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Accounts of the people who are living in regret of their decision to vote for Trump.
Donald Trump supporter who stopped paying his mortgage to follow campaign trail now feels ‘betrayed’ by President

Kraig Moss, nicknamed the ‘Trump Troubadour’ has attended 45 Trump rallies
The Independent US

A Donald Trump supporter who stopped paying his mortgage so he could follow the business tycoon on his campaign trail has said he feels “betrayed” by the president, after learning the details of the proposed Republican health care plan.

Mr Moss, who was nicknamed the Trump Troubadour in the lead up to the election, visited 45 of the Republican’s rallies and sang pro-Trump songs on his acoustic guitar, told CNN that he cannot believe the president supports the new American Health Care Act.

“The bill is an absolute betrayal of what Mr Trump represented on the campaign trail,” Mr Moss told the broadcaster. “I feel betrayed.”

The new bill, also known as Trumpcare, has been fiercely criticised for the effect it is expected to have on US citizens. If it is passed, an extra 14 million Americans are predicted to be left without health care insurance next year.

Independent analysts have also predicted that five million fewer people will be covered by Medicaid by 2018, while Democratic senator Bernie Sanders simply stated that “thousands of Americans will die” if the legislation is passed.

For Mr Moss, the problem with the new health care plan is that it will end a policy under Obamacare in a majority of states that saw addiction services covered by Medicaid.

Addiction is a tough subject for Mr Moss, who found his 24-year-old son dead in bed in 2014. He had died from a heroin overdose.

Mr Moss had believed addiction was an important topic for the president too. During his campaign, Mr Trump had called drug addiction a “tremendous problem” and, at a town hall meeting in Ohio last year, he told supporters: “It’s very hard to get out of the addiction of heroin. We’re going to work with them, we’re going to spend the money, we’re going to get that habit broken,” Business Insider reported.

Mr Trump even addressed his troubadour directly at one rally. Pointing at Mr Moss and addressing the death of the singer’s son, Mr Trump said: “And I know what you went through. He’s a great father, I can see it. And your son is proud of you. Your son is proud of you,” CNN reported.

“I believed everything he said,” Mr Moss told the broadcaster, adding that now he believes the president had simply been looking for votes when he made his promises. He said he feels angry, hurt, and let down by Mr Trump.

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From WaPo:
Trump supporter thought president would only deport ‘bad hombres.’ Instead, her husband is being deported.

By Peter Holley March 25

Roberto and Helen Beristain have three children and a successful restaurant in Indiana.

When Helen Beristain told her husband she was voting for Donald Trump last year, he warned her that the Republican nominee planned to “get rid of the Mexicans.”

Defending her vote, Helen quoted Trump directly, noting that the tough-talking Republican said he would only kick the “bad hombres” out of the country, according to the South Bend Tribune.

Months later, Roberto Beristain — a successful businessman, respected member of his Indiana town and father of three American-born children — languishes in a detention facility with hardened criminals as he awaits his deportation back to Mexico, the country he left in 1998 when he entered the United States illegally.

“I wish I didn’t vote at all,” Helen Beristain told the Tribune. “I did it for the economy. We needed a change."

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Another voter who was "under the influence" when she voted for Trump.
Trump voter who uses Meals on Wheels surprised by proposed cuts
CBS News March 18, 2017, 9:56 AM

One element of President Trump’s budget proposal could reduce funding for Meals on Wheels, which delivers nearly a million meals a day to the sick and elderly.
. . .
The program works for 56-year-old Linda Preast, who signed up for the program two years ago after a stroke left her in a wheelchair. Meals on Wheels delivers to her every weekday. Like most residents in Jones County, she voted for Donald Trump.

“Are you surprised?” Miller asked.

“Yeah,” Preast said. “Because he was told- I was under the influence that he was going to help us.”

“What would you tell him to convince him not to cut this program?” Miller asked.

“What if it was your momma?” Preast said.

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A Donald Trump supporter who stopped paying his mortgage so he could follow the business tycoon on his campaign trail has said he feels “betrayed” by the president, after learning the details of the proposed Republican health care plan.

Obviously mentally unbalanced.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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languishes in a detention facility with hardened criminals as he awaits his deportation back to Mexico, the country he left in 1998 when he entered the United States illegally.

