
Just the price of doing banking?

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Standard Chartered has agreed a $340m settlement with New York regulators that accused it of hiding $250bn (£161bn) of transactions with Iran.

Why oh why is the CEO not being shipped off to GITMO! Why! He broke the law and supported hell help fund a terrorist nation of Iran! Why is this asshole not being fucked up the asshole and being water boarded for his crime?

"We are the big banks we know what we are doing you can trust us!"

Am i the only one who thinks you are better off trusting straight up crack heads rather than these guys? Hell a crack head will just smoke crack!
These MOFO's freaking FUND NO JOKE FUND terrorist states!

Now big bank lovers, can you please defend this?
And remembr if it were any one but the big banks it would be off to GITMO with you! So how is this CEO better than you?
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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.


you romny you worthless piece of trust fund baby shit! read this article and go after Obama on this shit! WTF are you waiting for? are you as stupid as you look?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Standard Chartered has agreed a $340m settlement with New York regulators that accused it of hiding $250bn (£161bn) of transactions with Iran.

Why oh why is the CEO not being shipped off to GITMO! Why! He broke the law and supported hell help fund a terrorist nation of Iran! Why is this asshole not being fucked up the asshole and being water boarded for his crime?

Because such punishment would preclude him collecting more money and diverting a share to politicians' campaign funds.

Being a Senator pays $174K. The average successful campaign runs $10M or $1,666,666 per year of term. The arithmetic is pretty simple - the job costs 10X its salary to land so some one else has to pay for it. A little quid pro quo goes a long way there.

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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.

can you criminally prosecute employees of a London bank for not following US laws re: banking with Iran? Not sure you can. You certainly can fine them, and you can pull their ability to do business.

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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.

can you criminally prosecute employees of a London bank for not following US laws re: banking with Iran? Not sure you can. You certainly can fine them, and you can pull their ability to do business.

Are you kidding me! WE have people from all over the world in GITMO!
So why can't we throw a few WASPY ass bankers into GITMO for ading a terrorist state!

We have killed peole for much less via drones!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.

can you criminally prosecute employees of a London bank for not following US laws re: banking with Iran? Not sure you can. You certainly can fine them, and you can pull their ability to do business.

This should help. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/19172065
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.

can you criminally prosecute employees of a London bank for not following US laws re: banking with Iran? Not sure you can. You certainly can fine them, and you can pull their ability to do business.

Are you kidding me! WE have people from all over the world in GITMO!
So why can't we throw a few WASPY ass bankers into GITMO for ading a terrorist state!

We have killed peole for much less via drones!

Damn straight Shah, you tell'em. Frikin Obama and Holder sit on their asses and let these A-holes rip off hard workin people. These bankers and their rich Democrat friends. And Obama, sittin on his ass and lettin them get away with it.

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Jesus H Bush bails them out.
DohBama can't prosecute them.
Nitwhit Romny wants to give them a tax brakes....

I give up
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I agree, toss them in jail. Why doesn't the Obama Dept. of Justice and Eric Holder start prosecuting these criminals.

can you criminally prosecute employees of a London bank for not following US laws re: banking with Iran? Not sure you can. You certainly can fine them, and you can pull their ability to do business.

This should help. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/19172065

it didnt help, hah. i read it a few times and it is a very complicated situation that has no cut and dry answer. its not like it was a US bank or even a UK bank doing shady things in the US. It happened in the UK by a UK bank that does some business in the US.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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For once in my life I agree with you shah

Well I don't blame you much of the time I'm a bit over to the top just for kicks but this one really pissed me off!
Why don't we have predators flying around wallstreet blowing these SOBs off the face of the earth for aiding terrorists!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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For once in my life I agree with you shah

Well I don't blame you much of the time I'm a bit over to the top just for kicks but this one really pissed me off!
Why don't we have predators flying around wallstreet blowing these SOBs off the face of the earth for aiding terrorists!

because these executives dont work on wall street. as a matter of fact they dont even work in the US. I suppose your sensitive about Iran but you need to take a breath and read the actual news articles your referencing. UK bank hinding Iran transactions in the UK. Your long anger and short knowledge and reason. Again.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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it didnt help, hah. i read it a few times and it is a very complicated situation that has no cut and dry answer.

To me it comes down to strength of the US Market place.

Daimler and Samsung (both highlighted in that article) IMHO just paid the fines to continue to access the US market. Really just a form of extortion.

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because these executives dont work on wall street. as a matter of fact they dont even work in the US. I suppose your sensitive about Iran but you need to take a breath and read the actual news articles your referencing. UK bank hinding Iran transactions in the UK. Your long anger and short knowledge and reason. Again.

OK so find them where ever they are and either rendition their asses to GITMO or introduce them to the wrong end of a hell fire. Extra points will be give if said introduction were made in front of their other banking buddies.

You can't be defending these guys an you?
I mean come on they aided and abetted a terrorist state!
Last I knew according to the Bush doctrine this was grounds for a good killing or a good water boarding.

But let me guess....it's somehow the fault of someone else why the executives did what they did?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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It is not the banks you need to be worrying about

Who needs to be watched are left wingers who post insanely nutty things that include frozen or unfrozen spniach quiche at high speeds


The banks are not the problems over all

Our reps are

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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because these executives dont work on wall street. as a matter of fact they dont even work in the US. I suppose your sensitive about Iran but you need to take a breath and read the actual news articles your referencing. UK bank hinding Iran transactions in the UK. Your long anger and short knowledge and reason. Again.

OK so find them where ever they are and either rendition their asses to GITMO or introduce them to the wrong end of a hell fire. Extra points will be give if said introduction were made in front of their other banking buddies.

