
FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades

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32 Death sentences....

I don't think you can ever make sure an organization can works 100% reliably.
I do think however innocent people shouldn't be actively killed because a government agency has quality control issues.

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32 Death sentences....

I don't think you can ever make sure an organization can works 100% reliably.
I do think however innocent people shouldn't be actively killed because a government agency has quality control issues.

I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You seem to have a fascination for mistakes made by American justice.

Why not bitch about China's human rights abuses?

Because it tends to be Americans claiming their country is the best, their justice system is the best and their form of government is best. And, it tends to be americans willing to kill to make the rest of the world like them.

If you are going to stand around beating your chest like Donkey Kong, you are going to get some attention.

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***You seem to have a fascination for mistakes made by American justice.

Why not bitch about China's human rights abuses?

Because it tends to be Americans claiming their country is the best, their justice system is the best and their form of government is best. And, it tends to be americans willing to kill to make the rest of the world like them.

If you are going to stand around beating your chest like Donkey Kong, you are going to get some attention.

Or it could be our German friends griping about not being a world superpower anymore, having been decimated by their failures in WWI and WWII, and we bombed the shit out of them in the latter. :P
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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******You seem to have a fascination for mistakes made by American justice.

Why not bitch about China's human rights abuses?

Because it tends to be Americans claiming their country is the best, their justice system is the best and their form of government is best. And, it tends to be americans willing to kill to make the rest of the world like them.

If you are going to stand around beating your chest like Donkey Kong, you are going to get some attention.

Or it could be our German friends griping about not being a world superpower anymore, having been decimated by their failures in WWI and WWII, and we bombed the shit out of them in the latter. :P

Urban renewal....... have you been there.....????

most of it is very modern.

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*********You seem to have a fascination for mistakes made by American justice.

Why not bitch about China's human rights abuses?

Because it tends to be Americans claiming their country is the best, their justice system is the best and their form of government is best. And, it tends to be americans willing to kill to make the rest of the world like them.

If you are going to stand around beating your chest like Donkey Kong, you are going to get some attention.

Or it could be our German friends griping about not being a world superpower anymore, having been decimated by their failures in WWI and WWII, and we bombed the shit out of them in the latter. :P

Urban renewal....... have you been there.....????

most of it is very modern.

Well duh, we had to help them rebuild in the years following WWII. :P Could be they hate having US military bases on their soil like the big one at Kaiserlauten... And yes, I have been there.
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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******You seem to have a fascination for mistakes made by American justice.

Why not bitch about China's human rights abuses?

Because it tends to be Americans claiming their country is the best, their justice system is the best and their form of government is best. And, it tends to be americans willing to kill to make the rest of the world like them.

If you are going to stand around beating your chest like Donkey Kong, you are going to get some attention.

Or it could be our German friends griping about not being a world superpower anymore, having been decimated by their failures in WWI and WWII, and we bombed the shit out of them in the latter. :P


Though I have to say, they got decimated and bombed and all that stuff you mentioned and yet they rebuild their economy and build themselves back to a world economic powerhouse.

I grew up in Holland, which tends to breed a hatred for Germany. But, I find that impressive.

And labelling Germany as not a superpower, might be a little shortsighted.

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*Slow claps...

Wow. Good job guys.

From potential mistakes in the FBI and that implication for death row inmates to Nazi Germany and 'MURICA '(Fuck yeah!)' in 4 posts. :|

Quality forum discussion right here.

For the OP - I suggest you make use of the new [on topic] tag if you want to short-circuit crap like this. See the sticky at the top of the forum.

So - on topic - aside from the death row implications (which are tragic) another nearly 2,500 need to be reviewed and I assume, potentially corrected?

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And we freely use it against our fellow German skydivers hell-bent on bashing the good ol' USA. :P

You lost the war. Get over it. Isn't there a German language forum down near the bottom of DZ.com? Feel free to complain down there. :P
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And we freely use it against our fellow German skydivers hell-bent on bashing the good ol' USA. :P

You lost the war. Get over it. Isn't there a German language forum down near the bottom of DZ.com? Feel free to complain down there. :P

Boy, you really have issues - visual, perhaps? This is SC/DZ.com, not USBackyard.com.

So many of you guys have not the slightest clue about the world outside your borders.

Weird, you sound like peacefuljeffrey ..... :P

PS: You think, only Germans read the news about the topic?? No, it's the world B|

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And we freely use it against our fellow German skydivers hell-bent on bashing the good ol' USA. :P

You lost the war. Get over it. Isn't there a German language forum down near the bottom of DZ.com? Feel free to complain down there. :P

Boy, you really have issues - visual, perhaps? This is SC/DZ.com, not USBackyard.com.

So many of you guys have not the slightest clue about the world outside your borders.

Weird, you sound like peacefuljeffrey ..... :P

PS: You think, only Germans read the news about the topic?? No, it's the world B|

And the best part? The site is in ENGLISH, not German. ;)
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And we freely use it against our fellow German skydivers hell-bent on bashing the good ol' USA. :P

You lost the war. Get over it. Isn't there a German language forum down near the bottom of DZ.com? Feel free to complain down there. :P

Boy, you really have issues - visual, perhaps? This is SC/DZ.com, not USBackyard.com.

So many of you guys have not the slightest clue about the world outside your borders.

