
Obamacare to impose 50% increase to smokers

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Will the machines be doing this? Will we all be in a dreamlike reality? Could we call it the Matrix?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Boo hoo.

There is NOTHING good that comes from cigarette smoke. Nothing. For the vast majority of users it is beyond simply being detrimental to their health and the health of others, it is a menace and all too frequently a death sentence.

Fuck the tobacco industry.

"Absolutism is for the weak minded." -Unknown

Fair enough. Now prove where I'm wrong.

I used to smoke on occasion. I found it enjoyable, and a relaxing way to take a break from really long hours. I stopped a few years ago because in the long term, yes obviously, the trade-off isn't worth it.

That said, I think insurance companies charging more for risky behaviors is plenty fair, and a perfect example of free markets at work. What causes heartburn, I think, is when you have the government saying, "you have to take everyone, and here's a list of people you can charge more."

Companies are motivated by money. That means they employ actuaries to make decisions about what groups need to cost more for them to come out ahead. Governments are motivated by getting votes for the elected officials that run them and, as I think we've seen, very little by making fiscally responsible decisions. That means they may talk to actuaries, but what comes out of the sausage factory may be more motivated by the whims of public perception.

"Let's have more reasonable discussions and fewer absolute stands." -Unknown

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Drinking is a known health risk and the policies for drinker of more then two glass of wine per week should have to pay the same as smokers.... I think thats also fair... I don't smoke and don't drink... Why should I be paying for you drunks that are costing millions in extra health care costs... A weekly blood test should be used to make sure no one is drinking or smoking .... [:/]


There is no ongoing burden of proof.

You just wouldn't be covered when you got lung cancer from smoking after claiming you don't smoke.....

They aren't coming around doing lung tests.

If you want to add drinking to the list go for it. People who claimed they didn't drink wouldn't have their liver transplants covered when they drink it to death....that's all it means.

I've been on chantix for 4 months now. Even my farts are smoke free.

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Drinking is a known health risk and the policies for drinker of more then two glass of wine per week should have to pay the same as smokers.... I think thats also fair... I don't smoke and don't drink... Why should I be paying for you drunks that are costing millions in extra health care costs... A weekly blood test should be used to make sure no one is drinking or smoking .... [:/]


There is no ongoing burden of proof.

You just wouldn't be covered when you got lung cancer from smoking after claiming you don't smoke.....

They aren't coming around doing lung tests.

If you want to add drinking to the list go for it. People who claimed they didn't drink wouldn't have their liver transplants covered when they drink it to death....that's all it means.

I've been on chantix for 4 months now. Even my farts are smoke free.

Chantix..yikes! I had 3D full color 1080ip skydiving disaster dreams when I used it. You getting any of that?
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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It's all a matter of degree, isn't it? Personally, I prefer the scenario Andy picks to the Brave New World we seem to be entering.

Mandatory birth control, anyone?

But I bet you don't live in a hut in the forest.

So you really prefer the world you are in.

You might not like everything about it, but you aren't moving to a hut in the woods anytime soon are you?

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Drinking is a known health risk and the policies for drinker of more then two glass of wine per week should have to pay the same as smokers.... I think thats also fair... I don't smoke and don't drink... Why should I be paying for you drunks that are costing millions in extra health care costs... A weekly blood test should be used to make sure no one is drinking or smoking .... [:/]


There is no ongoing burden of proof.

You just wouldn't be covered when you got lung cancer from smoking after claiming you don't smoke.....

They aren't coming around doing lung tests.

If you want to add drinking to the list go for it. People who claimed they didn't drink wouldn't have their liver transplants covered when they drink it to death....that's all it means.

I've been on chantix for 4 months now. Even my farts are smoke free.

I'm sure I read somewhere that you are a pilot. Based on this I'm sure it's safe to say that you have not acted as PIC in 4 months. How long after stopping chantix do you have to wait prior to acting as PIC?

Edit- I'm not so sure it was you who mentioned being a pilot, if not my bad. My wife quit smoking not long ago and we looked into chantix then, it's kind of scary stuff. She ended up doing it on willpower alone. It was rough for awhile.

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