You can't be defending these guys an you?
I mean come on they aided and abetted a terrorist state!
Last I knew according to the Bush doctrine this was grounds for a good killing or a good water boarding.

But let me guess....it's somehow the fault of someone else why the executives did what they did?

I'm defending reason not these men. You suggested our gov't should kill US bankers while this happened at a UK bank in the UK. If you are a real person who has these actual thoughts, please get some help. It cannot be healthy to be so angry at things you so cleary do no understand.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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You suggested our gov't should kill US bankers

Any banker/human being caught in adding a terrorist organization or state should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And as it stands per precedent set by the previous administration includes but is not limited to;
Rendition to GITMO, introduction to the finer points of Hellfire missiles, having their entire fortunes liquidated as well as having their entire family history and actions questioned and examined and if need be having various members of their family prosecuted.

What makes these bank executives immune to the rule of law.
And I'm not talking baking laws I'm talking straight up throw your sorry ass in jail if you are lucky law!

How can you defend their actions? And remember these actions took place on US soil thus why the NYC regulator had a little "talk" with them.

Now do you understand why some of us just don't trust bankers? It's not that we don’t want to trust the field it's just that well more often than not the field just can't be trusted.

And maybe just maybe, if some of these guys were to end up in orange jump suits being water boarded their fellow banking executives will think twice before they broke the law?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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You suggested our gov't should kill US bankers

Any banker/human being caught in adding a terrorist organization or state should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And as it stands per precedent set by the previous administration includes but is not limited to;
Rendition to GITMO, introduction to the finer points of Hellfire missiles, having their entire fortunes liquidated as well as having their entire family history and actions questioned and examined and if need be having various members of their family prosecuted.

What makes these bank executives immune to the rule of law.
And I'm not talking baking laws I'm talking straight up throw your sorry ass in jail if you are lucky law!

How can you defend their actions? And remember these actions took place on US soil thus why the NYC regulator had a little "talk" with them.

Now do you understand why some of us just don't trust bankers? It's not that we don’t want to trust the field it's just that well more often than not the field just can't be trusted.

And maybe just maybe, if some of these guys were to end up in orange jump suits being water boarded their fellow banking executives will think twice before they broke the law?

I clearly stated i am not defending any persons, i am standing up for reason. You stated we should kill US bankers for something that happened in the UK.

also, this did not happen in the US as you falsly claim. US regulators got involved because they were USD trades. the transactions were originated and terminated at European banks in the UK and Middle East. they were cleared in the US and only after any trace of Iran was removed from the trades. You do not understand any of that, i know. You really should just stop reading the financial papers because you are not capable of comprehending the subject. You are angry at something you cannot understand. it must be so frustrating. I feel sorry for you, i really do. you are long anger and short knowledge or reason. again.

i know this all goes over your head and i only post it so more reasonable people here see how clueless you are.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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So they did nothing wrong but had to pay a fine?

OK so not only do I not know what I'm talking about apparently neither do they. Since they did pay the fine!?

Also, you don't have to commit a crime here in the US to be introduced to an exciting end of a Hellfire!
If you are categorized as someone who is a clear and present dangers to the safety and security of the US than no matter where you are you are a target.
These boys are a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the US for they knowingly aided and abetted the transfer of funds to a terrorist state which has publically and clearly stated that it wishes to harm the US.

I'm sorry but I'm an American citizen. This is my country. I love this place! I love the BLT's and I love Coca-Cola. And any sob that aids any terrorist organization which wishes to harm my beloved adopted country should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if need be removed from the gene pool.

I'm sorry if it's offense but given the choice, I choose Americas safety and security over the life of a few bank executives who made a quick buck laundering money for a terrorist organization.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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So they did nothing wrong but had to pay a fine?

OK so not only do I not know what I'm talking about apparently neither do they. Since they did pay the fine!?

Also, you don't have to commit a crime here in the US to be introduced to an exciting end of a Hellfire!
If you are categorized as someone who is a clear and present dangers to the safety and security of the US than no matter where you are you are a target.
These boys are a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the US for they knowingly aided and abetted the transfer of funds to a terrorist state which has publically and clearly stated that it wishes to harm the US.

I'm sorry but I'm an American citizen. This is my country. I love this place! I love the BLT's and I love Coca-Cola. And any sob that aids any terrorist organization which wishes to harm my beloved adopted country should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if need be removed from the gene pool.

I'm sorry if it's offense but given the choice, I choose Americas safety and security over the life of a few bank executives who made a quick buck laundering money for a terrorist organization.

I made no claim as to if anyone did anything wrong or not. I only pointed out that it would be wrong to kill US bankers for something that happened in the UK by UK bankers. You dont undertand the article and apparently cannot understand my posts. Thats ok, i actualy dont post for you.

as to why "they" paid a fine. For the edification of those reasonble minded people reading. They paid a fine because the US regulators threatened to shut down their NYC operation. that would hurt the parent bank, not being able to transact or clear USD trades. The US did this because they were not happy with the parent bank transacting with someone we have sanctions against.

Oh and i love this country. I am a veteran. I also work with and train disabled veterans for careers in finance. not for pay but to pay them back. its rewarding, in part, because they actually understand the topic. unlike dealing with you.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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So they did nothing wrong but had to pay a fine?

OK so not only do I not know what I'm talking about apparently neither do they. Since they did pay the fine!?

You might try looking into the difference between civil law and criminal law.
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so what go after the UK banking executive who thought this was a good idea and got rich off of it!

Hit him on his way to work. What not like we haven't picked up suspected terrorist sympathizers outside of our borders.
What makes them so special that they are above rendition or being lit up like an Xmas tree?

Oh yeah.....they are executives and bankers...forgot they are above the law.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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