
BHO's bogus birth certificate revisited

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Even if it's untrue?

Do you support lying to discredit political opponents? Is it right to attempt to influence someone's vote with false information?

Do you think the claim linked to in your OP is true?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Even if it's untrue?

Do you support lying to discredit political opponents? Is it right to attempt to influence someone's vote with false information?

Do you think the claim linked to in your OP is true?

As true as the HC costs being reduced by 2500/per year

As true as the shovel ready jobs

As true as when he Cut Deficit in Half

As true as when he Closed Guantanamo Bay

As true as when he said, "If you like the healthcare plan you have, you can keep it."

And just as true as when he said he promised to “eliminate entirely” income tax for seniors making less than $50,000.

Does that make it clear to you?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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******Make what clear?

Do you think the claim in the OP is true?

Se my post above.


Do you think it is right to use an lie to attack a political opponent?

I guess I see it this way
I dont like it but

It is going to happen because it is allowed by law

(I am talking about those in and running for public office)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Do you think the claim linked to in your OP is true?


In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have. BHO became POTUS without producing one. And when he did, it appears to reasonable examiners to be phony. It pisses me off.

My wife had to produce her birth certificate to obtain a GA license since we have relocated to higher ground. Her BC was recorded incorrectly due to her mother not being able to speak English. She was denied her license until she is able to correct her BC. That is going to cost us about $1,000 in attorney and legal fees.

BHO gave America the finger over the BC issue. So every chance I get I'll give him one back. Even if it is pissing in the wind.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You thik that Obama does not have a genuine Hawaii birth certificate?

You think that a Hawaii elections clerk was told by his supervisors that no birth certificate existed for Barack Obama? Even though neither he nor his supervisors would be in a position to either obtain or distribute a copy of said birth certificate anyway?

Why would they have told him that?


In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have.

No, you do not.


BHO became POTUS without producing one.

A) The Presidency is not a driving licence. B) Which presidents, to your knowledge, have produced birth certificates as part of the application process?


So every chance I get I'll give him one back.

Would you try and 'get him back' using information you thought was untrue?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have.

Here, I'll settle this once and for all: Did Obama ever have a driver's license?


BHO became POTUS without producing one.

No he didn't.


And when he did...,

Ah, so you admit he produced one.


...it appears to reasonable examiners to be phony.

If by "reasonable examiners" you mean "completely unreasonable examiners", then sure.


My wife had to produce her birth certificate to obtain a GA license since we have relocated to higher ground. Her BC was recorded incorrectly due to her mother not being able to speak English. She was denied her license until she is able to correct her BC. That is going to cost us about $1,000 in attorney and legal fees.

She can't use her previous license from another state? How did she get her original license? Did she ever have a license before? If so, your original statement above is false.


BHO gave America the finger over the BC issue.

No, he didn't.


So every chance I get I'll give him one back.

At least you're honest. Will you do the same when Sen. Cruz is running for President?

- Dan G

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In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have.

No, you do not.

You are ignorant of the Patriot Act as enforced by the DHS.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You also seem to be ignorant of the Patriot Act as enforced by the DHS.

Go to your state's website for driver licensing and see what they require.

I had to produce mine in FL to obtain the motorcycle endorsement in 2010. I had a valid license at the time. I had to produce it again to obtain my GA license.

My wife had a valid license in FL but was stopped in GA as I mentioned above.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have.

No, you do not.

You are ignorant of the Patriot Act as enforced by the DHS.

Oh yeah? Show me.

And show the Georgia DDS as well:D

And what about my questions? Any answers?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Go to your state's website for driver licensing and see what they require.

Okay, I did. Birth certificate not required. It is one form of primary ID that will be accepted, but it is most certainly not required. An unexpired (or expired for less that 1 year) driver's license from another state is also accepted as a primary ID.


