
China takes lead on clean energy as US retreats

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Here in the US, renewable energy accounts for over 800,000 jobs, and those jobs are increasing at a rate of about 80% a year. (Compare this to coal mining at 50,000.)

Now that ramp-up in renewable energy jobs is at risk as Trump cedes leadership in clean energy to China. So more JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! for China rather than the US.

And we can look forward to a larger trade deficit with China. Solar was one of the few areas where we were exporting more to China than we were importing; that will end now as well as China takes the lead from us.

From the NYT:

China Looks to Capitalize on Clean Energy as U.S. Retreats

JUNE 5, 2017

LIULONG, China — China’s devastating pollution problems began here, in coal country, where legions of workers toiled and often died to exhume the rich deposits that fueled the country’s sooty rise to economic power.

Today, these muddy plains are home to a potent symbol of China’s new ambition: to bypass the United States and cement its dominant role in clean energy.

On a lake created by the collapse of abandoned coal mines, China has built the world’s largest floating solar project, enough to provide light and air conditioning to much of a nearby city. The provincial government wants to expand the effort to more than a dozen sites, which collectively would produce the same amount of power as a full-size commercial nuclear reactor.

The project reflects China’s effort to reshape the world order in renewable energy as the United States retreats. Such technological expertise will form the infrastructure backbone needed for countries to meet their climate goals, making China the energy partner of choice for many nations.

China is capitalizing on the leadership vacuum left after President Trump said last week that he would pull the United States out of the Paris accord to limit climate change.

China has already started an expensive campaign at home and abroad to solidify its considerable hold on solar, wind and other energy-saving businesses. If successful, China would win the economic and diplomatic spoils that the United States and some European countries have long enjoyed from dominating businesses like software, computer chips and airplanes.

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>Have you been to Beijing?

Yes. I was first there about 20 years ago, and more recently 3 years ago. It's getting better, but slowly - which is likely one thing that spurred the Chinese into action.

I first visited LA as a kid back around 1980. As you descended into the LA basin you could see the smog rising up to meet you, and you could smell it when you hit it. My wife's parents moved out of LA a few years before that on advice of their doctor. Today, on most days you can see the mountains in LA.

We're headed in the right direction in both places, although China has a longer way to go than we do.

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Have you been to Beijing? On a good day, you still need a surgical mask just to breathe without polluting your lungs too badly.


Area of Beijing: 6336 sq miles.

Area of China: 3,705 million sq miles.

I suspect they'll find a sunny area somewhere... ;)

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The Paris Agreement is a $23 trillion investment opportunity. How can we unlock it?

China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020

China Unveils Proposal for $50 Trillion Global Electricity Network

China cementing global dominance of renewable energy and technology

It now owns five of the world’s six largest solar-module manufacturing firms and the largest wind-turbine manufacturer

Perhaps China instead of Russia is the secret sponsor of trump? Well at least under trump there will be a couple thousand more US coal miners. At 1000 jobs a year that would be 4,000 more coal jobs if trumps stalls impeachment.

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Have you been to Beijing? On a good day, you still need a surgical mask just to breathe without polluting your lungs too badly.


Serious question, what exactly is your point?

I laugh at China getting on the clean air bandwagon. It's one thing to get on it, a whole other thing to actually implement the changes and enforce them. I don't see it happening.

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Yes clearly it is very hard to imagine that a country that suffers from extremely bad air quality would want to change that.

That is some incredible reasoning you are using!! Next thing you will tell me that somebody with brittle bone disease will try and prevent more bones from breaking.

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I laugh at China getting on the clean air bandwagon. It's one thing to get on it, a whole other thing to actually implement the changes and enforce them. I don't see it happening.

It is happening. It happened in the US and in the UK; now China has stepped up as we abdicate the lead.
China Is Now Home To The World's Largest Floating Solar Power Plant

While the US continues to shirk its carbon-cutting responsibilities, China continues to showcase to the world why it is set to become the de facto leader on climate change advocacy. Its coal use is finally flatlining, it’s investing heavily in both nuclear and wind power, and now it’s now home to the world’s largest floating solar farm.

Sungrow Power Supply announced this month that they have finished construction on a 40-megawatt solar power plant, which is sitting on a somewhat appropriate setting. The area was once a coal-mining town, but it’s since been flooded.
The End of Coal Is Near: China Just Scrapped 103 Power Plants

A huge win for the environment.

19 JAN 2017

China has announced plans to cancel more than 100 coal plants currently in development, scrapping what would amount to a massive 120 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired electricity capacity if the plants were completed.

For a bit of context, the entire US has approximately 305 GW gigawatts of coal capacity in total, and this massive adjustment leaves room for China to advance its development of clean, renewable energy.


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I laugh at China getting on the clean air bandwagon. It's one thing to get on it, a whole other thing to actually implement the changes and enforce them. I don't see it happening.

It is happening. It happened in the US and in the UK; now China has stepped up as we abdicate the lead.
China Is Now Home To The World's Largest Floating Solar Power Plant

While the US continues to shirk its carbon-cutting responsibilities, China continues to showcase to the world why it is set to become the de facto leader on climate change advocacy. Its coal use is finally flatlining, it’s investing heavily in both nuclear and wind power, and now it’s now home to the world’s largest floating solar farm.

Sungrow Power Supply announced this month that they have finished construction on a 40-megawatt solar power plant, which is sitting on a somewhat appropriate setting. The area was once a coal-mining town, but it’s since been flooded.
The End of Coal Is Near: China Just Scrapped 103 Power Plants

A huge win for the environment.

19 JAN 2017

China has announced plans to cancel more than 100 coal plants currently in development, scrapping what would amount to a massive 120 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired electricity capacity if the plants were completed.

For a bit of context, the entire US has approximately 305 GW gigawatts of coal capacity in total, and this massive adjustment leaves room for China to advance its development of clean, renewable energy.



Not so fast.....

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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From the article:


Electricity generated from fossil fuels like coal is the biggest single contributor globally to the rise in carbon emissions, which scientists agree is causing the Earth’s temperatures to rise.

Clearly written by an alarmist... ;)
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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