
American Sniper

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I'm talking about if you think it was illegal/wrong for bush to start the war, then obama just came in and continued doing the same thing the. Both are guilty of the same thing.

As far as the legality I don't know, if it was obviously illegal, then why diddnt anyone go to jail? Someone once spouted some coverup here before I don't know. My point to kallend and you is move on and change what you can now, the past is the past, and obama still has troops in harms way continuing the same thing bush was doing here in the present. Bitch about that it's something that can be changed.

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I'm talking about if you think it was illegal/wrong for bush to start the war, then obama just came in and continued doing the same thing the. Both are guilty of the same thing.

Except it's not the same thing. Creating a giant heap of shit and being given a giant heap of shit to deal with are two different things.

That's not to say Obama isn't culpable for anything - for instance his inaction on Guanatanamo sucks balls - but you simply can't conflate Bush's role in the war with Obama's role.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Like there is no executive order to help some else, ear mark, Louisiana purchase option that obama couldn't do to close it.

No. There really isn't.

The issue is what do you do with the prisoners? Where do you put them if you can't have Gitmo?

This issue has surfaced time and again in Congress and Congress has flatly refused to allow them to be held in the US proper, so what do you do with them?

Google it. I'll wait.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What lie/incompetence of the current administration compares to that in your opinion?

Well, to be fair, not even Bush was having his cronies hunt down and kill American citizens without a trial. Bush does have his signature on PATRIOT and the MCA though.
cavete terrae.

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***Like there is no executive order to help some else, ear mark, Louisiana purchase option that obama couldn't do to close it.

No. There really isn't.

The issue is what do you do with the prisoners? Where do you put them if you can't have Gitmo?

This issue has surfaced time and again in Congress and Congress has flatly refused to allow them to be held in the US proper, so what do you do with them?

Google it. I'll wait.

…stop invading other countries, rounding up people and holding them without being charged or given a trial, and stop creating more "terrorists" in the process? I mean CLEARLY we can't do something like that.
cavete terrae.

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…stop invading other countries, rounding up people and holding them without being charged or given a trial, and stop creating more "terrorists" in the process? I mean CLEARLY we can't do something like that.

That's what can be done about future issues. It doesn't in any way solve the existing Gitmo issue.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***…stop invading other countries, rounding up people and holding them without being charged or given a trial, and stop creating more "terrorists" in the process? I mean CLEARLY we can't do something like that.

That's what can be done about future issues. It doesn't in any way solve the existing Gitmo issue.

Send them home with an apology and compensation.
cavete terrae.

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I'm not gonna google anything I know what happened, I also know there is always options if you truly believe in something and want to get it done you can. No matter if it's shady or unpopular, like the Louisiana purhase for an obamacare vote. Your man said he was gonna do it, he can't see far enough in a plan to foresee the congress issue? Sounded like a bullshit point he wanted all his sheep to hear so they would elect him. End the war. Pffff

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You just don't have a comeback because you know it's the truth. If he really wanted to end the war and close the prison he COULD find a way in 7 years. Don't be mad you fell victim to his vote pandering.

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Your hate of Obama clouds your view of reality.



Really quade
The hate Obama cop out

You and Bill are really ripe on this one

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Oh come on - Quade knows that congress voted to go to war BUT they were fooled buy that evil Bush.

He can't close Gitmo because congress is ..... well somehow controlled by Bush.

well, that and everybody that disagrees with Obama is a hate monger for a racist, or worse:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Oh come on - Quade knows that congress voted to go to war BUT they were fooled buy that evil Bush.

He can't close Gitmo because congress is ..... well somehow controlled by Bush.

well, that and everybody that disagrees with Obama is a hate monger for a racist, or worse:S

You keep stating that, wonder what that says about you?

So if congress wasn't duped or mislead, then your intelligence agencies and your politicians are incompetent, bordering on stupid.

People in the rest of the world were able to figure out the invasion of Iraq was asinine. There is a reason many usual allies decided not to participate.

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******Oh come on - Quade knows that congress voted to go to war BUT they were fooled buy that evil Bush.

He can't close Gitmo because congress is ..... well somehow controlled by Bush.

well, that and everybody that disagrees with Obama is a hate monger for a racist, or worse:S

You keep stating that, wonder what that says about you?

So if congress wasn't duped or mislead, then your intelligence agencies and your politicians are incompetent, bordering on stupid.

People in the rest of the world were able to figure out the invasion of Iraq was asinine. There is a reason many usual allies decided not to participate.

More of interest is what your posts say about you
You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same
But you dont care cause that kills your narative and attempt at re-writing history

At best it is entertaining
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same

Well, nearly all scientists are saying that man is contributing to global warming, so I guess this means you're ready to accept AGW as the truth.

- Dan G

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same
But you dont care cause that kills your narative and attempt at re-writing history

Uh, no it doesn't. That is the narrative. Either every intelligence agency, independently, came to the same wrong conclusion through sheer incompetence - or they were all receiving the same pressure to provide politically correct intelligence instead of just intelligence.

Seriously, it's one thing not to agree, it's another thing to not even understand the argument.:S
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same
But you dont care cause that kills your narative and attempt at re-writing history

Uh, no it doesn't. That is the narrative. Either every intelligence agency, independently, came to the same wrong conclusion through sheer incompetence - or they were all receiving the same pressure to provide politically correct intelligence instead of just intelligence.

Seriously, it's one thing not to agree, it's another thing to not even understand the argument.:S

You need to be talking to your own people then
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same

Uhm no.


your wrong
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same

Uhm no.


your wrong

UNless you emant all American Intelligence agencies. If that is the case, you are completely missing the point.

Do you not remember the stories about British intelligence communicating the information the CIA was supplying was wrong?

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You need to be talking to your own people then

And here I was thinking you might have something more than a non-sequitur one liner. When will I learn?

It's funny - on the one hand you wouldn't trust most politicians to give a fashion interview without lying about the colour of their underwear. On the other you think that the biggest, costliest, bloodiest wild goose chase since Vietnam came from intentions as pure as the driven snow.

Yeah, funny.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You seem to forget nearly ALL inteligence angencies were saying the same

Well, nearly all scientists are saying that man is contributing to global warming, so I guess this means you're ready to accept AGW as the truth.

certainly I believe we do contribute to warming. the disconnect is how bit a deal it is and how much should we disrupt our lives and our world now to stop it (if it even can be stopped)
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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