
Growing Anger Against Democrats

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VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (AP) — A marathoner says he was fined $100 for running in Valley Forge National Historical Park during the government shutdown.

John Bell, 56, said he parked his car on Sunday in a remote parking lot, not one blocked by a barrier. Bell, of Chadds Ford, said two rangers were waiting with their car lights flashing when he returned.

Bell said he plans to fight the ticket in federal court. He said he saw many other runners and bikers in the park.

Maine’s Acadia National Park had trouble keeping visitors out during the shutdown and was issuing fines to campers, bikers and hikers. On Saturday, 16 hikers hopped a gate to gain entry to Utah’s closed Zion National Park to protest the shutdown.

Winning the hearts and minds. Keep it up.

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***BHO's thug force will gain power as the people began to rise up in anger and demonstrate power. Find a place to make a stand. Prepare for SHTF. Prepare for the worse case scenario you can imagine.

No problem. I've got cookies and and a six pack at home. I suspect that'll be fine. Bug zappers used to be quality entertainment, but now they may become a food source.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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> (And I have no doubt that this will be like all the other big Tea Party protests, where they breathlessly announce that thousands will participate, and then 23 show up.)

The smallest Tea Party I've been to was just 3, my girls threw in some PB & J sandwiches as well...good times. The next largest was roughly 2,300 and the largest was 35,000 which is a tad more than 23.

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Have you any idea of the enormity of the task of removing 3000+ semi's from the approx. 60 miles of the DC Beltway?

Have you any idea how far off the math is of 3000 semi's trying to fill 180 miles of road?

Driving all day to protest the price of diesel - we'll see how many show up.

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***"Now add all these bulldozers trying to push these trucks off the road as has been suggested and you may have a huge "civil disturbance" on your hands."

Bulldozers? The drivers have been laid off. Should our pretend President decide to use the military or the "new" black panthers, how will he get these "oversized vehicles" to the front: trains or "oversized" trucks? Hope he doesn't have time to look at http://www.dropzone.com

They seem to be able to find money for what they want to spend it on. They only need to hire illegal immigrants as bulldozer drivers. When members of the military refuse to fire on American citizens, these " democrat" illegal "aliens" will be scooped up by the DHS. Think any will turn-tail and go home?
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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>They seem to be able to find money for what they want to spend it on.

True. Boehner kept his gym open. Meals on wheels for vets? Fuck em.

Obama and Park service is saying fuck the vets

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Does anybody remember that HUGE motorcycle protest that was supposed to happen in DC on September 11 where they got all up in arms about not getting a permit to allow them to run red lights and monopolize the city, so they decided to do it anyway only without the permit and they were going to do it all day long instead of just the two hours they were originally going to and they said they'd shut down the city?

Uhm . . . did anybody ever hear a word about how that went?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>If only a few hundred truckers show up, they will shut DC down.

Wouldn't it be great if the republicans knew how to fix things, instead of just shut them down? Think what we could accomplish as a nation if half of our government didn't spend most of their time thinking up new ways to fuck over the president.

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>The next largest was roughly 2,300 and the largest was 35,000 which is a tad more than 23.

Yep. I recall this one:

May 20, 2011

Tea Party Rally Fizzles in South Carolina

Though as many as 2,000 people were expected at a Tea Party rally in South Carolina, just 30 showed up after Donald Trump cancelled his appearance with Gov. Nikki Haley (R), according to the Columbia State.

Ohhhh nooooo! Not 30 protesters! That's quite a mandate from America.

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>If only a few hundred truckers show up, they will shut DC down.

Wouldn't it be great if the republicans knew how to fix things, instead of just shut them down? Think what we could accomplish as a nation if half of our government didn't spend most of their time thinking up new ways to fuck over the president.

They do
But they can’t get anything done because the Dems and its media lie about the intent. This forces the Republicans to defend themselves.

And the childish Democrats scream about compromise

Well, to the Dems compromise is give us what we want or we will call you name temper tantrum throwers

And all the time it this President who is fucking over all of us

Your next tantrum is coming when?

Wouldn't it be nice if the Democrats would grow up and act like adults for a change?

Then maybe they could get something done together
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>If thinking up new ways to fuck over the president.

Like the Dems did Bush?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>>Think what we could accomplish as a nation if half of our government didn't spend
>>most of their time thinking up new ways to fuck over the president.

>They do


No, you dont agree
You twist.... saddly


Wouldn't it be great if the republicans knew how to fix things

they do
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>No, you dont agree You twist.... saddly

Ah, so when I agree with your post I am twisting. Got it.

