
Love the Clinton's

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Sane people don't follow scumbag sites like breitbart.

Conservatard morons do.

Breitbart has never made a positive contribution to society, just as right wing conservatism has never done anything positive for society.

Why do conservatards hate freedom and liberty so much?
Because their leaders hate freedom and liberty for average citizens. Since they own most of the media, they spread lies and bullshit that gets the 'tards believing things that are patently ridiculous.

The perfect example of this is the labeling of the Harvard Law Graduate, and former Constitutional Law professor, as a radical "Socialist".

The 'tards are too stupid to think for themselves. They wouldn't know a socialist from a fascist, even though facts are readily available.

The hallmark of the 'tards is that facts and science are the creation of "liberals" and therefor have no meaning.

Thanks for ruining the USA. It must be real nice to dumb as a box of rocks. You are too dumb to figure out that the practical application of your leader's beliefs are driving the USA into second world status.

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Sane people don't follow scumbag sites like breitbart.

Of course there are other sources that tell the same story.

Conservatard morons do.

Breitbart has never made a positive contribution to society, just as right wing conservatism has never done anything positive for society.

Why do conservatards hate freedom and liberty so much?
Because their leaders hate freedom and liberty for average citizens. Since they own most of the media, they spread lies and bullshit that gets the 'tards believing things that are patently ridiculous.

The perfect example of this is the labeling of the Harvard Law Graduate, and former Constitutional Law professor, as a radical "Socialist".

According to his own writing, the incumbent was a big fan of Marxism. Calling him a 'radical "Socialist"' is on a par with referring to a guy who says he used to enjoy other mens' penises as a "homosexual" - not so much an accusation as a descriptor.

The 'tards are too stupid to think for themselves. They wouldn't know a socialist from a fascist, even though facts are readily available.

Oddly enough, Fascism was the construct of a lifelong Socialist/Comunist.

The NSDAP ('Nazis') was the National Socialist German Workers Party, and incorporated many (but certainly not all) of the fundamental elements of socialism.

The hallmark of the 'tards is that facts and science are the creation of "liberals" and therefor have no meaning.

Thanks for ruining the USA. It must be real nice to dumb as a box of rocks. You are too dumb to figure out that the practical application of your leader's beliefs are is driving the USA into second third world status.

Quit mincing words! Tell us what you really think!

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Sane people don't follow scumbag sites like breitbart.

Conservatard morons do.

Breitbart has never made a positive contribution to society, just as right wing conservatism has never done anything positive for society.

Why do conservatards hate freedom and liberty so much?
Because their leaders hate freedom and liberty for average citizens. Since they own most of the media, they spread lies and bullshit that gets the 'tards believing things that are patently ridiculous.

The perfect example of this is the labeling of the Harvard Law Graduate, and former Constitutional Law professor, as a radical "Socialist".

The 'tards are too stupid to think for themselves. They wouldn't know a socialist from a fascist, even though facts are readily available.

The hallmark of the 'tards is that facts and science are the creation of "liberals" and therefor have no meaning.

Thanks for ruining the USA. It must be real nice to dumb as a box of rocks. You are too dumb to figure out that the practical application of your leader's beliefs are driving the USA into second world status.

Wow. It's hard to hear your point above the name-calling and slurs. :S
WSCR 594
FB 1023

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That's his MO. We kinda just ignore it unless he gets personal or tries to refute truth with his screed. Then we slap him with a dose of reality and go back to ignoring him.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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In 2007 and 2008, the Clinton Foundation, which is soon to be renamed the “Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation,” ran a $40 million deficit. Last year, it ran a deficit of over $8 million despite the Foundation and two subsidiaries generating $214 million in revenues.
Hillary Clinton plans to relocate her offices to the Foundation’s Manhattan headquarters in the weeks to come. Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Clinton planned to use the Foundation as a “launching pad into 2016,” a reference to her potential presidential run.

Seems like she is practicing vetting deeper in debt.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I have never seen a single worthwhile post from you. Amazing. Keep up the good work.

Agreed! Thus I continue to ignore the incoherent ramblings the poster chooses to post. ;)
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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A little early to start slinging mud for 2016, but then again, when that's all your party has left.

Ya because massive fraud and horrible mismanagement cannot be talked about unless they are a political figure or running for political office. :S
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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