I get that you aren't in favor of law enforcement until you need a cop.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Another voter who was "under the influence" when she voted for Trump.
Trump voter who uses Meals on Wheels surprised by proposed cuts
CBS News March 18, 2017, 9:56 AM

One element of President Trump’s budget proposal could reduce funding for Meals on Wheels, which delivers nearly a million meals a day to the sick and elderly.
. . .
The program works for 56-year-old Linda Preast, who signed up for the program two years ago after a stroke left her in a wheelchair. Meals on Wheels delivers to her every weekday. Like most residents in Jones County, she voted for Donald Trump.

“Are you surprised?” Miller asked.

“Yeah,” Preast said. “Because he was told- I was under the influence that he was going to help us.”

“What would you tell him to convince him not to cut this program?” Miller asked.

“What if it was your momma?” Preast said.

A 3.3% cut...absolutely heartless. :S
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Damn him for . . . doing what he said he would!
I voted for Trump, not against Planned Parenthood

Melody Forbes
Published 5:02 a.m. ET Jan. 17, 2017

I voted for Donald Trump because I wanted to see change in our country. One change I didn’t want to see was access to health care at Planned Parenthood blocked.

But Republican congressional leaders have already promised to do just that, with a provision to stop reimbursements for the health care Planned Parenthood provides.

Just like one in five women across the country, I went to Planned Parenthood here in Arizona in my 20s for health care. I was newly divorced, unemployed and uninsured, and I needed health services I could not otherwise afford.

. . .A bill to defund Planned Parenthood doesn’t cross out a line in the federal budget — it stops people with Medicaid from being able to go to Planned Parenthood for basic reproductive health care.

I knew he'd have to make promises to appease the anti-abortion wing of the Republican Party. I’m hopeful that Trump will see that defunding Planned Parenthood is the kind of campaign promise he shouldn’t keep. I did not vote to send him to the White House to take away health care from people struggling to get by.

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Yet another case of voters with brain stuck firmly in neutral.
This Trump voter is stunned to find her Syrian relatives deported

PRI's The World

February 01, 2017 · 6:00 PM EST
By Joyce Hackel

Syrian American Sarmad Assali is . . . frustrated and angry.

Like many in Allentown, Pennsylvania's Syrian Orthodox Christian neighborhood, Assali voted for the Republican candidate last November.

This weekend, she watched two of her brothers-in-law, their wives and children get deported back to Damascus from Philadelphia International Airport even though they had US visas.

"It was a shock," she says. "If [Trump] had an issue with them entering the United States, we should have been told about it. It should have been discussed. We should be able to get some legal help in there. ... The way they were returned in a two-hour period, it was just devastating."

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Planned Parenthood clinics provide significantly fewer services than federally qualified health centers, and those centers provide all of the same non-abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood, including birth control, manual breast exams, and STD testing.

Cecile Richards once again confirmed that Planned Parenthood does not provide emergency first responder care, well-child services, mammograms, immunizations, radiological services, nurse on staff, and more.

For every Planned Parenthood clinic, there are 20 community health centers ready to provide all the non-abortive services currently being given by Planned Parenthood. It is a blatant lie to claim these communities would be left unserved if Planned Parenthood loses its federal funding.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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>Obviously mentally unbalanced. . . .

>Planned Parenthood clinics provide significantly fewer services than federally
>qualified health centers . . .

So your conclusion is that all those Trump voters I listed are idiots. While I tend to agree, take away the idiots and you have a much more sane president.

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>Obviously mentally unbalanced. . . .

>Planned Parenthood clinics provide significantly fewer services than federally
>qualified health centers . . .

So your conclusion is that all those Trump voters I listed are idiots. While I tend to agree, take away the idiots and you have a much more sane president.

Not my conclusion at all. Remember when that guy set himself on fire outside Trump Tower? Mentally unbalanced as well. Not a good example.

The article you chose about defunding PP focused on all of the other things PP does besides provide abortions. Turns out that's not true either. Another bad example.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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ACLJ doesn't like Planned Parenthood. It's in their DNA, having been founded by Pat Robertson and all.

That said, Planned Parenthood is not the be-all and end-all of women's health care; they offer a limited subset, but there are often no good alternatives (or no alternatives at all) in the area. I've used their services, for exactly those reasons. Birth control and Pap smears, well-woman exams. They don't do everything a woman might need, it's not in their charter.

Where there are good alternatives, PP is a bit player. However, most of those alternatives would prefer to serve women with insurance and money, and they make it clear to patients.

