
another solar company bankrupt

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Would like to see an example of a college making more profit than Exxon though.

you don't think education gets subsidized with tax dollars?

I haven't seen 1 liberal complain about the cost of a college degree. that cost is rising faster than gas. 60k to 200k for a degree that will pay 30k-60k a year? incebting the graduates for life?

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Would like to see an example of a college making more profit than Exxon though.

you don't think education gets subsidized with tax dollars?

I haven't seen 1 liberal complain about the cost of a college degree. that cost is rising faster than gas. 60k to 200k for a degree that will pay 30k-60k a year? incebting the graduates for life?

funny how the market works - inject a bunch of tax money into universities and colleges and the cost goes up so fast that people need assistance to even pay for it - and then the cost goes up more because assistance is given and now people need more money

soon - idiots that don't understand economics start insisting that college should be "free" (i.e., can't someone else pay for me?)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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why do you *think* that total profit is the same thing as profit per gallon sold? Why do you think EOM's total business is the same as gasoline sales, which is what we were discussing?

It isn't the same. Exxon saying that they make a 2 cent profit on every gallon sold is simply intellectually dishonest.

By the time it gets to the retailer level, Exxon has already made the majority of their profits from the product. Which at that point gets labelled as cost.

I don't begrudge them their profits, actually my stock portfolio is quite enjoying them.

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Would like to see an example of a college making more profit than Exxon though.

you don't think education gets subsidized with tax dollars?

I haven't seen 1 liberal complain about the cost of a college degree. that cost is rising faster than gas. 60k to 200k for a degree that will pay 30k-60k a year? incebting the graduates for life?

funny how the market works - inject a bunch of tax money into universities and colleges and the cost goes up so fast that people need assistance to even pay for it - and then the cost goes up more because assistance is given and now people need more money

soon - idiots that don't understand economics start insisting that college should be "free" (i.e., can't someone else pay for me?)

What hurts even more is that you need a college education because the tax increases, epa regulations, unions, and other things have driven the good paying non skilled jobs overs seas leaving only the poor paying education needed jobs for the people here.

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Would like to see an example of a college making more profit than Exxon though.

you don't think education gets subsidized with tax dollars?

Why would a good capitalist like you complain about that? Shouldn't it be their job to maximize revenue and profit? Don't like it, don't use their services.

I haven't seen 1 liberal complain about the cost of a college degree. that cost is rising faster than gas. 60k to 200k for a degree that will pay 30k-60k a year? incebting the graduates for life?

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I haven't seen 1 liberal complain about the cost of a college degree.

Seriously? That was one of the main complaints of the Occupy hippies!

Liberal = anything marks2065 doesn't like

no they didn't complain about the price, they just wanted it for free, they wanted everything for free, or take money from the hard working to pay for it. there is a difference. Just because I don't like something doesn't make it a liberal thing. I don't like many things on the right, I think if you want to be gay be gay, if you want an abortion have one, If you do or don't want religion that is your choice just don't push it on me. I am not that far apart in the social area as most, but I am a strong conservative meaning my money is mine, your money is yours (if you want or need more improve that yourself) and the government should not take more than they have to or spend more than they have. I believe in capital punishment and abortion.
That is a simplified version so your assumption is wrong.

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I don't remember most saying they wanted it for free.

Right now there are a lot of people, of many ages, who really don't think they should have to adjust their expectations based on others' actions or needs. Including things like:

  • big cars
  • big houses
  • high debt for unlikely to be profitable college degrees
  • eating a lot and not exercising
  • expecting old skills to remain valuable to employers simply because they used to be
  • living in the same place
  • size 6 :)

    Many of our ancestors gave up stuff where they were to move to the US, or to move to new parts of the US. Just because we have a whole lot more than they did doesn't mean that we'll never have to give anythng up to maintain.

    Wendy P.
    There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)
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    I don't remember most saying they wanted it for free.

