
Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing

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I put this picture on here just for you homey.

OH ok so the people that don't have jobs...or are so insanely bored that they actually want to wait on the phone for a poll...and THAT makes up for 260 million people...ALL OF THEM agreeing to the same exact thing.

In a normal day you cant get three people to agree on the same thing. You can crack yourself up all day long because from what you posted. Gallup polls are a JOKE.

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>Wake me up when you give me some actual data I can believe.

You'd want FOX News then. They very carefully pre-filter the news so you won't hear anything that disagrees with your preconceptions. Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin would be good sources as well.

Strangely enough, occasional Fox commentator Ann Coulter said she listened to CNN to find out what was actually happening in Boston.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If you came out and said something plausible like...90% of americans who took gallup polls believe that background checks are the way to go. I could get with it. But to use that particular method...where someone calls you up and asks you to take a poll over the phone...who the hell would want to do that? And to say that 260 million people ALL TOOK GALLUP POLLS.

Well that sir is hysterical.

Thank you come again.

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If you came out and said something plausible like...90% of americans who took gallup polls believe that background checks are the way to go. I could get with it. But to use that particular method...where someone calls you up and asks you to take a poll over the phone...who the hell would want to do that? And to say that 260 million people ALL TOOK GALLUP POLLS.

Well that sir is hysterical.

Thank you come again.

You are just making yourself look silly now. You lost this round. Get over it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Wake me up when you give me some actual data I can believe.

You'd want FOX News then. They very carefully pre-filter the news so you won't hear anything that disagrees with your preconceptions. Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin would be good sources as well.

Strangely enough, occasional Fox commentator Ann Coulter said she listened to CNN to find out what was actually happening in Boston.

Coulter's got the skinny.

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>Explain to me exactly how that number of 90% is made up.

By asking a large number of people, collating their answers and doing some higher math. For example, if you ask 10,000 people that question, and 9000 of them said "yes, I support universal background checks" then you would do that math and arrive at the 90% number.

>Just sticking 100 democrats in a room and getting 90 of them to come to a
>conclusion about background checks doesn't mean that 260 million people agree with

Correct! But asking 100 randomly selected people does. Asking 1000 is even better. The Quinnipac poll used 1700 poll responses, for example.

>This whole 90% conclusion is a complete farce.

Because it disagrees with your preconceptions? Such facts can often cause people great distress when that happens.

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>If you came out and said something plausible like...90% of americans who took gallup
>polls believe that background checks are the way to go.

90% of people who express an opinion agree that background checks are the way to go.

>And to say that 260 million people ALL TOOK GALLUP POLLS.

You don't really understand polls, do you.

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>What would the difference between glenn beck and his ties to the NRA and people
>like this...who came out and blamed the NRA directly for the boston bombing?

Hey, you'll like this. The conservative site RedState just blamed the bombings on the US welfare system. What's next? No doubt illegal immigration, restrictive gun laws, gay marriage and violent video games will be exposed as the REAL culprits. I don't know why they bothered to track these guys down at all; clearly it's not their fault.

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>So "at gun shows" and "universal background checks" are the same thing?

Universal background checks include gun shows.

yes, UBC is a superset that includes GSC. But that does not make them equal.

I imagine there would be less opposition to mandated checks at gun shows only, but since they could just walk outside then, it really wouldn't accomplish very much.

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90% of people who express an opinion agree that background checks are the way to go.

Yeah, but... don't you know people are stupid?

That is of course, what all the Progressives think...

We are all just too stupid, too stupid to make much of any decision for ourselves.

So, ya know... that 90% could be massively stupid. Maybe they don't really want background checks. They are so stupid that they don't even know what "Universal Background Checks" means... because they are stupid and don't know that that doesn't mean/include a federal panel of experts, which is what they really want. So, can't trust the public's opinion, cause they are stupid...

And then of course, it's that ridiculous 10% of even stupider people that are holding everything up.

What a stupid country we live in.

Ya know, we wouldn't even have to think if we had a supreme ruler. I think we need a King.

Shotgun! I'm King!

Oh wait... that's violent terminology.

Shame on me.

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and doing some higher math


What do I win? Do I get an obamaphone?

Well, those types of figures got used by Nate Silver, along with other data. Remember? The guy who predicted the outcome of every single state in '12, and all but one state in '08. If polls have no relation to actual public opinion, how the hell'd he pull that one off? :S
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Do you ever wonder why billvon, kallend, Andy9o8, etc. only respond to you, rickjump1, etc. in these threads rather than responding to, say, kelpdiver?


Ha. You may feel free to bite me.


You guys who make up shit and post it without fact-checking it first make my Mission From God pretty easy.

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The numbers suggest that the White House wound up losing the message fight over the gun legislation.

Remember all the press about having a "discussion" about how to prevent things Like Sandy Hook or Aurora? There was no discussion. It was a full-on assault by the anti-gun crowd. The press is still calling it a discussion. Bunch of crap.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Did you see in the news today that Obama is exempt from the over 3M retirement account tax (that is in his budget, should they pass it)?

got any cites handy? I hadn't seen any concrete proposals around this yet, just know the investment world has been sharpening arrows for a couple weeks to deal with this turkey of an idea.

Sorry it took so long
Network went down yesterday

many reports buried in the stories links

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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How about when obama came out and said that 90% of americans believe that the new background checks are for the good of the people and shouldn't be opposed? 90% my ass.

Gallup Poll, January 23, 2013.

Gallup Poll, April 23, 2013.

Pretty easily checked, you know.


It is

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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