- Dan G

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BTW, I'm quite sure that any state would accept Hawaii affidavits of birth (or whatever it is that Obama provided first) as evidence. Otherwise we'd have a whole lot of complaining.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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the point is the lie about Bush
This decision was not make only by him
He did not Lie to get this done
He had many other contries with him who belived the same as he did who went in with us

But political agenda is to blame Bush
That is the BS I am countering

Whether or not Bush himself has personal responsibility is open for debate. Blaming the Bush Administration, however, with emphasis on certain members (Cheney especially) seems pretty well indisputable.

To the left with an agenda?

But the truth is what it is
and that does not support you

Just like the truth is what it is now with the current president and that does not support you.

Let's just all take our balls and go home. This going around in circles is getting so old.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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How is it going for the Practicing Socialist who DESPISES socialism in all of its manifestations? You hate Obama because he is not of pure white northern European ancestry, he is a muslim, doesn't have a real birth certificate, and is a card carrying SOCIALIST, according to the information sources you trust and believe in.

In spite of your avowed hatred of all things socialist, you collect Social Security and use Medicare. That makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.

Your reliance on bullshit web sites for "information" leads you to believe that which is patently ridiculous. No birth certificate? That particular LIE has been disproven over and over again, yet nitwits who rely on bullshit web sites for "information" continue to believe the lies presented as fact.

Next thing you know, you'll be thinking that a former professor of Constitutional Law is a rabid socialist. Oh, wait, you already believe that bullshit as well. You sure are a fine example of just who badly the school systems in the USA prepare people for real life. Your complete credulity in the face of absolute bullshit is impressive. You will believe ANYTHING that those web sites publish, even when the information is 100% provable lies.

Have you always been that easily led by right wing conservative lies, or is this an age related issue? Have you had any cognitive testing done to determine why you can't seem to discern fact from fiction? Something is clearly wrong.

Quit taking Social Security and Medicare if you despise "socialism" so much.

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>Now I have to think about what the BHO administration is going to do to Israel . . .

Probably nothing - which is good. I like the current administration primarily because of what they are NOT doing, which is killing tens of thousands of innocent people and causing the deaths of thousands of US servicemen and women.

>But, what is more frightening is that he was able to get elected, twice. The fact that
>the voters chose an unknown socialist with no credentials over someone with proven
>experience is our shame.

One of two things are possible:

1) Most Americans are stupider than you, and only you and a very few other people are smart and superior enough to see all the conspiracies, treacheries and deceptions.

2) Most Americans are in fact pretty rational people and chose the lesser of two evils.

Stop bringing a level headed reasonable response into this thread! :P
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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That is BS Wendy
Palin added to the ticket, excited the base, and got him MORE votes

Sorry, I am not buying that. Palin created a lot of excitement initially, the soccer mom and all that, but as we got closer to voting day, most people had plenty of time to see just how fucking stupid she really is.

I think she did him in. But not to say that anyone else would have done better. 8 years of GWB also did in the Republicans in general.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/31/us/politics/31poll.html?_r=0 just one example

But back to the birth certificate.....why are we revisiting this again? The State of Hawaii already produced it. It is not actually the President's job to produce his own birth certificate. It's like saying I need to produce a passport. If I do not have one, I go to the government and get one. The GOVERNMENT actually issues the document. And in this case, that was done, signed sealed and delivered.

I want to see the Republicans put Ted Cruz on the plate for 2016 and then explain the 'naturalized citizen' thing all to us again.....

I have every bit of confidence that the Republicans will attempt to win in 2016 by putting "really stupid and crazy" on the ticket. can't wait.

What you are buying is irrelevant

If one cares to look at the numbers found by those who research that election, you will find more vote for McCain that would have without Palin

The positions you and Wendy take are driven by the media hype that was generated to destroy her
The same visceral hype we see with any candidate the left feels threatened by

So is it not possible to have anything wrong with a republican candidate which would cause the voting public to shy away from them..... or it's always just because the media is plotting to smear them and goes out of their way to viscerally report hype?

