
Humans ... what a bunch of arseholes.....

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Why arseholes? Why so butthurt over few bombs in the desert? That video just shows that all the bullshit scare mongering from hippies about nuclear winter is just that, bullshit.

Thermonuclear warheads are one of the best inventions to guarantee global peace that humankind has ever come up with. No amount of hippie non-sense has ever contributed nowhere near as much to world peace as a single 10 Mt warhead has.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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“I cannot but conclude that the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth.”

- Swift

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Thermonuclear warheads are one of the best inventions to guarantee global peace that humankind has ever come up with. No amount of hippie non-sense has ever contributed nowhere near as much to world peace as a single 10 Mt warhead has.

Working really well, isn't it?

1945-1989 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_1945%E2%80%9389
1990-2002 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_1990%E2%80%932002
2003-2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_2003%E2%80%9310
2011-present http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_2011%E2%80%93present
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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“I cannot but conclude that the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth.”

- Swift


- Agent Smith
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Thermonuclear warheads are one of the best inventions to guarantee global peace that humankind has ever come up with. No amount of hippie non-sense has ever contributed nowhere near as much to world peace as a single 10 Mt warhead has.

Working really well, isn't it?

1945-1989 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_1945%E2%80%9389
1990-2002 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_1990%E2%80%932002
2003-2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_2003%E2%80%9310
2011-present http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_2011%E2%80%93present

A huge majority of those are conflicts by small militias from countries with no nukes or larger conflicts where only the other country possessed nukes. All of the conflicts, since second world war, that involved two countries with nukes never properly escalated because they both had nukes. If every country on this planet had as versatile stockpile of nukes as yanks and russkies there'd be a world peace.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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It is easy to conclude that humans are far worse than any other animal could be in light of this,


"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

No other animal can say or do such a thing.

So what is it that makes us bad, being able to do science or being able to speak?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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A huge majority of those are conflicts by small militias from countries with no nukes or larger conflicts where only the other country possessed nukes. All of the conflicts, since second world war, that involved two countries with nukes never properly escalated because they both had nukes. If every country on this planet had as versatile stockpile of nukes as yanks and russkies there'd be a world peace.

No, there'd be more and more venues for nuclear brinksmanship of the kind that took place between the US and the Soviet Union and between India and Pakistan.... and those were just bilateral standoffs. There'd be more and more nuclear stockpiles with security and accountability lapses as there have been with all countries that possess nuclear weapons... and asymmetric actors come in more flavors today than they ever have.

Getting to the point where the US and Russia are today was a non-trivial adventure that involved many close calls. I don't follow the logic behind advocating that everyone step up and have a roll of the dice.

If one were to suggest that the non-proliferation argument from nuclear nations should be more sober and humbled than it currently is, I could agree with that.

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I could actually see India and Pakistan pulling the trigger, though. Pakistan would be on the losing end of that war, inasmuch as there could be any winners. With a billion people, India can absorb the loss of a few tens of millions. It'd probably be the most horrific thing humanity's ever done by a good margin if that happens, so let's hope the guys in charge of the buttons over there are sane. [:/]

I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Thermonuclear warheads are one of the best inventions to guarantee global peace that humankind has ever come up with. No amount of hippie non-sense has ever contributed nowhere near as much to world peace as a single 10 Mt warhead has.

Our thermonuclear warheads didn't prevent 9/11/2001.

OTOH, US aggression towards nuclear powers is rather limited. Maybe countries like Iraq and Iran should have them too. All in the name of peace, of course.

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While I don't know either way if Iran's nuclear program is meant for power generation, weapons, or both… I can totally understand if they're trying to get either.

Power: Safest, cleanest form of base grid generation that doesn't require certain earth features (geothermal, hydroelectric, etc). "Waste" can be reprocessed with 95% efficiency if you're less retarded than the US and actually do the reprocessing.

Weapons: Protects from US and Israeli aggression.

Can't really fault the logic.
cavete terrae.

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Weapons: Protects from US and Israeli aggression.

Can't really fault the logic.

The fault in the logic is simple. Iran is a defacto unstable Regime. If people that are not worried about retaliation(since they will go to heaven) have nuclear weapon capability. The whole stand off argument falls to pieces.

Further, I can't remember an Israeli or US president denying Irans right to existence.
So much for aggression. Not all countries are the same... And not all countries can be treated the same.

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Weapons: Protects from US and Israeli aggression.

Can't really fault the logic.

Indeed - from their perspective, the motivation is obvious. North Korea showed that having even a weak nuclear program protects you.

As Av. stated, nuclear powers don't war with each other. At least not directly. The US and USSR resorted to smaller proxy wars. And tended to intervene in regional conflicts to keep them from escalating too far.

Is Earth peaceful? No. But when you look at the deaths in WWI, and then the > 100M deaths in WW2, it's a different ballgame.

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Indeed - from their perspective, the motivation is obvious. North Korea showed that having even a weak nuclear program protects you.

I think people overestimate / overstate the benefit North Korea is provided by their nuclear weapons program.

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Weapons: Protects from US and Israeli aggression.

Can't really fault the logic.

The fault in the logic is simple. Iran is a defacto unstable Regime. If people that are not worried about retaliation(since they will go to heaven) have nuclear weapon capability. The whole stand off argument falls to pieces.

Further, I can't remember an Israeli or US president denying Irans right to existence.
So much for aggression. Not all countries are the same... And not all countries can be treated the same.

Well, let's tally a list of wars where Iran was the aggressor in the last 100 years:

Ok, now that we've done that, let's consider your claim that Iran denied Israel's right to exist. If you're referring to the "wiped off the face of the map" thing, it's been pretty well shown that this was not a great translation. And even if it weren't? I judge on actions, not words. In terms of actions, Israeli and US governments are a bunch of fucking douchebags.
cavete terrae.

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