Weird, you sound like peacefuljeffrey ..... :P

PS: You think, only Germans read the news about the topic?? No, it's the world B|

And the best part? The site is in ENGLISH, not German. ;)

But that is mostly because the site is bowing down to the lowest common denominator. Most Europeans know how to communicate in at least one other language.

Most Americans think Dutch is spoken in Denmark. :P

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And we freely use it against our fellow German skydivers hell-bent on bashing the good ol' USA. :P

You lost the war. Get over it. Isn't there a German language forum down near the bottom of DZ.com? Feel free to complain down there. :P

Boy, you really have issues - visual, perhaps? This is SC/DZ.com, not USBackyard.com.

So many of you guys have not the slightest clue about the world outside your borders.

Weird, you sound like peacefuljeffrey ..... :P

PS: You think, only Germans read the news about the topic?? No, it's the world B|

Right. Bt Germans end up being the commenters. You make Driver1's point. The whole rest of the world reads this stuff. It's usually the Germans who feel the need to speak out and comment. There is Germany, the US and another 190 or so countries (not including ISIS), and Germans voice in their comments.

It'd be nice to hear something from someone in Luxembourg or Austria or something. It Germans just seem to coment on US stuff more than anyone else.

So long as we don't get any Dutch Canadians. :P

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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32 Death sentences....

I don't think you can ever make sure an organization can works 100% reliably.
I do think however innocent people shouldn't be actively killed because a government agency has quality control issues.

I am truly amazed that anyone can defend capital punishment in the USA. The number of errors is amazing.

And favorably comparing the USA to places like Saudi Arabia, Iran or communist China simply indicates how broken the US system of death really is.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You lost the war. Get over it.

A) I wasn't alive in the 1940s and I'm not a german, so... eh?

B) Germans don't care about the WW2 anymore. They're not holding a grudge. It has nothing to do with their motivations for posting any topic.

C) If the topic is valid, it's valid, if it's not, it's not and that is independent of the nationality of the person posting it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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From another source (The Atlantic)

The most compelling reform agenda that I've come across was summarized seven years ago by Radley Balko, an investigative journalist with significant experience unmasking shoddy crime-scene analysis, and Roger Koppl, director of the Institute for Forensic Science Administration at Fairleigh Dickinson University. They focused on a huge conflict of interest at the core of the current system—the fact that forensic lab analysts often work for the police and prosecutors:

"One major barrier to improving forensic evidence in criminal trials is that in most jurisdictions, the state has a monopoly on experts. Crime lab analysts and medical examiners (and to a lesser extent DNA technicians) typically work for the government and are generally seen as part of the prosecution's "team," much like the police and investigators. Yes, science is science, and it would be nice to believe that scientists will always get at the truth no matter whom they report to. But studies have consistently shown that even conscientious scientists can be affected by cognitive bias. A scientist whose job performance is evaluated by a senior official in the district attorney or state attorney general's office may feel subtle pressure to return results that produce convictions. In cases in which district attorneys' offices contract work out to private labs, the labs may feel pressure—even if it's not explicit (though sometimes it is)—to produce favorable results in order to continue the relationship."

Indeed, according to Business Insider, "In many jurisdictions, crime labs receive money for each conviction they contribute to, according to a 2013 study in the journal Criminal Justice Ethics. Statutes in Florida and North Carolina mandate that judges provide labs with remuneration “upon conviction” and only upon conviction. Alabama, Arizona, California, Missouri, Wisconsin, Tennessee, New Mexico, Kentucky, New Jersey, and Virginia are among the states with similar provisions."


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It'd be nice to hear something from someone in Luxembourg or Austria or something. It Germans just seem to coment on US stuff more than anyone else.

No shit. Of course you won't hear anything from the Luxembourgers - there aren't any. No one lives there. There's basically a university, a parliament building, a bunch of dummy corporations and that's about it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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32 Death sentences....

I don't think you can ever make sure an organization can works 100% reliably.
I do think however innocent people shouldn't be actively killed because a government agency has quality control issues.

I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

Perhaps we should have tested the right hair.
Isn't German hair superior, it would have lead to less errors and no mistakes.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You lost the war. Get over it.

A) I wasn't alive in the 1940s and I'm not a german, so... eh?

B) Germans don't care about the WW2 anymore. They're not holding a grudge. It has nothing to do with their motivations for posting any topic.

C) If the topic is valid, it's valid, if it's not, it's not and that is independent of the nationality of the person posting it.

A) saying "eh?" Makes you sound Canadian.

B) why would they hold a grudge for losing? You are insinuating they were wronged by being beaten in their game of war and genicide.

C) that depends on what the definition of "is" is.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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A) saying "eh?" Makes you sound Canadian.

Only if you say it in a canadian accent.


B) why would they hold a grudge for losing? You are insinuating they were wronged by being beaten in their game of war and genicide.

1) Ask Driver1. 2) No, that's not how it works.


C) that depends on what the definition of "is" is.

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I dunno. The government of Germany in the late 30s and early 40s could be counted on to kill pretty efficiently and reliably.

Governments are really good at killing people. they can do that reliably.

There is a reason why Godwin became a thing, y'know.

And I've noticed that the Godwin card gets played pretty frequently. And for some reason it's the English who play it. Godwin's law is about making analogies to Nazis. I didn't make an analogy to Nazis. I actually directly referenced the German government of the late 30s and early 40s as an example of a government that proved that it could be effective and efficient at something when it devoted itself to an ambition.

It wasn't an analogy. It was an example. From history

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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