
Kudos to Dennis Ross (R-FL)

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People like Ross may yet save the GOP from the extremists. From yesterday:

Dennis Ross, GOP Rep: 'Pride' Is Why Republicans Won't Budge On Government Shutdown
Posted: 10/05/2013 3:12 pm EDT

WASHINGTON -- With the government shutdown in its fifth day, many Republicans have conceded the fight is no longer about Obamacare. Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) added his name to the list on Saturday, saying the matter now boils down to "pride."

“Republicans have to realize how many significant gains we’ve made over the last three years, and we have, not only in cutting spending but in really turning the tide on other things," Ross told The New York Times. "We can’t lose all that when there’s no connection now between the shutdown and the funding of Obamacare."

"I think now it’s a lot about pride," he added.

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What are you trying to say? Can you be a bit more specific?

If that stretches your intellectual capabilities to its breaking point, I apologize.


You don't actually know what anarchy is do you?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I didn't think you did.

Do your own homework.

Let me know when you discover that working within a government under the rules that the government has set down as LAW, is called , and compare that to Anarchy again. Please do. It's funny.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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"It's not going to go anywhere," King said of the discharge petition on "Fox News Sunday." "There is no way in the world you're going to get 25 Republicans to go on that, and having said that, I wouldn't go out because [Democrats are], as I said, not bargaining in good faith here right now."

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says he won't allow a vote on the Senate's budget proposal, which strips out any anti-Obamacare language.

I think it is great he is playing the game as defined by Reid!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama was elected by a vote of majority. Who elected this terrorist, radical Republican nim-wit? If you count the numbers of electoral votes, it is nowhere near a majority.

Maybe 5% of electoral votes are holding US all hostage!! I am sick and tired of having my life governed by Appalachians, Texans, etc. with a 4th grade education who still believe in Father Christmas at age 30.

***Obamas approval rating is down to 41%. Keep wishing, maybe the libs can get the numbers up if they clench their fists and stomp their feet. That would be more effective than the present tactic.


Eh... the majority of the House is in theory what represents the majority of the people.

That's the basic problem with the American set-up in my opinion. With the offset between presidential and congressional elections, there is a continual fight between which "office" represents the will of the people.

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I will do your homework for you.

Anarchism advocates a state-less society. Anarchism holds the state to be unnecessary, undesirable, or harmful. TEA PARTY, any one?

And yes, democracy relies on accepting the rule of the majority. And being able to compromise. Something Republicans don't any longer. They are killing the system from within. And quite effectively at that...

You may sit now, student, and be quiet. Live and learn.

P.S.: Of course, that's the pre-K, 4 yr-old version. I think you can't intellectually handle any more than that based on your demeanor and comments.


What are you trying to say? Can you be a bit more specific?

If that stretches your intellectual capabilities to its breaking point, I apologize.


You don't actually know what anarchy is do you?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I didn't think you did.

Do your own homework.

Let me know when you discover that working within a government under the rules that the government has set down as LAW, is called , and compare that to Anarchy again. Please do. It's funny.

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>Nice that you are so supportive of continuing to spend money we don't have.

I'm not. This isn't over the budget. It is over one thing and one thing only - to try to destroy Obamacare.

> But I'm sure you think it's OK to just keep printing money.


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In my opinion, and I am not a political scientist, the problem is the direct election of representatives.
For example, as far as the House goes, they have to answer every two years to their electorate. But they never have to answer to the country as a whole to get re-elected. Same for the Senate. They answer to their state electorate but not to the country as a whole.

So what you end up with is everybody looking about for himself (and his/her voters), but nobody caring about the greater good.

P.S.: As a colorary. High-tech R&D start-up. Funded to the ring of $100M. Everybody met his individual performance objectives. But the company was ultimately unsuccessful. Think about it!


Obama was elected by a vote of majority. Who elected this terrorist, radical Republican nim-wit? If you count the numbers of electoral votes, it is nowhere near a majority.

Maybe 5% of electoral votes are holding US all hostage!! I am sick and tired of having my life governed by Appalachians, Texans, etc. with a 4th grade education who still believe in Father Christmas at age 30.

