
Global warming traps scientists in ice

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The whole point of the AGW discussion has been about all of the nasty effects on humanity and ways to prevent those. Namely by reducing atmospheric carbon emissions.


Different people have different views.

I consider it a scientific puzzle. I haven't espoused any solutions, nor even claimed it was a PROBLEM for the planet.

We are changing the thermal balance of the planet - that is indisputable. Where it ends up is as yet unknown. Being unable to predict exactly where the heat is going does not meant that it's not going somewhere.

But to return to your constipation argument, it will eventually manifest itself in ways that humans may find unpleasant. I expect to be long gone by then.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***The whole point of the AGW discussion has been about all of the nasty effects on humanity and ways to prevent those. Namely by reducing atmospheric carbon emissions.


Different people have different views.

I consider it a scientific puzzle. I haven't espoused any solutions, nor even claimed it was a PROBLEM for the planet.

We are changing the thermal balance of the planet - that is indisputable. Where it ends up is as yet unknown. Being unable to predict exactly where the heat is going does not meant that it's not going somewhere.

But to return to your constipation argument, it will eventually manifest itself in ways that humans may find unpleasant. I expect to be long gone by then.

Ya know this is just going round and round again and again!!!!! >:(>:(>:(

I give you some concrete tangible thing to research and look up, and a lot of this is not going to be on the internet and Wikipedia and that is the subject of "trigger points."

Trigger points are the actual real life things that various governments and many organizations are actually doing as we speak. Yo can research this, you can take the time to see what actions are currently taking place. And this can be done irrespective of your opinions about GWT.

Boston, San Francisco and a few other American cities have recently enacted legislation, which was approved, regarding their local building codes. Things like moving the mechanical systems to the roof and a minimum distance above mean sea level. Alaska has started a Native relocation and protection program, our "Protectorates" have also started to fund relocation programs and have current documentable programs in place. This is fact, not debatable speculation. But what is taking place in the USA is just a small, very small sample of the steps that other countries are taking, and all of this is fairly easy to research!!! You guys really could learn something, right or wrong about the steps that are being taken NOW.

Just my two cents for today,....

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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That is why the warmists are becoming ever more shrill as the evidence crumbles around them.

Just because a woman didn't predict exactly where the pizza and ice cream was going to end up; on her butt, or belly, or on her hips; doesn't mean it didn't make her fat.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***That is why the warmists are becoming ever more shrill as the evidence crumbles around them.

Just because a woman didn't predict exactly where the pizza and ice cream was going to end up; on her butt, or belly, or on her hips; doesn't mean it didn't make her fat.

Unless that woman hits the gym and burns it off!

It is this lack of imagination and mental dexterity that explains why you can't break from the AGW dogma.

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>Unless that woman hits the gym and burns it off!

Good analogy. And if we can "hit the gym" and burn off that excess CO2 we'd be in much better shape.

The gym works, of course, as long as that woman doesn't deny her problems. "I just have big bones" "I'll diet tomorrow" "I have a glandular condition" "my pants just shrank" "the gym is just too hard" "I AM NOT FAT!" So decide if you want to be that woman. So far you have been.

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[Reply]"Protectorates" have also started to fund relocation programs and have current documentable programs in place. This is fact, not debatable speculation. But what is taking place in the USA is just a small, very small sample of the steps that other countries are taking, and all of this is fairly easy to research!!! You guys really could learn something, right or wrong about the steps that are being taken NOW.

Sure. I know what is being done. I know the billions being devoted toward the subject. Just like I know that the fact that we went innto Iraq was strong evidennce of WMDs there. And the massive number of NSA activities is evidence of how many terrorists are out there.

Some of us thought that a lot of money and lives could have been saved by not going into Iraq on the basis of some evidence that is subject to some heavy interpretation. I know what the government is doing. My tax dollars are going to it.

The issue is "why is the government is going full bore when the evidence is getting flimsier?" When the position of the govermnet (Obama, Kerry, et al) is that the subject is closed for debate, then I am concerned that it is political only.

I do question the wisdom and efficacy of a bridge to nowhere. Especially since tide gauges show that Alaska is rising relative to sea leve (glacial rebound), and sea level ris in San Francisco is measuring our rate at less that three inches of rise per century.

