
Republicans eroding democracy one state at a time...

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No. And now I will have to defend that position against my previous statements on gun control (a valid point, I'll admit). Yay. Reading the article though, it's interesting there's no justification being made. It's just being done. :S

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The republican efforts to keep people in demographics that don't vote for them from voting sucks.

It's a great example of raising a banner of something like "voter fraud" which nobody likes, and then doing a bunch of underhanded shit that isn't really about voter fraud. Not to mention, voter fraud in the methods the republicans have been "cracking down on" is not nearly as big a problem as they make it out to be.

/edited: oops, missed a conjunction...

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But its totally fine to incorporate 11 million illegals and get them to vote democrat?

Wow -- I thought that the plan was to provide a path to legal status, not just straight to citizenship.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wendy I hope thats the plan. But I dont believe anything the government says. Including the past regieme which I liked slightly better.

So for now I am in wait and see mode.

If what you mention happens and what I said doesnt I will be much happier.

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But its totally fine to incorporate 11 million illegals and get them to vote democrat?


No, it's not.

But, lets address the OP shall we?

I want to find out more about this before making any assumptions. IF it's as it's represented, it's unacceptable.

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What a vague article. I'm sure there is more to the story, one way or another.

Obviously legal voter suppression is wrong, but if you've watched the Maddow show for more than about 30 seconds, you realize she leaves out a lot of information to push an agenda. Hopefully we will find out more detail instead of just assuming "they dont want college kids to vote!"
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Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!"
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Do you think it's right under any circumstances to make it harder for anybody who can legally vote, to vote?

How about the military. Do they count? http://voices.washingtonpost.com/federal-eye/2010/10/justice_dept_sues_for_military.html It's not just NY. Certain democrat strongholds in Illinois do the same thing. Like the Emperor of Rome, keeping the troops overseas insures their disenfranchisement (of course the presidential election is over).
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But its totally fine to incorporate 11 million illegals and get them to vote democrat?

Wow -- I thought that the plan was to provide a path to legal status, not just straight to citizenship.

Wendy P.

And I thought there was a path to legal status already in place.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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What a vague article. I'm sure there is more to the story, one way or another.

Obviously legal voter suppression is wrong,...

OK bust my balls but somebody is going to ask...it may as well be me....

So, illegal voter suppression is OK?

I just. could. not. resist.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Wow -- I thought that the plan was to provide a path to legal status, not just straight to citizenship.

In the short to medium term, providing illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship might actually help the Republicans. The reason is that right now, illegal immigrants have little to lose by also voting (illegally), so some do and presumably usually vote Democrat.

But if you give such people a path to citizenship, then they have something to lose--their chance at citizenship--if they are caught voting illegally. Many who might have flouted the law when it comes to voting as non-citizens will now follow the law to keep on the path to citizenship.

The result will be lost illegal votes for the Democrats for the next 13-15 years until these people actually become citizens.
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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al immigrants with a path to citizenship might actually help the Republicans.

it's pretty scary that we talk about illegal voting being a benefit or loss to either party

I don't care which party gets more illegal votes - it's a loss to both parties and the country every time it happens

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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it's pretty scary that we talk about illegal voting being a benefit or loss to either party

I don't care which party gets more illegal votes - it's a loss to both parties and the country every time it happen

It's difficult to see, though, how one can get rid of illegal voting without also disenfranchising some people who are perfectly eligible to vote. Some might say that is an even greater loss. Voter ID laws can disenfranchise many who are legally entitled to vote but don't have proper ID.

It also gets back to the original topic of this thread. Suppose someone's citizenship is not in dispute--but they are claiming residency in a new state where they want to vote for the first time. Should we require an extensive list of criteria such as where they pay taxes or what deductions they or their parents claim? If we don't, then no doubt a few will vote in states where they really have no ties and shouldn't be voting. But with such restrictions, some will definitely be disenfranchised who should be eligible to vote.

Which is the greater evil--turning a blind eye to the fact that a few may be voting in a state/country they shouldn't be--or disenfranchising eligible voters to ensure nobody votes who shouldn't?
"It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014

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al immigrants with a path to citizenship might actually help the Republicans.

it's pretty scary that we talk about illegal voting being a benefit or loss to either party

I don't care which party gets more illegal votes - it's a loss to both parties and the country every time it happens

How many illegal immigrants are voting? Open question...
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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al immigrants with a path to citizenship might actually help the Republicans.

it's pretty scary that we talk about illegal voting being a benefit or loss to either party

I don't care which party gets more illegal votes - it's a loss to both parties and the country every time it happens

How many illegal immigrants are voting? Open question...

I'm going to say "Very, very few."

It's one of the things that bugs me about the whole "require ID to vote" propaganda machine.

Most illegals want to keep a low profile. They just want to stay here and be left alone (most of them).
Showing up at a government office?
Putting their name on an official list?
Committing a felony?

Just so that they can bitch that their vote doesn't count just like the rest of us?

I just don't see it.

Haven't most of the "voter roll purges" been pretty much a bust?
They find a bunch of US citizens who have multiple registrations, primarily people who moved and didn't "unregister" from their old address (I am probably registered to vote in at least 2 places).
It doesn't mean they voted multiple times. I certainly never did.

And they find a bunch of dead people who haven't been removed.

And they mistakenly disenfranchise a bunch of innocent people.

Have they found any significant number of illegal aliens registered to vote anywhere?

IIRC, they've found a few. But when they track them down, it turns out that these people were registered by aggressive "get out the vote" campaigners and either registered to get the guy off their porch or didn't realize what they were signing.
And even though they were registered, they never actually voted.
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al immigrants with a path to citizenship might actually help the Republicans.

it's pretty scary that we talk about illegal voting being a benefit or loss to either party

I don't care which party gets more illegal votes - it's a loss to both parties and the country every time it happens

How many illegal immigrants are voting? Open question...

I'm going to say "Very, very few."

It's one of the things that bugs me about the whole "require ID to vote" propaganda machine.

Most illegals want to keep a low profile. They just want to stay here and be left alone (most of them).Showing up at a government office?
Putting their name on an official list?
Committing a felony?

Just so that they can bitch that their vote doesn't count just like the rest of us?

I just don't see it.

Haven't most of the "voter roll purges" been pretty much a bust?
They find a bunch of US citizens who have multiple registrations, primarily people who moved and didn't "unregister" from their old address (I am probably registered to vote in at least 2 places).
It doesn't mean they voted multiple times. I certainly never did.

And they find a bunch of dead people who haven't been removed.

And they mistakenly disenfranchise a bunch of innocent people.

Have they found any significant number of illegal aliens registered to vote anywhere?

IIRC, they've found a few. But when they track them down, it turns out that these people were registered by aggressive "get out the vote" campaigners and either registered to get the guy off their porch or didn't realize what they were signing.
And even though they were registered, they never actually voted.

That reminds me of this video

Note: I am not endorsing this, just posting it.


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That reminds me of this video

Note: I am not endorsing this, just posting it

That clip immediately made me think of the child and elder-beating thread, as well as all the racism threads.

It's pure abuse of power; he has relative power, and he's totally abusing it.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The premise of this thread and the link are full of so much bs I cant believe it is still gong
Oh well

Popcorn anyone?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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