So the republicans don't try to fuck over the president. But they do and it's OK because the democrats did the same thing to Bush.

Yep, no twisting there.

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>No, you dont agree You twist.... saddly

Ah, so when I agree with your post I am twisting. Got it.

So the republicans don't try to fuck over the president. But they do and it's OK because the democrats did the same thing to Bush.

Yep, no twisting there.

You are good at it too

Can't have an honest debate so you do this?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Wouldn't it be great if the republicans knew how to fix things, instead of just shut them down? Think what we could accomplish as a nation if half of our government didn't spend most of their time thinking up new ways to fuck over the president.

Read this on the BBC yesterday about John Boehner:


While I'm not sure I agree with all of the article, I thought this was interesting:


Once seen as a skilled dealmaker, Mr Boehner isn't able to make deals. Never seen as an ideologue, he has now relinquished control of the Republican policy agenda to the party's most ideological faction.


By the 1980s, politicians were essentially free agents. They didn't need the parties to get nominated or to fund campaigns. Pollsters, advertising wizards and fundraisers replaced the party bosses. And the party leaders in Congress lost their leverage.
Incumbent power

At the same time, computers and marketing data gave political professionals new precision in drawing the map of congressional districts. Individual districts have become much more homogenous - overwhelmingly Democratic or Republican. It has never been easy to unseat an incumbent. But now, once candidates of the dominant party in these gerrymandered districts get the nomination, they are home free.

So members of the Congress, especially in the House, mostly have safe seats and are immune from challenges by the other party. Their bigger challenges come from within their own parties and that tends to drive them further right or left. Voting patterns are as partisan now as at any time since after the Civil War.

All that means the House is filled with increasingly ideological members who aren't especially worried about re-election and are impervious to the party whip and discipline.

It is legislative chaos.

John Boehner carries an extra burden as a Republican.

From 1949 to 1995, the Democrats controlled the House except for two years in the 1950s. That is a long time to be in the political wilderness, with the Republicans effectively shut out of governing and legislative power. They developed a sort of frustrated minority party mentality, locked out of power and able only to toss bombs, make mischief and obstruct.

Since the 1920s, Republicans have controlled the White House, Senate and House of Representatives at the same time only during parts of George W Bush's two terms. So modern House Republicans have had virtually no experience actually sharing the responsibility of governing. Their minority mentality lingers. And it shows.

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I don't recall what the total was. No where near 2 million. At least a few thousand.



I'm pretty sure your news sources didn't cover it very well.

If only a few hundred truckers show up, they will shut DC down.

http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/us-news-world-report-smears-dc-trucker-protest-false-allegations/ "US News and World Report Smears DC Trucker Protest with False Allegations - Here's the Truth"
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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***I don't recall what the total was. No where near 2 million. At least a few thousand.



I'm pretty sure your news sources didn't cover it very well.

If only a few hundred truckers show up, they will shut DC down.

http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/10/us-news-world-report-smears-dc-trucker-protest-false-allegations/ "US News and World Report Smears DC Trucker Protest with False Allegations - Here's the Truth"

Well that makes sense.

It was just a right-wing lunatic spreading random false information.

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To continue this thread

by John Nolte


In another edition of the polls the media won't cover, between September 29 and October 6, Democrats have lost a four point lead in Rasmussen's generic ballot that asks voters if they would vote for a Democrat or Republican in the upcoming midterm elections. That poll is now tied at 40% - 40%. At the end of last month, Democrats led 42% - 38%.

The media continue to run headlines that read, "Poll Shows GOP Taking Share of Shutdown Blame," which is true. Most polls show Republicans are at a single-digit deficit when compared to Democrats (still, a vast improvement over the 2-to-1 deficit the GOP faced in '95). But all that matters is what happens on Election Day.

If you back up a little further, Obama and his media's entire shutdown strategy is all about 2014. The media want to give Obama a third-term, which is an accurate way of describing what will happen if Democrats retake the House.

Like this Rasmussen poll, most polls show that Democrats are only hurting themselves a wee-bit more than Republicans. But midterm House races are hyper-local base elections. Which means that another story the media won't tell is what a GOP surrender would do to turnout in the 2014.

Context matters, and while the media ignore inconvenient polls and try to scare the GOP into handing Obama a victory, the story the media won’t tell is what a surrender will do to the GOP's electoral chances if the base feels betrayed and stays home.

When you are in political trouble, you hold on to your base. That is Politics 101. That is why Obama is doing what he's doing and why Democrats are doing what they are doing.

Everyone is in political trouble, but the only Party the media are trying to coax into a full collapse is the GOP.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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