It really is putting the cart before the horse. The massive number of changes being made for a worst case scenario that is one of the least likely to occur. Sure, it'd be nice to put those structures ten meters above sea level, because it'll get hit with a 2-5 meter tsunami when Cascadia unzips. And wouldn't it make some sense to shore up the buildings there in SF a bit for the next earthquake?

Moving people from Alaska? Sea level is decreasing there per tide gauges (land is rising more quickly than sea level.

Yes. Things are being done. I'm scratching my head about that.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>Unless that woman hits the gym and burns it off!

Good analogy. And if we can "hit the gym" and burn off that excess CO2 we'd be in much better shape.

The gym works, of course, as long as that woman doesn't deny her problems. "I just have big bones" "I'll diet tomorrow" "I have a glandular condition" "my pants just shrank" "the gym is just too hard" "I AM NOT FAT!" So decide if you want to be that woman. So far you have been.

And it also works for those who have a good enough image of self to say, "I'm 35 years old, 5'5" and 140 pounds and gained 5 pounds in the last year. That I've gained 135 pounds is the last 35 years is not an indication that I will weigh 275 pound when I'm 70."

But, boy, there sure are a lot of people who make a lot of money convincing women like her that they are headed for trouble - and they have the solutions.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>"I'm 35 years old, 5'5" and 140 pounds and gained 5 pounds in the last year.
>That I've gained 135 pounds is the last 35 years is not an indication that I will
>weigh 275 pound when I'm 70."

Agreed. Of course if you have been gaining weight for most of your life, and are hitting new weight records every year - might want to lay off the Twinkies and Coke, even if your conservative friends are telling you to not believe the so-called consensus that lots of sugar makes you fat, and that exercise programs and good diets are liberal scams.

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[Reply]your conservative friends are telling you to not believe the so-called consensus

Might want to quit the twinkies and Coke? Perhaps. Then again, perhaps it's the liberal friends telling me what they think is best for me. Maybe it's the liberal who tells me how trans fats are evil. In which case I say, "so what's so much better about cis fats?" And these scientists sayn "huh?"

And maybe it's the liberals who try to tell me how bad immunizations are. Or to tell me that GMOs are inherently evil. Or be against nuclear power (scary radiation), wind power (ugly and kills bats and eagles), fossil fuel power (evil personified), hydroelectric power (dams harm rivers and fishies), and even solar power plants (they affect desert tortoises). The underlying current of liberals is that anything by nature is good and anything unnatural is bad (except birth control, which is only bad when the user pays for it).

It's the liberal that thinks that someone like me anti-science because I reject the doomsday scenarios (these are the same people who debase scientists like Judith Curry and Pat Michaels and Roy Spencer for breaking with the consensus).

Maybe the liberal will tell me that I'm an aquarius, and can be excused for gaining weight because Mars is transiting Saggitarius. (Democrats are twice as likely to believe in this medievel craziness). Or perhaps it is the liberal who will tell me to try Eastern Medicine on my bum knee as an alternative to the corporate medical care. (Know what they call "alternative medicine" that works? Yep. "Western Medicine.")

Yes, Republicans get a well-deserved "anti-science" label. I don't find Democrats to be any better with it. Democrats, too, like to point out the sliver in Republicans' eye and not notice the log in their own. Many GOP types wear their ignorance with pride. Democrat types are embarrassed by their ignorance and hide it by launching attacks on others.

And what does it lead to? Stagnation. Because science isn't bipartisan, anymore. Want nukes? Nope. Don't have a place to store waste anymore because Yucca Mountain got shut down. Reason? The GAO said it was purely political. [Url]http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2011/05/10/10greenwire-gao-death-of-yucca-mountain-caused-by-politica-36298.html?pagewanted=all[/url]

Yep. I don't trust my conservative friends any more than I trust my liberal friends on these issues. There are anti-science agendas on all sides.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>But if you have not gained any weight in fifteen years . . . .

It's not you. You're not fat. You just have big bones. Besides, you haven't gained any weight since you stopped being able to walk. You just need that wheelchair because gravity is too high. Have another Twinkie and don't worry. It's not your fault.

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>But if you have not gained any weight in fifteen years . . . .