Why not let market forces work on PP? If their model isn't working, they'll go out of business. Otherwise, treat them like other providers, reimburse for covered Medicaid procedures, and don't for non-covered ones. Kind of like how my insurance would deal with my doctor if I were to have a cosmetic procedure.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Checking in:

No disappointed Trump supporters in my area. Most are not too pleased with Congress however. The same seems to hold true for family, except my granddaughter and her ex-husband. She is an apolitical feminist and he is a progressive liberal and spends most of his time outside the country.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Checking in:

No disappointed Trump supporters in my area. Most are not too pleased with Congress however. The same seems to hold true for family, except my granddaughter and her ex-husband. She is an apolitical feminist and he is a progressive liberal and spends most of his time outside the country.

Wait till you finally figure out you voted for a Russian puppet. I am sure that will give you some angst though I have no doubt that in a choice between a woman and a Russian you will happily vote for a Russian.

You will find a way to rationalize it.

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***Checking in:

No disappointed Trump supporters in my area. Most are not too pleased with Congress however. The same seems to hold true for family, except my granddaughter and her ex-husband. She is an apolitical feminist and he is a progressive liberal and spends most of his time outside the country.

Wait till you finally figure out you voted for a Russian puppet. I am sure that will give you some angst though I have no doubt that in a choice between a woman and a Russian you will happily vote for a Russian.

You will find a way to rationalize it.

That could tie in with eschatology. There are a lot of Christians in Russia. I believe in ranks third in the world.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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>That could tie in with eschatology. There are a lot of Christians in Russia.

SkyDekker's faith in your moral flexibility was not misplaced.

That statement makes no sense to me at all.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Some tweets from people who have realized what they just did:

Trump seems lost. Afraid. Like he didn't see the full scope of what was coming. I'm starting to regret my vote. Tom Ford @t_m_f_rd

@realDonaldTrump I starting to regret voteing Mr. Trump. Maybe he take us into war. Please make focus MAGA like you promise Mr. President. Jeff Byrd

@realDonaldTrump I voted for you I should have voted for Hillary I hang my head in shame and no longer proud to be an American. Kagome L D @JpopGirl

@realDonaldTrump I voted for you and DeVos is a BAD BAD choice! Your suppose to drain the swamp not add to it. DeAnda Wiley @Dwiley35Wiley

@realDonaldTrump Didnt know a vote 4u meant giving real power/natonal security 2Bannon-unelected/unaccountable 2the American people. #regret Lisa Wingo @lisawingo

@POTUS @realDonaldTrump You are the Worst President Ever! I want my vote back! You are not a king! Cheryll Wissel @Cmwissel

@realDonaldTrump Mr. president, I voted for you..! Now my wife can't come back after her visit to YEMEN. #NoBanNoWall @darkangel2200

@realDonaldTrump As a Christian supporter, I am frankly embarrassed that I voted for you. End this ban now. #StopIgnoranceNotImmigrants Daniel Hensen @iceblademan

@POTUS Could you control yourself already? You're out of control. I'm sorry I voted for you. Won't happen again Roberta Green @censoredwoman

Damn @realDonaldTrump keeps getting worse every day. Can I take my vote back? #DonaldTrump #potus45 #trumpregrets Scott Willis @WillisAthGA

@realDonaldTrump We voted for you but you BETRAYED us by employing the swamp instead of draining it. Does goldman sachs and foreclosure Steve sound familiar?
The Forgotten 80% @TrumpTrain4444

@realDonaldTrump @DavidMuir @ABC There is something wrong with your brain. I am ashamed that I voted for you. You are so petty about crowds Arnold McGall @amcgall

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I wonder how many Democrats are regretting not voting.

Your comeback is that both democrats and republicans regret that Trump is president?

Think it through dude, think it through;)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***I wonder how many Democrats are regretting not voting.

Your comeback is that both democrats and republicans regret that Trump is president?

Think it through dude, think it through;)

OK quickdraw. My theory is alot of Democrats stayed home on election day because they believed what the MSM was telling them. Had they not gotten lazy I'm pretty certain Hillary would be POTUS today.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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***>That could tie in with eschatology. There are a lot of Christians in Russia.

SkyDekker's faith in your moral flexibility was not misplaced.

That statement makes no sense to me at all.

Whereas it clicked instantly for me.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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OK quickdraw. My theory is alot of Democrats stayed home on election day because they believed what the MSM was telling them. Had they not gotten lazy I'm pretty certain Hillary would be POTUS today.

My belief is you are partly right. The second factor was Comey's stunt. And thirdly the Trump/Putin/Wikileaks conspiracy. But I think the first two were the main things.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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