    Right now there are a lot of people, of many ages, who really don't think they should have to adjust their expectations based on others' actions or needs. Including things like:

  • big cars
  • big houses
  • high debt for unlikely to be profitable college degrees
  • eating a lot and not exercising
  • expecting old skills to remain valuable to employers simply because they used to be
  • living in the same place
  • size 6 :)

    Many of our ancestors gave up stuff where they were to move to the US, or to move to new parts of the US. Just because we have a whole lot more than they did doesn't mean that we'll never have to give anythng up to maintain.

    Wendy P.

  • you missed stuff like thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9DacHcfIno granted this is about the ows but you can get the thought

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    You make some good points, Wendy. But here is a salient point:


    Many of our ancestors gave up stuff where they were to move to the US, or to move to new parts of the US.

    They did it without a safety net. They set forth on the basis of hope and opportunity. They didn't just withdraw from the job market waiting for chances to improve. As recently as the 1930's, the Okies left the dust bowl with what little they had to find work and try to not only build a life but to survive.

    We find migrants coming in droves today to the US looking for work and opportunity, and I don't blame them.

    I don't think that we have enough of an emphasis on our citizens to put themselves outside of their zone of comfort. Life was more difficult then. Life was harder, the risks great, and the rewards were often never realized.

    Haven't we removed a lot of that from our society? The taking of risks? The allowance of defeat?

    My wife is hotter than your wife.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    So that would make it ok for this administration to waste trillions now?

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    So that would make it ok for this administration to waste trillions now?

    I don't recall much outrage from you over the $trillions wasted by Bush. Why so selective?

    The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    So that would make it ok for this administration to waste trillions now?

    I don't recall much outrage from you over the $trillions wasted by Bush. Why so selective?

    Then you have a selective short memory

    Had Bush and the R's not spent what they did, Obama would not be Pres today
    "America will never be destroyed from the outside,
    if we falter and lose our freedoms,
    it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
    Abraham Lincoln

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    Maybe this has been covered before, but it looks like they missed the deadline and didn't get the loan. Not sure what your problem is with that.

    Just that alot of green energy places are going belly up. not even the people that are preaching going green are buying green. there is not enough demand for these things or enough advanced technology to make these ventures profitable and sustainable.

    Oh. When you said things like:


    Why don't we hold these people responsible for not performing due diligence. Also why not make those repay the money they got in salary towards the loan.


    maybe any political donations paid to anyone running for public office should be repaid towards the bankrupcy

    it gave me the impression that maybe you didn't read the article carefully and thought this was the government's problem.

    I do blame the government, If it wasn't for the billions being passed recklessly around either from loans given or the promise of a loan they would not have even started the venture. this administration has wasted billions of dollars in our tax money for green energy projects and created this Domino effect of failing companies.

    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    So that would make it ok for this administration to waste trillions now?

    I don't recall much outrage from you over the $trillions wasted by Bush. Why so selective?

    Allthough I did agree with most of the money spent for the wars, I did not agree for the money spent on Tarp and many other things overspent on during the last 2-3 years of Bush's presidency. The last 2-3 trillion in debt spending from Bush I did speak out against at the time, maybe you forgot.

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    Well, the previous administration wasted TRILLIONS on a war started under false pretenses, and that didn't get us any more oil.

    So that means that Hope and Change does the same thing with different products? Turns out that Hope and Change and the Congresses that Hope and Change had has set out on a deliberate course to out-Dubya Dubya. Dubya made a massive deficit? I can do better than that. Dubya started two wars? Well, I can go one better! Dubya prevents oversight of loads of private dollars to corporations? I'll see that, and raise him with lack of oversight of TAXPAYER dollars!

    Seriously, John. That Bush did it, too is a complete admission of how fucked up it is.

    I'm getting a bit fed up with the "If two wrongs don't make a right then try three" mentality.

    My wife is hotter than your wife.

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