It's not you. You're not fat. You just have big bones. Besides, you haven't gained any weight since you stopped being able to walk. You just need that wheelchair because gravity is too high. Have another Twinkie and don't worry. It's not your fault.

as usual, we're beating a poor analogy to death, but...

these days, physicians would generally be ok with an overweight person that is holding their weight for over a decade. This appears to work out better than someone that yoyos up and down.

And I think it's a leap to say that the earth is obese at this point.

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Spiegel On 15-Year Pause: “Biggest Mystery In Climate Science” … Scientists Caught With Their Pants Down
By P Gosselin on 28. Februar 2014
At the online Spiegel here, science journalist Axel Bojanowski writes about the 15-year pause in global warming, which Nature here calls “the biggest mystery in climate science.”

Bojanowski describes a situation where scientists have been taken aback by the unexpected pause, and are now scrambling for a way to explain it, or to deny that it even exists. Some “sense a campaign” behind the claims of a warming pause and say the media is overhyping it. The warming continues, some scientists insist. There’s been “a breakdown in the communication” of the science, Spiegel quotes other warmist scientists.

The problem that Spiegel describes seems to be one where the observed data was allowed to speak for itself to the public before the scientists ever got the chance to repackage it to their liking.

Spiegel writes, quoting Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading:

Since 1990 in its 5 reports the UN IPCC failed somewhat to provide clear details over the possibilities of a slowdown in warming. Studies on this were ‘first published after the pause’.”

Bojanowski looks into why this is so. In a nutshell: That a slowdown in warming was possible never even occurred to the scientists. Reality caught them with their pants down.

He writes:

Climate models had never expected the pause: Only 3 of 114 climate simulations were able to reproduce the trend of the past years, the IPCC concludes in its latest report. The reason for the deviation between models and observations is unclear.”

Bojanowski then presents some of the explanations now being floated for the “pause”: volcanoes, Pacific trade winds, heat hidden deep in the ocean, PDO, solar activity, Chinese air pollution, and even “faulty” methodology for computing the global temperature (it’s warming after all).

At the end he quotes University of Colorado environmental sociologist Maxwell Boykoff, who offers climate scientists a little advice on communicating the science:

Our studies have shown which strategies promise no success: vindictive, condescending and dogmatic lecturings.”

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******So quick question...

What is P Gosselin's Koch sucker loading???

Those thermometers are real Koch lackeys.

Still want to know the Koch sucker loading on those who are being paid to see nothing

You mean the climate alarmist community who have been paid big money to see something, are seeing very little, and are pulling out their hair trying to explain why we aren't seeing what they promised we would see?

The climate community has to face up to it. The people saw the data and the facts before the alarmists got in front of it and spun it. It doesn't take a Ph.D. To realize that nobody can remember such a lull in hurricane activity. We were promised more hurricanes after Katrina. Oops. Now we trumpet up "Superstorms." Or we find people praying that a typhoon in the Pacific has 195 mph winds and claiming it does, only to later admit that Haiyan only hit 145 mph.

The climate science community brought it on themselves. It took well-paid scientists to tell us how bad it was and how much worse it was going to be. It took lay people to say, "why isn't is as bad as they said it would be?"

And now well-paid scientists are coming up with efforts to explain why it isn't happening. The Koch brothers have nothing to do with it. Blaming the Koch brothers is like Obama blaming the press for covering his scandals. Sure, in one sense the President is correct - there would be no scandal if the public didn't know about it.

Yours is evidence of the antiscience attitude among the progressive camp. Because you have no interest in science. You'd rather knock some enemy (your absolute favorite is the Koch brothers) than pull out whatever evidence supports your view.

Politics has so perverted this whole subject that it's ridiculous.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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What about the climate scientists at RSS?



"The troposphere has not warmed as fast as almost all climate models predict.

