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Hi Keith,


the high speaking fees Bill received

Do some homework on the speaking fees that your Congress Critters get.


piece of legislation was to be signed by the then Secretary of State.

I have never known of any legislation that a Sec of State would sign. And, virtually all legislation for the last few years has come out of a Congress controlled by Republicans.

Not at you Keith: People say they hate Hillary. Yet, when you ask them why, they usually say:

1. They just hate her
2. She gets high speaking fees - Duh, so do a lot of people

The ex-Pres who made the most money from speaking fees, once they were out of office, was Jerry Ford, a Republican. And Ronald Reagan did very, very well on that speaking circuit; another Republican.

Jerry Baumchen

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****** funnier than f****** hell considering what's the news has been about the Clinton Foundation

What news? Please post the news showing actual evidence of wrongdoing.

the evidence against Killary is clearer than that for global warming,

No, it's not. And name calling makes you look like a 5 year old.

There is no evidence at all that anyone RECEIVED any special favors.

I see lots of cars with stickers on the back "Supporter of Fraternal Order of Police" and similar. Maybe they think this will get them favors if stopped for speeding. However, I am not aware that any traffic cop views it this way.

There's a world of difference between someone requesting a favor and someone receiving a favor.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hi SkyDekker,


Personally I don't get what the outrage is about at all.

I can understand not wanting someone for president. What I cannot get my head around is the outright hatred for Ms. Clinton.

IMO it is from the crazies on the internet; and we know everything there is the truth.

Or maybe a roadsign: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/08/hillary_for_prison_message_fla.html

Jerry Baumchen

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Hi SkyDekker,


Personally I don't get what the outrage is about at all.

I can understand not wanting someone for president. What I cannot get my head around is the outright hatred for Ms. Clinton.

IMO it is from the crazies on the internet; and we know everything there is the truth.

Or maybe a roadsign: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/08/hillary_for_prison_message_fla.html

Jerry Baumchen

What I cant get my head around is people like you saying those who do not want Clinton in office have hate in their hearts.

I can only guess you view most everything in life emotionally and you have to project that here on topics like this.

Personally, I do not hate Clinton. But she is the most corrupt person in politic that I have ever seen so, I do not want her if office. But hate her? Nope, I have to know someone to hate them.

But now I suppose you think I hate you too.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Personally, I do not hate Clinton. But she is the most corrupt person in politic that I have ever seen so

Except you have ZERO evidence of this, other than what you think may have happened.

None of myriads of investigations etc. have turned up anything she can be charged with.

Objectively she is supremely qualified to be President. You need emotional arguments to try and distract from that.

There are politicians who have been charged and convicted of various forms of corruption, yet your emotional argument labels Hillary Clinton as the most corrupt you have ever seen.

All of course while deriding somebody else for not being fact based and emotional.

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Personally, I do not hate Clinton. But she is the most corrupt person in politic that I have ever seen so, I do not want her if office.

Oh, yes, definitely more corrupt that anyone on this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_federal_politicians_convicted_of_crimes
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Personally, I do not hate Clinton. But she is the most corrupt person in politic that I have ever seen so

Except you have ZERO evidence of this, other than what you think may have happened.

None of myriads of investigations etc. have turned up anything she can be charged with.

Objectively she is supremely qualified to be President. You need emotional arguments to try and distract from that.

There are politicians who have been charged and convicted of various forms of corruption, yet your emotional argument labels Hillary Clinton as the most corrupt you have ever seen.

All of course while deriding somebody else for not being fact based and emotional.

I am not the one who constantly makes claims of hate.
While you just did in another thread.

Your blindness of her past is blinding. I will give you that.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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But she is the most corrupt person in politic that I have ever seen so

Like using your charitable foundation to make political contributions to the state attorney general who is investigating you for fraud....and then the investigation is dropped.

That kind of corruption?


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