the economy, I am just sharing what the PERCEPTION of the economy is to a large segment of the electorate.  BTW few folks care about GDP when inflation is out pacing their income. 

Sure.  And how would electing Trump improve that?  Not at all.

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6 minutes ago, headoverheels said:

Sure.  And how would electing Trump improve that?  Not at all.

What he fails to acknowledge (or realize) is that the decline in the economy was largely Trump's fault.

Directly or indirectly, much of what the economy went through can be attributed to Trump.

Before anyone says "But Trump wasn't in office for much of the time that the economy tanked", anyone with a bit of understanding knows that the economy responds to any issues very slowly. So shit that Trump did (or didn't do) was affecting the economy for quite a while after he left office.

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