I'm sorry to chime in when this is all kind of OT, but I'm with the other guys. McCain almost had my vote. I watch all the news networks, including the ones that went out of their way to put her on a pedal stool in a bright shining light, so I would like to say my vote was an informed decision; and my decision was a no go once I researched and vetted Palin more and more after she was picked up as his running mate.

It's a little insulting that you're basically saying none of us made informed decisions and we're all brain washed by the media.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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In America you have to produce a valid birth certificate to obtain a driver license or renew the one you have.

No, you do not.

You are ignorant of the Patriot Act as enforced by the DHS.

Oh yeah? Show me.

And show the Georgia DDS as well:D

Read the section Primary Identification.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Go to your state's website for driver licensing and see what they require.

Okay, I did. Birth certificate not required. It is one form of primary ID that will be accepted, but it is most certainly not required. An unexpired (or expired for less that 1 year) driver's license from another state is also accepted as a primary ID.


DL from FL not accepted in GA without BC. Active DL in FL not accepted for motorcycle endorsement upgrade without BC. I guess it is a blue state benefit for you guys.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You might want to cut back on that Humboldt County herb. Then again, welfare is working for you. Therefore, no need to try to exist on your own. Why work if you don't have to.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Read the section Primary Identification.

Here's the Primary Identification section from the Georgia DDS web site:

"Primary Identification (You must present 1 of the following unless otherwise noted):
US Citizen

Valid, Unexpired US Passport - For more information, please go to www.travel.state.gov/passport/

An original or certified copy of a US Birth Certificate/Amended Birth Certificate filed with the State Office of Vital Statistics or equivalent agency in the Applicant's state of birth (including US Territories and the District of Columbia). "Keepsake" birth certificates issued by hospitals are not acceptable.

GA Residents, for more information use this link to GA Vital Records gta.georgia.gov/rover
Non-GA residents, for more information use this link to view list of other State's Vital Records contacts www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w.htm

Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the U.S Department of State, Form FS-240, DS-1350, or FS 545 - For more information, please go to www.travel.state.gov/law/family_issues/birth/birth_593.html

Certificate of Naturalization issued by DHS, Form N-550 or N-570 - For more Information, please go to www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-forms

Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560 or N-561, issued by the DHS - For more information, please go to www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis

SSA Numident Record – Applicant’s date of birth must be prior to January 1, 1940

Original US Military Discharge Papers – Applicant’s date of birth must be prior to January 1, 1940"

So you could use a passport or a Certificate of Citizenship instead of a birth certificate. That's a bit of a dodge, as you would almost certainly need a birth certificate to get a passport, assuming you were born in the US (which I'm pretty sure is the case). I suppose it's just possible the last two forms of ID might apply, not being sarcastic or anything but I recall you've written in the past about your experiences as a young man in the early '60s. Anyway there are other acceptable forms of primary ID but I agree the only one most people would have is either a birth certificate or passport (which requires a birth certificate). It also seems to be true that Georgia does not accept an out-of-state DL as a primary identification.

As an aside, this thread does illustrate the problem people can run into when they need to get acceptable forms of ID starting from scratch, for example to vote. You need a birth certificate to get a passport, you need either one for a DL, and of course you need to be able to prove who you are to get a copy of your birth certificate. If you ever lose all your ID (say, in a house fire) it can be a long difficult job to replace it.

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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DL from FL not accepted in GA without BC. Active DL in FL not accepted for motorcycle endorsement upgrade without BC. I guess it is a blue state benefit for you guys.

Yes, Virginia is a real bastion of liberal thinking.

BTW, you'll be happy to know that a marriage certificate is an accepted secondary form of ID. They do, however, note that same-sex certificates will not be accepted. Of course, this makes absolutely no sense if all they're trying to do is determine identity. Yep, Virginia is really liberal.:S

- Dan G

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