***Obamas approval rating is down to 41%. Keep wishing, maybe the libs can get the numbers up if they clench their fists and stomp their feet. That would be more effective than the present tactic.


Eh... the majority of the House is in theory what represents the majority of the people.

That's the basic problem with the American set-up in my opinion. With the offset between presidential and congressional elections, there is a continual fight between which "office" represents the will of the people.

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If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's own ( 7 sign ups in Louisiana, MD website failed, etc) they'd be much further ahead. But no, they want to interrupt the failure by trying their own means to make if fail making them look dumb. For Godsakes, just let it fail on its own weight. Exchanges don't work. Hard to get trading partners, and hard to get people signed up.

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Obama was elected by a vote of majority. Who elected this terrorist, radical Republican nim-wit? If you count the numbers of electoral votes, it is nowhere near a majority.

Maybe 5% of electoral votes are holding US all hostage!! I am sick and tired of having my life governed by Appalachians, Texans, etc. with a 4th grade education who still believe in Father Christmas at age 30.

***Obamas approval rating is down to 41%. Keep wishing, maybe the libs can get the numbers up if they clench their fists and stomp their feet. That would be more effective than the present tactic.


Eh... the majority of the House is in theory what represents the majority of the people.

That's the basic problem with the American set-up in my opinion. With the offset between presidential and congressional elections, there is a continual fight between which "office" represents the will of the people.

It's worse than that. The House majority party actually received some 2 MILLION fewer votes than the House minority. So the GOP in the House does NOT represent the majority of the people, just the majority of the gerrymandered districts.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's
>own ( 7 sign ups in Louisiana, MD website failed, etc) they'd be much further ahead.

Agreed. And if it is as bad as they say it is, then there's no risk to them waiting. Obamacare will fail and the democrats will be tainted by that for decades.

(I think their bigger fear is actually that it WON'T fail, and once people get more affordable policies more easily they will react angrily to someone who tries to take their newfound health insurance away.)

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While I do not agree with you that ACA will be a failure.

I agree with your "prescription"; let the law of the land play out.


If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's own ( 7 sign ups in Louisiana, MD website failed, etc) they'd be much further ahead. But no, they want to interrupt the failure by trying their own means to make if fail making them look dumb. For Godsakes, just let it fail on its own weight. Exchanges don't work. Hard to get trading partners, and hard to get people signed up.

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>If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's
>own ( 7 sign ups in Louisiana, MD website failed, etc) they'd be much further ahead.

Agreed. And if it is as bad as they say it is, then there's no risk to them waiting. Obamacare will fail and the democrats will be tainted by that for decades.

(I think their bigger fear is actually that it WON'T fail, and once people get more affordable policies more easily they will react angrily to someone who tries to take their newfound health insurance away.)

How could it fail if the feds pay the premiums or train the guy living under the bridge how to use a computer. We're going to hear people getting free computers so they can sign up. We pay twice: we pay for the treatment, and for the insurance so how could O-care be cheaper? Where prior to O-care we just footed the bill for the medical treatment.

If docs would get off the hipocratic oath, many people would live better. They'd take better care of themselves knowing if they don't have the money to pay for medical service they wouldn't get treated.

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>How could it fail . . . .

Your post from just above - "If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's own . . . " So you'd have to ask yourself that question.

>we pay for the treatment, and for the insurance so how could O-care be cheaper?

By treating people in clinics rather than in the ER where it's ten times as expensive.

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So, let me ask you. Why are we a "people?" A society. Supposedly a United society. IF everybody takes care of him/herself...who needs a helpful neighbor?

I just hope that YOU are a skilled auto mechanic, heart surgeon, gifted pharmaceutical researcher, poet, film director, and, and, and...

We all need each other, and we all need to take care of each other. That's a society I want to live in.

P.S.: What's this fixation on money? You don't have any? Send a letter to the Koch brothers. They have plenty to warp the whole political system.


***>If the Republicans would keep their mouths shut and simply let Obumercare fail on it's
>own ( 7 sign ups in Louisiana, MD website failed, etc) they'd be much further ahead.