To illustrate this last problem, we show several plots below. Each of these plots has a time series of TLT temperature anomalies using a reference period of 1979-2008. In each plot, the thick black line is the measured data from RSS V3.3 MSU/AMSU Temperatures. The yellow band shows the 5% to 95% envelope for the results of 33 CMIP-5 model simulations (19 different models, many with multiple realizations) that are intended to simulate Earth's Climate over the 20th Century. For the time period before 2005, the models were forced with historical values of greenhouse gases, volcanic aerosols, and solar output. After 2005, estimated projections of these forcings were used. If the models, as a whole, were doing an acceptable job of simulating the past, then the observations would mostly lie within the yellow band. For the first two plots (Fig. 1 and Fig 2), showing global averages and tropical averages, this is not the case. Only for the far northern latitudes, as shown in Fig. 3, are the observations within the range of model predictions."

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*********So quick question...

What is P Gosselin's Koch sucker loading???

Those thermometers are real Koch lackeys.

Still want to know the Koch sucker loading on those who are being paid to see nothing

You mean the climate alarmist community who have been paid big money to see something, are seeing very little, and are pulling out their hair trying to explain why we aren't seeing what they promised we would see?

The climate community has to face up to it. The people saw the data and the facts before the alarmists got in front of it and spun it. It doesn't take a Ph.D. To realize that nobody can remember such a lull in hurricane activity. We were promised more hurricanes after Katrina. Oops. Now we trumpet up "Superstorms." Or we find people praying that a typhoon in the Pacific has 195 mph winds and claiming it does, only to later admit that Haiyan only hit 145 mph.

The climate science community brought it on themselves. It took well-paid scientists to tell us how bad it was and how much worse it was going to be. It took lay people to say, "why isn't is as bad as they said it would be?"

And now well-paid scientists are coming up with efforts to explain why it isn't happening. The Koch brothers have nothing to do with it. Blaming the Koch brothers is like Obama blaming the press for covering his scandals. Sure, in one sense the President is correct - there would be no scandal if the public didn't know about it.

Yours is evidence of the antiscience attitude among the progressive camp. Because you have no interest in science. You'd rather knock some enemy (your absolute favorite is the Koch brothers) than pull out whatever evidence supports your view.

Politics has so perverted this whole subject that it's ridiculous.

Oh how wrong you are :S:S I do care about the science... but the underlying money that corrupts some into doing anything they can to make sure no changes that could benefit mankind take place will in the long run be seen to be what they really are.>:(>:(

The goal of the Koch suckers is to gut any kind of government intrusion into their masters ability to pollute at will. That includes anything that might get them fines( Many many BILLIONS in fines so far).. sooo kill the EPA. They have been consistently fined more than any other entity I can find. The latest fiascos in WV and NC shows you how Koch Industries and its subsidiaries feel about government regulations and the lives of "the little people" who voted for the politicians who dont give a crap about their electorate as long as the money keeps rolling in from their benefactors at Koch INC.
That is how perverted it is. No matter how many people try to deflect and defend their masters... the bottom line is.. as long as they make billions.. the will pollute at will... they will kill thousands of people with cancers from their poisons.
Do you really think theygive a shit about the good of America or the American people.

What is a few million investing in tearing down anything that has been put in place that might make the future livable, as long as the brothers get richer... you can bet more thousands will die.

History is going to be very cruel to the climate change deniers. That will be long after the brothers are rotting in the grave... and good riddence to those who have harmed so many people.

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Thanks Amazon for pointing out how the "cure" to GWT affects big energy.

Regardless of how you define GWT, whether it exists or not, what are the things that actually would take place??? I mean take this from hypothetical rhetoric to actually doing something. This is the heart of this Dragon!

On the other hand are you going to enjoy playing with Nintendo by candlelight? :S:)
But the cost to the environment and to people is great, this is not a side issue, but it frequently gets pushed to the side for the same reasons that GWT does. Can yo say Coal??

How about this one:

Cigarettes took 50 years of science to find out, prove and get government to act because of the lobbying from the rich and famous. And ya know what ???? Science still can't prove that smoking causes cancer.

So the new cancer rates reflect the cost of living, chemicals in the air, particulates close to urban areas, automobiles, etc!!!! Modern life is actually killing us!!!! Try to prove that one. In a sense discussing GWT is pointless cause over 60 percent of us are going to have greatly reduced life spans due to Divorce and "shit" in the air. We are not going to be around long enough to enjoy the investments we have made in CopperTan and Hawaiian Tropic.

Anyone who loves the Koch Brothers as much as you do is a good egg in my book!!!


But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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