Agreed. And if it is as bad as they say it is, then there's no risk to them waiting. Obamacare will fail and the democrats will be tainted by that for decades.

(I think their bigger fear is actually that it WON'T fail, and once people get more affordable policies more easily they will react angrily to someone who tries to take their newfound health insurance away.)

How could it fail if the feds pay the premiums or train the guy living under the bridge how to use a computer. We're going to hear people getting free computers so they can sign up. We pay twice: we pay for the treatment, and for the insurance so how could O-care be cheaper? Where prior to O-care we just footed the bill for the medical treatment.

If docs would get off the hipocratic oath, many people would live better. They'd take better care of themselves knowing if they don't have the money to pay for medical service they wouldn't get treated.

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In my opinion, and I am not a political scientist, the problem is the direct election of representatives.
For example, as far as the House goes, they have to answer every two years to their electorate. But they never have to answer to the country as a whole to get re-elected. Same for the Senate. They answer to their state electorate but not to the country as a whole.

I think you'll find gerrymandering plays a much bigger role in incumbents (especially in the House) retaining office.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I will do your homework for you.

Anarchism advocates a state-less society. Anarchism holds the state to be unnecessary, undesirable, or harmful. TEA PARTY, any one?

And yes, democracy relies on accepting the rule of the majority. And being able to compromise. Something Republicans don't any longer. They are killing the system from within. And quite effectively at that...

You may sit now, student, and be quiet. Live and learn.

P.S.: Of course, that's the pre-K, 4 yr-old version. I think you can't intellectually handle any more than that based on your demeanor and comments.

What are you trying to say? Can you be a bit more specific?

If that stretches your intellectual capabilities to its breaking point, I apologize.


You don't actually know what anarchy is do you?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I didn't think you did.

Do your own homework.

Let me know when you discover that working within a government under the rules that the government has set down as LAW, is called , and compare that to Anarchy again. Please do. It's funny.

Oooooooh. I must have stomped on a nerve with track shoes, eh? Yikes!:o
Take a nice anti anxiety pill, your face is a little red.:|

Here is the definition that Merriam Webster publishes.
Try reading it. It would be less embarrassing for you.[:/]


an·ar·chy noun \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\
: a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws

Full Definition of ANARCHY

a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
b : absence of order : disorder
: anarchism
See anarchy defined for English-language learners »
See anarchy defined for kids »

We'll take it by the numbers so you can keep up.
If you need, we tan take a nap, and a juice break, if it seems too much for you.:P

1) Initial definition - Def-i-nition - sound it out - you can do it.
There, I knew you could.
The most important part is at the end - the end it the last part - you see?
Read it again. Sound out the words. You can do it.:P

Perhaps you would like to explain what part of this country is no longer controlled by rules or laws, if there is any, and then explain how much of the country that is. Do you think it is the majority?

2) Is there an absence of government? I see plenty of government authority pushing it's weight around, making this shutdown as painful as possible.

3) is there an absence or denial of any authority or established order?

That can't be said, a government shutdown has happened several times, and is little different that those times now.
b : absence of order : disorder

Ah, so here is where you assume that you are correct. You aren't but you will never be able to see that. Its just you and we love you how you are.

I digress: Absence of order. Well there may be an absence of order, but not anarchistic absence of order.

What the HOR is doing is within the law, within the boundaries of what they were elected to do.

If you don't like it, you should have insured that a majority of peoples didn't elect them.

But calling the current process anarchy, or the people utilizing their rights as Representatives of the people is disingenuous at best, an out right lie at the middle, and an inflammatory insult meant to troll at worst.

Which one is it?

Oh . . . we'll wake you up after your nap.


I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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However, thanks to gerrymandered district boundaries, that House majority actually received some 2 MILLION fewer votes than the House minority. So the GOP in the House does NOT represent the majority of the people, just the majority of the gerrymandered districts.

You are confusing (intentionally, I think) total US vote count and vote count by district.

If everyone in CA was liberal and voted Dem.... Then not only would all reps from CA be 'D', but in your mind they should over ride Texas as well.

The whole idea of representatives is that CA can't override another State.

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